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How to wear fur collars?

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A practical, possibly silly question. I am looking at treating my wife to a large fox or raccoon collar. I was wondering how people tend to wear them? They usually appear to have a flat material backing but not sure how they would fix to a coat. Do people use safety pins, clips etc or just let it sit loose on top of the coat? Just curious, thanks.


i am no expert on this, but I think generally one would either sew or pin the fur to the coat's collar. In my opinion using safety pins would be best so that the fur could be removed and sent to a furrier for cleaning when the coat is cleaned.


I wanted an oversized artic marble fox ruff on one of my jackets and this is how I went about making one. I bought a single pelt XXL Laying the pelt out flat on my work bench. I used a ruler, straight edge and an ink pen to mark the skin. I wanted to use as much of that animals' hide as I could to create the biggest ruff possible. Once I figured out the proper cut I went for it. Next I folded the skin/leather side in half stitching three of the four sides together. I placed 6 soft nylon button loops along the inside edge of the skin as I closed it up (you can buy those in any needle and thread shop). Then I flipped it inside out revealing the fur and filled the empty sleeve / ruff with synthetic material to build it up and make it fluffy. Sewing the fourth side closed was the hardest part. Laying the fur on my jacket's hood I located the correct positions for the buttons. I ended up making a couple of ruffs to inter change on the jacket.


I have to tell you I did experimented with a couple of coyote pelts the first time (a full sized tanned coyote pelt can be as cheap as $70 USD). A quality fur like a saga blue fox will run about $350 + or - USD. Hope this helps.. Any questions Plz feel free to PM me. Good Luck. BTW: Their tails became wonderful toys for excitement in the bedroom.


always pins work best. You can wear them with wool coats usually. Also depending on the collar style/size you could probably pair it with a blazer/jacket of fabric of course also depends on the jacket/blazer style.


A few years ago I went the conventional route. I took my new wool coat and brought it to my local furrier. I had a large black fox collar fitted to the coat by him. He had sewn buttons to the inside of the coat and put loops on the collar. It looks great and the collar can be removed for dry cleaning. You can get the collar loops from a craft store. Ebay is a good resource for a nice fur collar.The furrier was a bit more expensive, but the coat looks like a million. Good luck.


Great, thanks for the advice. Yes I think safety pins would probably make the most sense. I was also thinking about putting a couple of buttons at one end and loops the other so that it could be linked and then just sit over the jacket so it would be easier and quicker to add to different jackets. Might experiment with both.


I feel like collars have become a lot more popular recently which is nice to see! A cheap and subtle way to get your fur 'kick'.


Thanks again for all your thoughts. Interesting to hear different approaches.


I designed a large Silver Fox collar to be permanently attached to my wife's Silver Fox coat. It has worked our well. I also designed a Red Fox coat for my wife and had USAFOXX make it. It has a huge shawl collar which lays pretty flat even with ut on both sides.



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