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Looking for online furriers

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Hey everybody, im am looking to buy a fur coat and i was wonmdeirng if u guys knew of any good furrier sites (besides ebay).



Remember our "Links" page. Just look at the Links tab either above or to the side depending on what "Style" you are using. I use Aluminoid for instance that looks a lot like the second Den at Melody. There it is on top. With Esbardu - the style that you saw when you came in it is I believe on the left side.


Also, I checked your profile, and it is not filled in to give your location. If you let us know the continent/country you live in and the nearest city it is a good bet that someone on site here just might live near and give you ideas on what furriers are good and which to stay away from.


Lastly, is it for yourself or for your wife/girl friend? If it is for the gal in your life, ReFur owns a fur business and might just be able to help you out. Not sure though if she gets into men's furs.


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