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What's everyone's favorite mink color?


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Although I can't wear it much because it gives me hives (sigh), mink is my favorite fur. What's everyone's favorite shade of it? Mine is a toss-up between Blue Iris and Sapphire, with Blackglama a close second.

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Mahogany or Autumn Haze followed closely by Black. Of course, give me a woman with thick, soft waist-length blonde hair and it doesn't matter what color mink she wears - or even if it is mink!

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My wife has Black, White and Mahogany mink coats. I will say the BlackGlama looks fantastic and is super silky. The White feels a little denser while the Mahogany feels softer for some reason. They are all female skins but this shows how different grades of the same fur can vary greatly. Also the BlackGlama skins are "let out" as apposed to skin-on skin construction of the other coats. It's great to have so many choices so one can buy the coat that fits their taste and budget!

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Of course, give me a woman with thick, soft waist-length blonde hair and it doesn't matter what color mink she wears - or even if it is mink!


Hey, I have that. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Someone mentioned Blackglama earlier; but that isn't a colour -- it's a brand name for a particularly rich, dark ranch mink -- and I love it! I also love luneraine and mahogany minks. Yummmm!

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  • 5 months later...

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