Worker 11811 Posted May 3, 2006 Posted May 3, 2006 My first fur story just got published on! I would be honored if my friends at The Fur Den would be among the first to read it! Comments appreciated, be they positive or negative. Thanks to O.F.F. for helping me edit it and get it ready for publication. His advice and encouragement was instrumental in helping me to get up the courage! And, now, without further ado... Link to Story: >> L'Hotel Fourrure << I hope you like it!
Guest Posted May 3, 2006 Posted May 3, 2006 I recommend we post a Worker 11811 literotica link for Worker. It's a super furry story and I think this is not his last. A very creative mind. Please go and read. He can't post the linkbut I think I can: Happy reading. OFF
Velvet_Tigress Posted May 3, 2006 Posted May 3, 2006 I'm leaving you a private comment as well, but I can sum this story up in three words for those of you who have yet to read it. Oh. My. Goodness. I loved it. Kate
FrBrGr Posted May 3, 2006 Posted May 3, 2006 Excellent job, Worker! I loved it! I couldn't help but be just a little jealous of Amy, though. I think all of us would love to be ravished in, with or (a delicious thought) by fur! 8) I look forward to reading more of your work!
Worker 11811 Posted May 4, 2006 Author Posted May 4, 2006 I am so happy you guys like it! I had been very hesitant to publish but I'm glad I finally did. I do have a few more stories in the works. I just hope they are good enough to be as well-received as the first. Encouragement means a whole lot to me! BTW: If you read a story on Literotica, be it one of mine or O.F.F.'s or anybody elses, please vote on it. They score the stories on a scale of 1-5. Stories that get an average score of 4.5 or better get marked with a "Hot" symbol. (A red letter "H".) The highest rated stories go on the "Top List". So, if your votes help put a story on the Top List you encourage its writer to write more!
Guest Posted May 4, 2006 Posted May 4, 2006 Well done worker. Very surreal with a dark atmosphere all of its own. Never read anything quite like that before. A think it deserves a genre of its own: "Sensual Surrealism" Congratulations!
Worker 11811 Posted May 4, 2006 Author Posted May 4, 2006 The story has only been on the site for a day and it's already made it to #431 in the top 500 stories in my category! It's voting average is 4.59 with 22 votes from the 1400 people who have read it. If it gets into the 4.7 or 4.8 range it will make the overall Top List. It's got 4 public comments and one private one. The one negative comment mentioned that the beginning was too slow. It took too long to get to the "action", he said. I do have to agree with the criticism but my rebuttal is that there's a certain amount of exposition that goes into the beginning of the story. The scene where "Amy" is standing at the reception desk is critical. When the receptionist "hooks" her victim by ensnaring Amy's hand in her fur coat the stage is set for the fur fantasy that is to follow. The next crucial part is where the receptionist sits Amy down in a fur covered chair and gets her drunk on cognac so that so that she will sign the contract without reading it. I think that people who don't understand the fur fantasy don't understand these elements. (I say "fur fantasy" instead of "fur fetish" because of the generally perceived negative meaning of the word, "fetish".) Do you think I should include a disclaimer in the next story?
Guest Posted May 4, 2006 Posted May 4, 2006 Worke; Ignore the negatives. Many of the literotica readers are impatient for the "action" to begin. For a good story like yours that doesn't matter.. Congradulations. OFF
Worker 11811 Posted May 5, 2006 Author Posted May 5, 2006 You're right, O.F.F. I'm convinced he just wanted a quickie and wasn't willing to read through to the punch line. I'm just wondering whether, generally speaking, people who don't share the fur fantasy are less willing to wait for the payoff. I think people who do will recognize those little elements like the "hook" the receptionist used on Amy as she was checking in. For me, that scene made little sparks of anticipation shoot through my mind. I don't think non-fur people would get it. No, I'm not changing a word of the story. In the future, I will write as I see fit. Some two bit punk who's just looking for a "stroker" is going to have to look somewhere else. I just want to know for intellectual value.
Guest Posted May 5, 2006 Posted May 5, 2006 Worker; I've gotten a few very interesting and rewarding comments by folks like the following: This whole fur things is becoming 09/11/05 By: Effect in USA quite interesting to be honest. Now that I think about it, I can see how one could enjoy it. It's just something that never seriously came to mind before. Looking forward to the next story. Awesome Story! I've gotten a number of comments like this one. Not that I'm trying to convert the world to fur lovers but the stories do cause some to pause and consider the wonders and pleasures. A few like that one makes it all worthwhle. OFF
Worker 11811 Posted May 5, 2006 Author Posted May 5, 2006 That's what you call "The Hook"! It's what the receptionist did to Amy. By the time she figured it out it was too late!
FurLoverinFL Posted May 6, 2006 Posted May 6, 2006 To quote Butters from South Park... "I'm all gooey!" FLinFL
Worker 11811 Posted May 8, 2006 Author Posted May 8, 2006 I don't mean to be a nag but if you haven't checked out "L'Hotel Fourrure" yet, I would appreciate it if you did. It's got a score of 4.67 out of 5.0 and it is #289 in the top 500 for its category. If its score gets up to 4.8 it will make the "Top List" for the entire site!
Guest Posted May 9, 2006 Posted May 9, 2006 Worker; I should have been the first. Didn't think to leave a comment. Just did and hope this kicks up your score. OFF
Worker 11811 Posted May 23, 2006 Author Posted May 23, 2006 Greetings, folks! Those who have read "L'hotel Fourrure" and waiting for the second installment, the story has arrived. >>> Link to Worker 11811 @ <<< In this chapter, Amy learns more about fur and the real goings-on, behind the scenes at the hotel. I hope you guys like it. There will be more stories coming soon. One more has been posted at the site but not approved yet. It has completely completely different characters and story line. I'm anxious to see how it is received. "L'hotel Fourrure Ch. 3" is in the works. It is going to take some time for me to get it right. I will send up a flare when it's available. And, just as a reminder, O.F.F.'s stories are still on-line at Literotica. >>> Link to O.F.F. @ <<< He has made changes to some of his stories and he is in the process of posting some more. I enjoy reading his stories as much as I enjoy writing my own! If you read, please be sure to leave a vote at the end. can be quite competitive. The difference between one vote can move a story from the bottom of the barrell to the top of the heap. Some stories climb and fall through the "Top Lists" on a minute-by-minute basis! I hope you enjoy!
Worker 11811 Posted July 6, 2006 Author Posted July 6, 2006 Another story just got posted on my page at Worker 11811 @ It is the second, and final, installment of "A Conversion", I posted a few weeks ago. It picks up where the first part left off and takes it to a "turnabout" conclusion. If you haven't read the first installment, or if you want to refresh your memory, it might help if you do before reading the second chapter. >>> "A Conversion - Ch. 1" <<< >>> "A Conversion - Ch. 2" <<< And, finally, if you don't mind me asking: Please vote on these stories and tell me how you like them. I'm starting to get a lot of feedback from people saying, "I never thought about fur in that way before..." I'm kinda' hoping I can spread the love a little!
Worker 11811 Posted July 10, 2006 Author Posted July 10, 2006 Greetings again folks! Yet another story is on-line for your enjoyment! >>> The Transporter <<< Jessica and Kelly are having a girls' day out shopping when they meet a mysterious man in a coyote fur coat. As always, your comments and votes are greatly appreciated! For a complete listing of my fur stories, please check out: >> Worker11811's fur stories @ <<<
Worker 11811 Posted July 14, 2006 Author Posted July 14, 2006 I posted an edited version of "A Conversion - Chapter 2" and it was approved today. A Conversion Ch. 02 at I got some comments that made me realize that I made a big mistake in the ending of the story so I rewrote the end. If anybody has comments and/or votes on this update I'd sure appreciate them! Thanks!
GHOSTFUR Posted July 15, 2006 Posted July 15, 2006 Excellent story from beginning to end,,,,i need one of those beds mine Cheryl,,,,,,dilema:Cheryl Tiegs or Cheryl Ladd??? Hmmmmmmmm,talk about a fur hook!!*WG*
Worker 11811 Posted July 15, 2006 Author Posted July 15, 2006 Thanks! Your votes and comments are appreciated! Don't forget! I'm not the only one who writes furotica at The Den! O.F.F. is the one who got me started in this whole furry business! Do check out a few of his stories and give him some votes too! >>> O.F.F. at <<<
Worker 11811 Posted August 21, 2006 Author Posted August 21, 2006 Hello, again, furotica fans! My latest story has just been approved at . >> Click here to go to Worker 11811's fur story page. << This story is Chapter 2 of "The Transporter". It picks up where Chapter 1 left off. The scene opens with Jessica standing outside her friend, Kelly's, apartment, knocking on the door looking for her friend who she hasn't seen in days. >> "The Transporter" - Chapter 1 << >> "The Transporter" - Chapter 2 << I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them! As always, your votes and comments are appreciated! T.I.A!
Worker 11811 Posted December 19, 2006 Author Posted December 19, 2006 Hey! Furotica fans! Guess what? I've got a new story for you to read! >> CLICK HERE to read it: "Flying Fur" << I would greatly appreciate your votes and your comments. If you want to read any of my other stories, check out my main listing at: >> << And, don't forget! O.F.F. writes good fur fiction too! >> O.F.F. @ Literotica <<
Mr Barguzin Posted December 20, 2006 Posted December 20, 2006 Hm since others are putting in free Literotica plugs WEG why not your's truly....... so here it is: My Free Plug I know I have been slack and only posted (uploaded) 2 stories... but them's the breaks... and also if you read my profile thereon you'll know why *sigh* Anyways, if you haven't read them.... enjoy.... if you have.... any comments??? (oh and the last bit about comments.... be kind *grin*)
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