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Time for a change


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I got yet another report this morning about how a ton of people have been harassing folk on the IM tool.


To be quite honest - I'm sick of it, and I've since disabled it. I said I don't have any tolerance for harassment.


I tried, and tried to make this website full featured that has stuff everyone would want to use daily. I tried to make it a nice community of fur loving people who share their thoughts, and ideas with one another as well as fur related content. What I get is people complaining that their links are being removed because we're power hungry nazis who are out to bring everyone down.


With donations falling off the face of the earth (the site doesn't run on hope, and unicorn farts), the IM was about to go anyway because not only did it slow the site down - We were about to raise the site resources for a 3rd time because it was causing the site to be overloaded.




This site was about the appreciation of fur. Not the smut capital of bad photos, and not fur.


If you want to chat with one another now - Use the chat room. Want to private message someone? Use the PM system.


If that's not good enough - bye felicia. I am not White Fox - I do not care about every post someone makes. People's contributions are not always good like he used to think. I love John - and I did this for him, but I am not John. I think differently. Very differently.


Discuss this as you want - but with the new rules in place, and my annoyance level at an all time high - there will be changes made. No one will be banned, but you will have all rights removed. Make another account? I'm not stupid - I can figure you out.

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Fair enough wrt the IM system, I must admit to always going invisible as it didn't interest me.


As to the fur content comments...... HURRAH! As the new Code of conduct says "The focus is on Fur" - It needs to be front & centre, we are after all fur fetishists, its the fur that's the appeal for me, be it sexually orientated or fashion focused.

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Can't say I'm very happy with this decision as I already made a few acquiances and we were talking using IM tool.

But I guess if problems caused by it were so severe then it's the right thing to do.

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It's not like you can't keep talking to them. Just use the chat, or PM. I've had entirely too many complaints of harassment on it, and that comes to an end today.

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Well, bravo about your feathers/carpet comment. Drives me nuts to click on so many jpeg links to be rewarded with 40-year-old photos of some unattractive woman posed on a sheepskin!

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Well said. The focus needs to be a real furs and not junk or any other "fuzzy" materials. As for IM, there are dozens of private IM sites... so use tthose., specially if it slowed down the website.


Nice to be back...

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50/50 and more or it's out of here.

faux is OK as long that it's look like real.


Got to say, those are some pretty good conditions.

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Fully support the decision to eliminate the IM chat feature. It was nice for a while, but the possibility to abuse it was left wide open...hurrah!

As for content moderation re: focus on actual fur, couldn't be a better move. I appreciate that the moderators are going to lengths to discern the Fur Den from the old FFG where hairy pussies, furry anthropomorphs, muppet fur & fake fur were accepted as "fur". IMO, the highlight of real fur is thru a sense of style & elegance - the erotic appeal & it's fashion statement (for me, at least) is underscored by refinement & discipline.

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50/50 and more or it's out of here.

faux is OK as long that it's look like real.


Got to say, those are some pretty good conditions.



Many may think that is too high,but we need to set a standard that make it easy for us to modarate.

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Was completely expecting opposite of what has been said here... Glad I could be so bold!

After our chat last night, wasn't expecting this either. What a wonderfully pleasant surprise.



Thank you to all that have come out in support. It was a bold move to make but it was felt that things might be starting to get out of hand on a few fronts and better to nip them in the bud now than have to deal with a multitude of problems further down the track

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I like a good percentage of people here am not looking for a date or other "promotion", so Thank You for disabling IM. I prefer to not share My Life outside of the discussions in Forum Topics.

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I'd argue that it's not totalitarian at all. The option to run one's own site with feathers, fluff, faux vests or hairy muffs is open to anyone with the desire to run a site the way they like.


The Moderators take the flack the rest of us don't see, and this site costs money and doesn't really pay for itself I'd have to imagine. That, combined with the nature of the net making people spendthrifts when it comes to the continuation of their passions, means that they've got wiggle room to put their feet down.


I never used the chat thing, but it's just as easy to keep your chat name as a note on your profile or something. Make a chat thread, so those who want to chat can, or something. A few people here solely to take away from the site without adding anything to it otherwise sound creepy anyhow.

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i like the new changes. although i have never been harassed, and did try to answer all the im's.

i had often thought about starting a site just so i could get rid of the faux, and carpet barons. way back in the day when my father was teaching me the furrier trade, he told me a simple little rule, if it has hoofs, it has hair. it must have feet, to have fur! in my 55 years of being a furrier have yet to find this untrue.

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i like the new changes. although i have never been harassed...


You're not a woman.



Being a specific gender, does not disqualify you from being harassed.


I'm a male and at any time, I could become a victim of harassment.

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i like the new changes. although i have never been harassed...


You're not a woman.


Being a specific gender, does not disqualify you from being harassed.



You're totally right. But on this site as far as I've ever heard/read, it's just the women that get harassed.

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The IM function could be annoying as it made it too easy for someone to interrupt you even when you had marked yourself as busy. This would make it hard to concentrate on composing a post or reading other peoples posts. That plus the even worse harassment issue made eliminating IM mandatory.


One side effect is the chat rooms have become much more used and there are fewer slowdowns of the site.

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IM was okay at times for meeting new people, but I kind of have to agree. I usually get asked my gender before anything else about myself.

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I'm not exactly surprised about the IM being disabled, and to be honest, they are darn good reasons. dang, even I received some inconveniences, it's hard for some to act like humans. I liked the IM, but if some don't know how to proper act, it's better to take it away.


and thanks, neoJaguar, for the measures to keep things clean here.

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I'm not a woman I I've had more than one advance. Frankly I was surprised. If anyone saw my mug they'd say" ICK!!" At any rate, I applaud your decision Neo. The chat room is good fun. Many people can interact simultaneously. I find that to be stimulating as other topics can be discussed such as education or working out or whatever. I know John didn't want politics being discussed. Given the status of American politics, I'm already tired of the presidential campaigns.


Thanks for being sensitive to ALL our membership!



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