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Take a fur survey


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What is your name?


Where are you from?

What sort of career do you have?

Are you married or living together with someone, etc.?


When and how did you come to appreciate fur?

Do you consider yourself as a fetishist?

Are you more into fur fashion, fur erotica, or both?

So what furs are currently in your collection?

What is your favorite fur type? Type of length?

Do you buy more furs online or from a furrier?

Is your collection growing or do you sell sometimes?

When and where do you wear your furs?

Do you live in a 'fur country' or an 'anti fur country'?

Does the harvesting of pelts from hunters or fur farms effect you in any way?


How many people know about your love of furs?

Do you have a partner that is into fur as well?

Does your partner indulge you with furs? Often? Not at all?

Does your family know about your fur love?

Did your friends or family have furs when you were growing up?


How much time do you spend surfing on The Fur Den website?

What is your favorite & least favorite part of the site?

If you could suggest one improvement what would it be?

Do you have other fur clubs besides Thefurden?

Tell us something about you that most people don't know:

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What is your name? Ryan

Age? 40

Where are you from? The North Dakota side of Minnesota.

What sort of career do you have? Production

Are you married or living together with someone, etc.? Live alone.


When and how did you come to appreciate fur? Long story, involving some unbelievable incidental experiences growing up.

Do you consider yourself as a fetishist? Yes and no.

Are you more into fur fashion, fur erotica, or both? Fur fashion may as well be erotica to me.

So what furs are currently in your collection? Currently, I am bereft of any real furs, apart from a well played with rabbit coat.

What is your favorite fur type? Type of length? I enjoy fox, but chinchilla is fun to play with (even if it's not something I can bring myself to come into)

Do you buy more furs online or from a furrier? The ones I've bought I've bought in second hand spots, or craft stores, or the odd straight from the trapper purchase.

Is your collection growing or do you sell sometimes? I don't sell but there's not much to be done with a well-used fur coat after I'm done with it, other than pay to have it cleaned or send it off.

When and where do you wear your furs? I don't typically wear furs, unless you count on my privates.

Do you live in a 'fur country' or an 'anti fur country'? Both

Does the harvesting of pelts from hunters or fur farms effect you in any way? I pay for some pelts from a trapping friend.

How many people know about your love of furs? Everyone here. One or two people RL.

Do you have a partner that is into fur as well? No, and it bugs me.

Does your partner indulge you with furs? Often? Not at all? Not applicable.

Does your family know about your fur love? I imagine they have an idea, but they've not brought it up with me.

Did your friends or family have furs when you were growing up? An Aunt did, and friends of the family.


How much time do you spend surfing on The Fur Den website? A few hours now and then.

What is your favorite & least favorite part of the site? Erotic area is my favorite, and don't really have a least favorite section.

If you could suggest one improvement what would it be? In home massages for purveyors of your fine site. Fur NOT optional.

Do you have other fur clubs besides Thefurden? An expat from FFG, used to hang around a few others.

Tell us something about you that most people don't know: When I was a kid, I came in my pants at work when a woman with a fur coat walked in and I had to interact with her. She not only realized I did this, she humiliated me for a half hour after, making me pick stuff up, so that the spot spread.

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What is your name? It's a secret.Marcel is taken from Ross monkey in sitcom show Friends.I was born with fur all over my body and looked like a monkey,The nurses had not seen anything like it

Age? to old

Where are you from? South Sweden

What sort of career do you have? Electrical Engineer

Are you married or living together with someone, etc.? Live alone.


When and how did you come to appreciate fur? at teenage seen a cover on one of my mothers fashion magazines

Do you consider yourself as a fetishist? yes

Are you more into fur fashion, fur erotica, or both? more fashion,less erotica

So what furs are currently in your collection? two bluefoxes full length and one silverfox full length for play,one silverfox jacket for wear.

What is your favorite fur type? Type of length? FULL FOX

Do you buy more furs online or from a furrier? online

Is your collection growing or do you sell sometimes? neither,satisfied with what i have

When and where do you wear your furs? below -5 C at events

Do you live in a 'fur country' or an 'anti fur country'? both

Does the harvesting of pelts from hunters or fur farms effect you in any way? no,It's the way the ecosystem work on this planet


How many people know about your love of furs? IRL one at work,one likeminded friend and two in family.

Do you have a partner that is into fur as well? no

Does your partner indulge you with furs? Often? Not at all?

Does your family know about your fur love? sisters

Did your friends or family have furs when you were growing up? Mother had a coyote jacket and a black mink jacket.


How much time do you spend surfing on The Fur Den website? Depends on the workload

What is your favorite & least favorite part of the site? fav is The Moving Image/no fav is Chat Room,two fast for me,i have to google every word or you don't understand me

If you could suggest one improvement what would it be? that fashion industry would use more fur

Do you have other fur clubs besides Thefurden? no

Tell us something about you that most people don't know: When doing my training duty in the army,i stand guard at the private royal castle.Had to go to the bathroom and passed our majesty mink.I had a touch!

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What is your name? J

Age? 28

Where are you from? Southern AL

What sort of career do you have? legal

Are you married or living together with someone, etc.? currently single


When and how did you come to appreciate fur? Repeated childhood shopping trips w/ my mom and aunt in Wisconsin

Do you consider yourself as a fetishist? Yes

Are you more into fur fashion, fur erotica, or both? both although fur erotica tends to include the styles of fur I prefer more

So what furs are currently in your collection? full length cross fox, black fox jacket, full length coyote, coyote chevron jacket, full length tanuki

What is your favorite fur type? Type of length? full length fox w/ huge collar/hood and huge sleeves

Do you buy more furs online or from a furrier? both

Is your collection growing or do you sell sometimes? growing for now

When and where do you wear your furs? around the house mainly. deep south makes outdoors uncooperative

Do you live in a 'fur country' or an 'anti fur country'? both, but PETA is not as liked in southern states

Does the harvesting of pelts from hunters or fur farms effect you in any way? no


How many people know about your love of furs? a handful

Do you have a partner that is into fur as well? I did (technically still do)

Does your partner indulge you with furs? Often? Not at all? did she ever! (shameless plug: I wrote about it in my story The Sales Associate)

Does your family know about your fur love? somewhat

Did your friends or family have furs when you were growing up? my aunt and several neighbors


How much time do you spend surfing on The Fur Den website? usually an hour or so a day

What is your favorite & least favorite part of the site? favorite: fur stories/ least was probably the messenger

If you could suggest one improvement what would it be? more fur pics, more fur stories (not really the site's responsibility)

Do you have other fur clubs besides Thefurden? used to be at FFG

Tell us something about you that most people don't know: also have a thing for hypnosis, particularly a hypnotic and seductive woman in fur

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What is your name? There are those who call me... Foxy

Age? Bronze

Where are you from? United States

What sort of career do you have? Economist and/or market analyst

Are you married or living together with someone, etc? Living together


When and how did you come to appreciate fur? viewtopic.php?f=23&t=15343#p94703

Do you consider yourself as a fetishist? Perhaps

Are you more into fur fashion, fur erotica, or both? Depends on my mood, and the material at hand.

So what furs are currently in your collection? Mink coat, fox jacket, sable vest, various accessories

What is your favorite fur type? Type of length? It varies

Do you buy more furs online or from a furrier? Furrier

Is your collection growing or do you sell sometimes?Growing

When and where do you wear your furs? Casually, to work, and occasionally at home

Do you live in a 'fur country' or an 'anti fur country'? Increasingly pro fur

Does the harvesting of pelts from hunters or fur farms affect* you in any way? It does indirectly


How many people know about your love of furs? A lot

Do you have a partner that is into fur as well? Not as such

Does your partner indulge you with furs? Often? Not at all? He doesn't need to

Does your family know about your fur love? Yes

Did your friends or family have furs when you were growing up? My grandmother wore furs


How much time do you spend surfing on The Fur Den website? It varies

What is your favorite & least favorite part of the site? Favorite: discussion forums and chat (when it goes well). Least favorite: adult forums and chat (when it goes poorly)

If you could suggest one improvement what would it be? Free cookies

Do you have other fur clubs besides Thefurden? No

Tell us something about you that most people don't know: I carry a small bottle of real maple syrup in my purse.

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What is your name? Jason

Age? Early 20

Where are you from? An east Asian state

What sort of career do you have? Undergraduate

Are you married or living together with someone, etc.? Alone


When and how did you come to appreciate fur? 

At young age I watched the animation of 101 Dalmatians and I love the huge and fluffy fox fur coat (I think it's fox) of cruella

Also, I used to play with an extremely soft white towel when I was young(up till now I still "play" with it, but in a more "comfortable" way)

since then I started my appreciation of fur.


Do you consider yourself as a fetishist? A little bit, but I don't like fur related porn...


Are you more into fur fashion, fur erotica, or both? Depends on situation, maybe both

For fashion I love those big raccoon fur collar coat very much


So what furs are currently in your collection? No...I hope I can own one as soon as possible


What is your favorite fur type? Type of length?

Fox and Finnish raccoon

From fur collar, trimmed winter coat to jacket to full length


Do you buy more furs online or from a furrier?

None of them


Is your collection growing or do you sell sometimes?

No, I don't own any fur things


When and where do you wear your furs?

Again, I don't have any furs...


Do you live in a 'fur country' or an 'anti fur country'?

Deeply anti fur country, sometimes even a fur trimmed coat will be blamed as animal cruelty...


Does the harvesting of pelts from hunters or fur farms effect you in any way?



How many people know about your love of furs?

A friend of mine, and maybe my family also know a little bit about it


Do you have a partner that is into fur as well?

No, no girlfriend


Does your partner indulge you with furs? Often? Not at all?

I hope my partner in the future will also love fur, or at less won't against fur


Does your family know about your fur love?



Did your friends or family have furs when you were growing up?

My mom had a black fox collar winter coat when I was young. I like to touch it and feel it. But then the coat suddenly disappeared(maybe sold? I don't know)

then my sister got a faux fur vest. I loved it very much. I wore it when everyone slept or I was alone at home. But the vest finally gave to my aunt.


How much time do you spend surfing on The Fur Den website? 2-3 hours per day


What is your favorite & least favorite part of the site?

Most favourite: main forum and some stories

Least favourite: too few photos and galleries


If you could suggest one improvement what would it be?

Set up a gallery like ffg did


Do you have other fur clubs besi des Thefurden?



Tell us something about you that most people don't know:

I was forced to cheat in an exam during elementary school which my classmate suddenly showed me his paper and told me"copy it quickly"

I saw his answers, but most of them were wrong haha

And finally I got a higher mark than him.

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What is your name?






Where are you from?



What sort of career do you have?

Unemployed due to serious health issues. Fighting to get disability benefits.


Are you married or living together with someone, etc.?

Single. Live with my folks.


When and how did you come to appreciate fur?

Maybe during school. Catching sight of those girls that wore

fur coats to school. Always dreamed of wearing their coats!

With and without clothes!


Do you consider yourself as a fetishist?

Sort of, I suppose.


Are you more into fur fashion, fur erotica, or both?

Maybe both. Fashion more so.


So what furs are currently in your collection?

All faux fur, except latest fur - Lynx/White Fox


What is your favorite fur type? Type of length?

No specific favorite type at this time. Prefer hooded, full length.


Do you buy more furs online or from a furrier?

Some in store, some online through eBay.


Is your collection growing or do you sell sometimes?

Collection slowly growing. Too many fees to sell via eBay.

Have not tried any other method(s) though.

If I can get back disability pay, I've got at least 3 more coats I'd love to get!

A full length, hooded blue/white fox, Alaskan Silver mink, and a teal Toscana coat.


When and where do you wear your furs?

Almost any/everywhere, if cold enough to wear fur!


Do you live in a 'fur country' or an 'anti fur country'?

Both I guess.


Does the harvesting of pelts from hunters or fur farms effect you in any way?



How many people know about your love of furs?

A handful at best. 5 or fewer!


Do you have a partner that is into fur as well?

No. Someday maybe.


Does your partner indulge you with furs? Often? Not at all?

Does not apply. Again, someday maybe.



Does your family know about your fur love?

Folks only. If others do, nothing has ever been said.


Did your friends or family have furs when you were growing up?



How much time do you spend surfing on The Fur Den website?

Maybe an hour or so a week. Just long enough to browse topics of interest.


What is your favorite & least favorite part of the site?

Don't have a favorite/least favorite section at this point.


If you could suggest one improvement what would it be?


Do you have other fur clubs besides Thefurden?



Tell us something about you that most people don't know:

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What is your name? I’d tell yer BUT........

Age? Hawaii is next

Where are you from? UK

What sort of career do you have? I did, I now don’t due to Ill health & conditions so kinda retired

Are you married or living together with someone, etc.? Jack Jones


When and how did you come to appreciate fur? Film stars as a young un swathed in furs always did something for me from that sexual awakening period that we go through.

Do you consider yourself as a fetishist? Yes, I love the allure for fur

Are you more into fur fashion, fur erotica, or both? As above, fur is the focus for me, to see a beautiful fur worn by a woman sends me a flutter

So what furs are currently in your collection? Coats in Silver fox fur x 2, Golden island fox fur, Tanuki fox fur, Cross Fox fur all with matching cossack Boyet style hats & a mink trapper hat too

What is your favorite fur type? Type of length? Fox, ¾ length

Do you buy more furs online or from a furrier? Online

Is your collection growing or do you sell sometimes? Growing

When and where do you wear your furs? If ever it gets cold enough & also for others to wear.....

Do you live in a 'fur country' or an 'anti fur country'? Very anti Id say, although its changing a little

Does the harvesting of pelts from hunters or fur farms effect you in any way?no


How many people know about your love of furs? A few

Do you have a partner that is into fur as well? A previous ex did but unf it was a time when not able to afford much in the way of furs so a missed opportunity.....

Does your partner indulge you with furs? Often? Not at all? Yes but unless there a fetishist too its never quiet the same.....

Does your family know about your fur love? Believe so

Did your friends or family have furs when you were growing up? no


How much time do you spend surfing on The Fur Den website? A few times a week currently

What is your favorite & least favorite part of the site? its a good mix all-round tbh

If you could suggest one improvement what would it be? Thats what R&D is for

Do you have other fur clubs besides Thefurden? Yes

Tell us something about you that most people don't know: I could BUT......

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What is your name?






Where are you from?

Ca. U.S.


What sort of career do you have?

Retail, at the moment.


Are you married or living together with someone, etc.?



When and how did you come to appreciate fur?

Saw a girl wearing a massive Arctic Fox fur coat on tv, new years.

So I started searching online, girls wearing furs.

was around 15 at the time.


Do you consider yourself as a fetishist?



Are you more into fur fashion, fur erotica, or both?



So what furs are currently in your collection?

I own:

Silverfox Fur Tail.

Arctic Fox Fur Tail.

Wolf Fur Tail.

Blue Frost Fox Tail.

(they are not buttplugs.)


What is your favorite fur type? Type of length?

Arctic Fox Fur.

Anything long and fluffy.


Do you buy more furs online or from a furrier?



Is your collection growing or do you sell sometimes?



When and where do you wear your furs?

Tried wearing my wolf tail out in public, has a keychain attached, was a bit nervous. might do it again, not sure.

I'm positive some people think I'm a furry, which I'm not.


Do you live in a 'fur country' or an 'anti fur country'?

It's a mixture.

My city's an anti-fur city, but I'm seeing furs more often lately.


Does the harvesting of pelts from hunters or fur farms effect you in any way?


Can't watch an animal being killed, but I love their soft furs.


How many people know about your love of furs?

Parents, and 4 of my friends.


Do you have a partner that is into fur as well?



Does your partner indulge you with furs? Often? Not at all?



Does your family know about your fur love?



Did your friends or family have furs when you were growing up?



How much time do you spend surfing on The Fur Den website?

about an hour a day, or more. depends.


What is your favorite & least favorite part of the site?


If you could suggest one improvement what would it be?


Do you have other fur clubs besides Thefurden?



Tell us something about you that most people don't know:

I can hear a song a few times, and am mostly able to play it on piano.

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What is your name? JA

Age? 60

Where are you from? San Francisco

What sort of career do you have? Education/research

Are you married or living together with someone, etc.? Married


When and how did you come to appreciate fur? HM. Pehaps mom put me on a fur when I was a baby. But for sure I got a rabbit skin when I was about 13. But even as a child I "had a thing" for women in fur coats. I always wanted to touch them.

Do you consider yourself as a fetishist? I suppose.

Are you more into fur fashion, fur erotica, or both? Both. I definitely LOVE to wear my fur out and about.

So what furs are currently in your collection? Rex rabbit jacket. Silver fox stole, rex rabbit mittens, sable collar which I sleep with over my eyes or around my neck especially in the winter.

What is your favorite fur type? Type of length? Probably fox because it is soft, long and thick

Do you buy more furs online or from a furrier? Both. My furrier has a few coats for me to try on. I can't wait to visit her.

Is your collection growing or do you sell sometimes? Both

When and where do you wear your furs? To work/school where I teach. I wear my jacket out and about.

Do you live in a 'fur country' or an 'anti fur country'? Is California fur-friendly?

Does the harvesting of pelts from hunters or fur farms effect you in any way? No. I have a friend who is a fur crafts-person. She says that animals are euthanized by way of CO2 asphixiation. I've had to euthanize animals (rats). It's no fun. But as long as euthanisia is humane, I have no problem with harvesting pelts/skins.


How many people know about your love of furs? Not sure. My wife thinks I'm perverted for liking fur and suspects that I "pleasure myself" with fur. NOTE: she's not so diplomatic.

Do you have a partner that is into fur as well? NOT AT ALL!

Does your partner indulge you with furs? Often? Not at all? Not at all!

Does your family know about your fur love? They know I like to wear fur.

Did your friends or family have furs when you were growing up? My mom had an old mink stole. The type that was a few pelts stitched together. The fur was bristly. My grandmother had a sheared beaver coat. I don't really recall her wearing it, but one time I put it one and was instantly aroused.


How much time do you spend surfing on The Fur Den website? Two to five hours a week.

What is your favorite & least favorite part of the site? Favorite: The camaraderie and the interesting people I've met. Least favorite: guys who seem to "troll" for partners.

If you could suggest one improvement what would it be? I think it is pretty well segregated into the "adult" v. "non-adult" sections. Everything seems to operate well. The Fur Den, the Fur Mall, and the Fur Fun sections.

Do you have other fur clubs besides Thefurden? Why bother? This is my fur home.

Tell us something about you that most people don't know: I'm actually a nice guy (my neighbors know this). Actually what MOST people don't know about me is HOW MUCH I like fur, or how much a part of my life it is (that I hang out here).

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What is your name?




Where are you from


What sort of career do you have?


Are you married or living together with someone, etc.



When and how did you come to appreciate fur?

I don't know

Do you consider yourself as a fetishist?


Are you more into fur fashion


So what furs are currently in your collection?

1 red fox pelt, cross fox tail.

What is your favorite fur type? Type of length?


Do you buy more furs online or from a furrier?


Is your collection growing or do you sell sometimes?


When and where do you wear your furs?

Wear my tail at school

Do you live in a 'fur country' or an 'anti fur country'?


Does the harvesting of pelts from hunters or fur farms effect you in any way?



How many people know about your love of furs?


Do you have a partner that is into fur as well? No

Does your partner indulge you with furs? Often? Not at all? No

Does your family know about your fur love? Yes

Did your friends or family have furs when you were growing up? No


How much time do you spend surfing on The Fur Den website?

1 Hour a day

What is your favorite & least favorite part of the site?


If you could suggest one improvement what would it be?

Do you have other fur clubs besides Thefurden?

Tell us something about you that most people don't know:

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What is your name?


Where are you from?

What sort of career do you have?

Are you married or living together with someone, etc.?


When and how did you come to appreciate fur?

Do you consider yourself as a fetishist?

Are you more into fur fashion, fur erotica, or both?

So what furs are currently in your collection?

What is your favorite fur type? Type of length?

Do you buy more furs online or from a furrier?

Is your collection growing or do you sell sometimes?

When and where do you wear your furs?

Do you live in a 'fur country' or an 'anti fur country'?

Does the harvesting of pelts from hunters or fur farms effect you in any way?


How many people know about your love of furs?

Do you have a partner that is into fur as well?

Does your partner indulge you with furs? Often? Not at all?

Does your family know about your fur love?

Did your friends or family have furs when you were growing up?


How much time do you spend surfing on The Fur Den website?

What is your favorite & least favorite part of the site?

If you could suggest one improvement what would it be?

Do you have other fur clubs besides Thefurden?

Tell us something about you that most people don't know:


MOD ED: Sta, it sort of defeats the purpose if you don't fill it in. Oz

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What is your name? Bob

Age? 69

Where are you from? UK

What sort of career do you have? retired

Are you married or living together with someone, etc.? married 44 yrs


When and how did you come to appreciate fur? can't remeber, it was so long ago

Do you consider yourself as a fetishist? suppose so

Are you more into fur fashion, fur erotica, or both? both

So what furs are currently in your collection? grey MINK coat, black MINK coat, FOX, MINK, SABLE scarves (both long (~2m) and short (~1m)), a total (at the last count) of 38 items

What is your favorite fur type? Type of length? Grey MINK coat wirh long (multicolourd) FOX scarf

Do you buy more furs online or from a furrier? Both

Is your collection growing or do you sell sometimes? both

When and where do you wear your furs? As much as possible (whenever I leave the house, and also indoors). Make sure I wear fur everyday

Do you live in a 'fur country' or an 'anti fur country'? both

Does the harvesting of pelts from hunters or fur farms effect you in any way? NO


How many people know about your love of furs? Trying to make sure my friends and relatives see me wrapped in FUR

Do you have a partner that is into fur as well? Not really, even though she complains of the cold, and still hasn't woken up to the fact that FUR is a good insulator (I keep trying!)

Does your partner indulge you with furs? Often? Not at all? A bit

Does your family know about your fur love? maybe

Did your friends or family have furs when you were growing up? My gran had some all-over FUR gloves, nothing else.


How much time do you spend surfing on The Fur Den website? once a week (on FURsday!), sometimes twice

What is your favorite & least favorite part of the site?

If you could suggest one improvement what would it be? Put the posts in reverse order (so that I can see the latest answer quicker (ie like emails))

Do you have other fur clubs besides Thefurden? no

Tell us something about you that most people don't know: I would like to graduate to wearing furs 24/7 (have done so once or twice).

Looking forward to wearing FURS everyday for the rest of my life.

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What is your name? Greg

Age? 56

Where are you from? Chicago

What sort of career do you have? Management

Are you married or living together with someone, etc.? Married 30 yrs


When and how did you come to appreciate fur? Loved it all my life

Do you consider yourself as a fetishist? I guess

Are you more into fur fashion, fur erotica, or both? Both

So what furs are currently in your collection? 4 minks 1 huge stone marten blanket

What is your favorite fur type? Type of length? Sable, any length will do.

Do you buy more furs online or from a furrier? Have bought from both

Is your collection growing or do you sell sometimes? Sell / Give away

When and where do you wear your furs? I don't ,wife everywhere

Do you live in a 'fur country' or an 'anti fur country'? Fur country I would say

Does the harvesting of pelts from hunters or fur farms effect you in any way? No


How many people know about your love of furs? 2

Do you have a partner that is into fur as well? Yes

Does your partner indulge you with furs? Often? Not at all? Yes on different levels

Does your family know about your fur love? Not sure.

Did your friends or family have furs when you were growing up? Yes


How much time do you spend surfing on The Fur Den website? A couple hours a week

What is your favorite & least favorite part of the site?

If you could suggest one improvement what would it be? It's great the way it is.

Do you have other fur clubs besides The fur den? No

Tell us something about you that most people don't know: I like fur.

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