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The first and the third are the hottest!


I'd like the chinchilla better if it was longer, like stroller length. The fox is nice!


Either of those would set you back several thousand clams, I bet!


Honestly, the lady (or ladies) in the three photos looks (look) nasty.




Good nasty or bad nasty? I think she is very stimulating. To each his or her own.


I think she is nice too. Thanks


Pictures of slutty-looking women can be a turn off. But, if they (the pictures) are done right they can be quite good.


Pictures of women, all dolled-up and fancy, are great to fantasize about but sometimes you want to fantasize about somebody you can just... Well... How can I put this nicely?... Ummm... You don't have to respect her in the morning.


For my money, the third is the best of the group. But then I've always been attracted to ladies in fur and leather!




Just cause a lady is wearing a fur coat of types you wow well guess what i dont want to offend nyone here but if you guys think that lady is elegant or any other complimentary word that goes with that well then I hate to say this to you but then you are sitting on YOUR TASTE BUDS and seriously no offence intended


I went out with a girl once that was 30 and looked like a high class hooker, stunning, a veneer of elegance, but looked dirty.....basques and thigh boots and furs; lots of make up and attitude. Guess what? She was a virgin; her deportment and every detail pefect. My current girlf is very much the same: looks predatory and a bit mucky but her elegance is perfect. Yet I also knew a girl who looked the girl next door type and prim and proper. She was a total whore. I was glad because she gave a so called friend who stole from me Syph!!!!


So you cant always judge by appearance. Since elegance is how you move, act, talk, manners, etiquette etc....you cannot tell if this girl is elegant or not. My guess is if she is russian she will carry herself so perfectly she will make most american (or British) women look like trailer park trash.


There is a line in the movie "Animal House" that sums it up best:


Looks are important but we're willing to trade looks for a certain... "Morally Casual Attitude"...



trailer park trash.



Interesting. I thought this was just an American phrase. You don't have trailer parks in UK, do you?


No but 80% of our daytime tv has jerry springer and that half wit anti fur woman, Ricky Lake , and the like, and we see plenty of your trailer park trash.


We have other expressions. And now our own shows with the same level of people. I am not elitist, but I hate the lowest common denominator dominating our media. That why s/c has deteriorated to the pond life level.


Anyway thats going off topic. Linda....what is your opinion of the model in the pictures posted here?


My point was that we are judging her possible morality on the way she looks, and that someone who has a predarory image is a slut. I have often found the opposite to be true, and that such women can be educated, elegant, and graceful.


No, we have council estates. But before anyone complains i know there are a lot of decent people who live on council estates. I just seems that there is a lot of trouble on them; probably caused by a small minority of people.


TOS, My opinion? Hmmm.... As a woman, I think I have a different perspective.


I think that manywonderfulfurs also has a different perspective than you due to his age. This woman is old enough to probably be his Mother, as I most certainly am.


It is interesting, there is something about her that I think most men of relevant age would find appealing. That would make many men pause enough that they might find there is more to her than just the surface appeal.


She has something that many of the SC women I have seen lately are devoid of and that is sensuality.


To me, how something is presented and the expectations of it are as important to the enjoyment as the actual experience. From sexuality to a meal, or a vacation.


To me most people are much more attractive with some kind of clothing on, something to mystify and entice. Something that can keep your attention and make the experience greater than the sum of the parts.


Actually, you know who I think does an incredible job of this is our own MissT.




An excellent and interesting answer Linda. Thankyou.

I think that manywonderfulfurs also has a different perspective than you due to his age. This woman is old enough to probably be his Mother, as I most certainly am.


It is interesting, there is something about her that I think most men of relevant age would find appealing.


I'm 22. I think she's cute. I think you are cute too. It's a matter of taste. I don't find all young ladies attractive.. and I dont find all mature ladies attractive.


She seems to have gone now. Probably got fed up with you lot discussing her looks and social background. Or maybe she has gone to get a dictionary to make out what touchofsable is going on about with all those long words.


Now THAT avatar is something else goldsable!!!!!


That is class.


I'd melt in her presence.

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