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Real Fur Making a comeback


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Excellent ! I have watched a couple of "Ladies of London" and they all wear real fur. I thought the UK was anti fur but it seems these ladies don't care. Great article, thanks for posting !

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Thats the paper (rag!) that has been forever saying/tagging every fur coat by a celeb is "faux" & has refused to acknowledge the comeback of real fur as worn by many notorieties over the last few years. Is traditionally very anti on their fashion femail pages. Good to see them post a balanced article for once, nice find

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i wish it was...on a recent trip to london for the 'lumiere light festival' there was of course thousands on people there but other than my wife in her fox jacket , i only saw a few minks....very disappointing to say the least..

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I'd like to add my two cents into this topic because I have two fur experiences just from this past weekend to support it.


1. Last week I was refereed to a friend of the family to a thrift store that she claimed had two full racks of furs for sale. So my aunt (who was in town with my uncle for a family wedding---more on that later) and I walked into this shop to find a fur that I could resell for my ebay business. However when I arrived I only saw one rack of furs right at the front of the shop. When I brought the coat I had picked out to the register, I asked the sales clerk where the other rack was and she says "We sold them already". So in just one weeks time (Since I was referred to the shop) they sold 50% of their current inventory and keep in mind the season is basically over.


2. My next fur experience was on saturday and I had to attend this wedding with my family. Since it was kind of chilly that night I decided to bring my full length black fox. Now when I got there not only did a single person at that wedding even bother to bat an eye (keep in mind I didn't know many of the people who were at this wedding. The bride is my third cousin from my paternal grandmothers side of the family) but I saw at least 10 other furs being worn at the wedding. Now that's not a very high percentile when you are in a crowded room of 200 people, but still they stick out like a sore thumb.

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