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Tanuki queries


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Hi all,


I have some questions about tanuki fur and wonder if some experienced Den forumgoers might be able to help me out. First of all, how soft is tanuki fur compared with other types of fur? Also how durable is it compared with other types? Does it shed? And is it the same as Finn raccoon and tanuki is just the Japanese name for it, or is that a misconception?



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Tanuki and finnraccoon are the same. It's sometimes labeled as 'murmansky' too. I'd say it's softness can be compared to fox. Can't say anyhing about durability, though I've enocuntered it used as lining so it may be more durable than fox usually is.

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Tanuki looks gorgeous. Very dramatic. For that reason it is a favorite fur for hood trims and such. For softness I would say it is somewhat like silver fox. The long guard hairs that are responsible for its dramatic look are a bit coarse. It is definitely not as soft as blue fox or red fox.

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I have a Tanuki parka & would say the fur is coarser than silver fox, which I own too. The Tanuki fur i have is thicker & bulkier than the Silver fox parkas & hasn't shed.

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Thanks so much for the info! The reason I ask is I'm looking at buying a tanuki coat and have very little experience with most furs. in fact, i'll put a pic of it here and perhaps someone could tell me if they think it looks fine.. and maybe what it'd be worth? (Even though one photo is probably not sufficient for a proper valuation). Anyway, here it is! fKuVZDw.jpg

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It's maybe about how much you want the fur too I remember buying my first fur (online auction) - I was having it!


Of course thou budget can be a factor, as a guide I purchased a Tanuki Parka online about 3 yrs ago for 900 Euros new. The coat you show looks good quality with some wear at the collar & cuffs shown by the fur looking fluffy. Fur depreciates in value & so any price offered should reflect that..... as well as its age & storage conditions. Its difficult to put a number on it as many factors would come into play & IT IS a personnel choice too which I believe is a big factor too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I see it's been a while but still let me reply. I think the coat is at least 5 maybe more years old and in not top condition. I would not pay more than $500 for it.

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