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Where is the thread of "decency" in Photoshopped works? [warning: poorly Photoshopped material]


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While we have ground rules here for general decency ("no violence," "must include furs," "catfishing is bad"), I don't really see any formal regulations on our little visual fictions (i.e. Photoshopped works). I don't know if there is a "problem" about this per se, meaning that I don't see one. This does not indicate that one does not exist. This thread is made in hopes of attracting your opinions so that we can come to a consensus about the matter of these Photoshopped things.


I have beat deliberately around the bush; glance at these pictures and you should immediately see where I'm going.


Marcel had a little chortle at one of Lisaci's photoshopped works - "where? I don't see her! "




Figure 1: Lisaci's Taylor Swift photoshop, to which he himself admitted "her head is too small."




Figure 2: One of my Photoshopped works. You can tell immediately something is wrong, but perhaps it takes you a half-second to determine that it must be Photoshopped.




Figure 3: One of my Photoshopped works. You can tell immediately something is wrong, and it takes you no time at all to determine it must be Photoshopped.


EDIT: my apologies, "submit" switched places with "preview" in my head. More to come shortly.




Figure 4: A Photoshopped work from tressshear - tastefully done, achieving the same (if not greater) effect as my work, without immediately setting off your Photoshop radar (if at all - one Pinterest user has been fooled by another work from the same author).


I put three questions to you all:


1. Do you find "overlarge" Photoshops off-putting?

2. Do you find poorly done Photoshops off-putting?

3. If you answered "yes" to either of the above, would you rather not see them on this forum?


I ask because I really, really like doing these Photoshops, and I share them in hopes of pleasing some of you. But I'm curious to know if the forum at large actually finds these unbecoming or even grotesque - in which case I will moderate myself as necessary.

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It's a totally subjective matter that's completely down to a person's own opinion - as I've remarked elsewhere "one person's trash is another person's treasure". Do I like them? Not a bit when the pic obviously exceeds the realms of reality for reasons you've stated. But that's just my opinion and I respect the opinion of others if they differ from mine.


As for the decency you've alluded to the in the thread title, so long as the pics are within the boundaries set out in the rules then there's no rule surrounding how preposterous or unbelievable something might look

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You're both very kind, but I was hoping for slightly more critical evaluations. The point of this forum is to share and share alike, I think; my soul is already soothed by doing these silly photoshops, so my real concern is if they don't cause trouble here in this public space.


In particular, if you two wouldn't mind, what do you think of the last included picture (by tressshear)? Is it a standard to aspire to, or is the realism not enough to redeem the aura of fakeness?

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Makatk what I see is some good photoshop. Overlarge is very good. It is not poorly photoshop. Foxyfur60, Roninphy, Wolfinskin and Tweety are the photoshop gods for celebrity in furs. I'm just the rookie in training for photoshop celebrity in fur. So I'm still waiting for Taylor Swift and Anna Kendrick in fox fur and them together in fox fur. Also Scarlett Johansson, Selena Gomez and Iggy Azalea in fox fur please.

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Photoshop just annoys me personally, but to each their own.


I hear you loud and clear. How should I revise my understanding of your positive comment in Lisaci's "fantasy models" thread?


Lisaci, I'm not taking requests. Fend for yourself - you're doing fine.

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Isn't the goal making this as real as possible to fool people like say PETA.


That would be funny. But it would do a disservice to the depicted parties, possibly dragging them into some bad PR. In that sense I guess my clumsiness is a blessing in reverse.


But seriously, Marcel, the oversized styling is ... a bizarre realization of my manic dreams, nothing more.

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Maktak please on your tumblr page and my Fantasy models in fur IV thread for me I just want Taylor Swift, Anna Kendrick, Scarlett Johansson, Selena Gomez and Iggy Azalea

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Isn't the goal making this as real as possible to fool people like say PETA.


That would be funny. But it would do a disservice to the depicted parties, possibly dragging them into some bad PR. In that sense I guess my clumsiness is a blessing in reverse.


But seriously, Marcel, the oversized styling is ... a bizarre realization of my manic dreams, nothing more.


i guess you have some point.

I'm not here to stop you from realize your dreams,please continue your work.



Maktak please on your tumblr page and my Fantasy models in fur IV thread for me I just want Taylor Swift, Anna Kendrick, Scarlett Johansson, Selena Gomez and Iggy Azalea

ask him again and your going down for harassment.

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Maktak please on your tumblr page and my Fantasy models in fur IV thread for me I just want Taylor Swift, Anna Kendrick, Scarlett Johansson, Selena Gomez and Iggy Azalea


Respect the persons wishes of saying no requests. Don't come back and beg for it.

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Photoshop just annoys me personally, but to each their own.


I hear you loud and clear. How should I revise my understanding of your positive comment in Lisaci's "fantasy models" thread?


Lisaci, I'm not taking requests. Fend for yourself - you're doing fine.


I don't really browse it honestly. Some people have some great photoshop skills, and I respect that. I'm not going to tell someone not to post anything because of my dislike (on something like this anyway). I didn't know you had a tumblr - will have to look at it.


I say it annoys me - that's a bit much really after I think about it. I just prefer knowing that it's real. Everyone is caught up in a fantasy world, and I like to see the real stuff.

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