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Shipping a fur from US to NZ

Cunning Fox

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Does anyone know how I can get a fur coat shipped to NZ? I recently bought one on eBay, but the delivery (via Global Shipping Program) was stopped and a refund given (I don't want the refund, I want the fur coat!). I'm hoping I can contact the seller and see what can be done, and thought maybe someone here would know how to get it shipped.

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I use Borderlinx to ship items from the US. It gives you a US address to which sellers in the US can ship the goods. And then they will ship to you. Check it out at borderlinx.com. They have a calculator with which, given the package dimensions and the weight, you can estimate how much it will cost. It is quite fast but may not be the cheapest.

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I have bought a few furs from the US and all i do is check an ask the sellers first about shipping to NZ..usually it will say if they ship internationaly or not...hope you have better luck..

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Thanks for the advice.

I have found a lot of good information else where and I'm now trying to get the coat sent back to the seller so they can ship it directly to me. eBay US and the Global Shipping Program don't seam to want to help with this though, but I have had contact with eBay UK and they have been a lot more help, although the coat is still not returned to the seller as yet.

I'll update (hopefully with a good outcome) what happens.

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I was reclined shipping to Sweden due Global Shipping program didn't allow fur coats, so the seller didn't accept it. However, I'm pretty sure most of the couriers ship internationally... Why the fuck wouldn't they. I'm pretty sure you could send with your regular post office if they can ship internationally. So it's only ebay shipping program that's a hassle I think. But remember your own laws for import and be ready to pay the tax...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I have done about as much as I can to get the fur coat (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-custom-made-full-length-crystal-fox-fur-coat-/262307398202?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&nma=true&si=dgweb1G0unNGo%252BtSPmQdOr07YHg%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc) I purchased to be shipped to NZ, but eBay and their Global Shipping Program are not willing to make it happen.


Basically what happens is that eBay acts as an intermediate owner and takes care of shipping of goods through their Global Shopping Program. When they see an item they don't want to ship, they stop it and the whole deal falls over. The buyer is refunded, the seller is paid and eBay keeps the item and there is little that can be done. I have sent countless e-mails to eBay to get them to send the coat back to the seller so they can arrange alternative arrangements for shipping, but they refuse to do so. The answers I have had from them are a complete smokescreen to stop people finding out what is really going on. I am almost convinced there is a legal case to be had here if anyone wants to look into it message me and I can send through all my findings.


My advice to all is do not use eBay's shipping program for anything if you really want the item.

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That is extremely odd. You have to be careful of furs that might breach CITES regulations such as Lynx, and also import duties might be due depending on local regulations but if none of these were breached, then the sending to you should not have been a problem.


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Haha! Yeah. That's terrible! Bastard coated bastards with bastard fillings!

No surprise that a very big company can do whatever they want...

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I've not totally given up on this (as it was a very good buy http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-custom-made-full-length-crystal-fox-fur-coat-/262307398202?nma=true&si=dgweb1G0unNGo%252BtSPmQdOr07YHg%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557) and so have found my suspicions to be true. The contract is between the seller and eBay and is totally in eBay's favour.


Sadly, I will never see this fur coat.

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I would have to say that without a decent explanation this is truly odd. I must admit that I am now looking to see if any coats of interest are through this scheme. If I am interested I would ask the seller if they would ship not using the ebay scheme.


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I would have to say that without a decent explanation this is truly odd. I must admit that I am now looking to see if any coats of interest are through this scheme. If I am interested I would ask the seller if they would ship not using the ebay scheme.


My thoughts as well, it'd certainly get me thinking twice about using it if this is what possibly happens.


I'm not a great fan of it to start with from other purchases I've made where the "tracking" (their term, not mine) is utterly woeful compared to FedEx, DHL, UPS and the like

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