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Are men in furs still considered weird by our society?


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I stumbled upon this link today on a greek news blog.


It is a collection of photos from people wearing funny or stupid or weird things

One of the photos is a male with a long feathered fur coat and I got irretated.

Why is this still considered weird or funny from our society?

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Different people find different things to be weird. I'm not big on over-abundant body piercings, for example, or full body tattoos, but that's just me. I would guess that the link you stumbled upon reflects the prejudices of the blogger.


In my own experience, people find my wearing fur somewhat unusual - not many men in America wear fur - but not weird. The usual reaction is "what kind of fur is it?" and "can I touch it?". It also makes people remember me as when I go into Starbucks and the barrista looks at me and says "venti black ice tea, sweetened, right?"


PS - Still very much enjoying the golden island fox fur coat I bought from you a few years ago!

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I was just discussing this in the chat with another member.


I believe it's at least related to the fact that mean wearing fur out on the streets is still a rarity. If more men in general wore fur out on the streets, this anachronism would go away.

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As Fox points out many people consider fur wearing an anachronism, and it was traditionally marketed as a luxury item for women. Between these two factors men wearing fur might be perceived as several standard deviations from the norm, depending on where you go and who you ask. If someone thinks wearing fur is weird, let them. Do it anyway.

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As Fox points out many people consider fur wearing an anachronism, and it was traditionally marketed as a luxury item for women. Between these two factors men wearing fur might be perceived as several standard deviations from the norm, depending on where you go and who you ask. If someone thinks wearing fur is weird, let them. Do it anyway.

Well traditionally in the later 20th century. A coat with a fine fur collar was quite a dapper garment in the years before world war II.


Then rappers and hip hop artists started to make it hip again.

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Well traditionally in the later 20th century. A coat with a fine fur collar was quite a dapper garment in the years before world war II.


Then rappers and hip hop artists started to make it hip again.


That goes without saying. The point is that relative to 30 years ago fur has fallen out of vogue, the effect of which is felt doubly by men because at that time fur was a luxury item aimed at women.

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Can men wear fur coats without looking weird?


78% Say Yes

22% Say No


we have a winner. in the end, it's all about styling and perception, after all

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I think it basically boils down to which male is wearing the fur and the type of fur he is wearing. You would rarely see a male wearing a fur in a rural or suburban setting. I only see male celebrities wearing fur.

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I think it basically boils down to which male is wearing the fur and the type of fur he is wearing. You would rarely see a male wearing a fur in a rural or suburban setting. I only see male celebrities wearing fur.



I live in the greater suburbs of Chicago and I wear pretty much wear my fox coats exclusively during the winter. Even if I'm bringing the trash bins out to the curb a couple nights a week.

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I think it basically boils down to which male is wearing the fur and the type of fur he is wearing. You would rarely see a male wearing a fur in a rural or suburban setting. I only see male celebrities wearing fur.


I'd agree. I live in a rural area. There are more almond trees than people. One of the first times I wore my modest rex jacket, a person driving by me in a large SUV slammed on the brakes to gawk. I just kind of waved. Now all the locals know I have my jacket. I get the occasional "road kill jacket" comment from my neighbor. It's all in fun.


The most common NON-POSITIVE comments I get is that I look like a pimp or I should be asking Elton John for accessories. The stigma persists. Frankly I think the fur industry NEEDS a middle-aged regular guy for fur ads. Perhaps show him walking with a fur-clad woman. I know this was attempted in the 80's (I think I bought an ad because I liked the coyote coat so much). Now when I post a picture of myself on facebook wearing my jacket so many former students (male and female) write things like "I miss that jacket."


Holly is right in that fur is associated with celebrities. After all who else would be able to afford a full length fox coat with a five foot train??? When I first got my jacket and wore it to school, I told my students that in case they thought they were paying me too much I pointed out that my jacket probably cost less than a one year cell phone subscription. At the time I didn't have a cell phone. So the jacket paid for itself.


At the end of the day Foxy hit the nail of the head: "Do it anyway." When I got my jacket, my daughter's response was "You look ridiculous dad!" (NOTE: this was from the child who went to a VERY LIBERAL college in the midwest). My response was: "I'm 57. I don't really care what other people think. Lastly, it doesn't matter what you think it only matters that I like it."


On the other hand, my son who spent four years on Marine bases as a Navy corpsman (i.e. very conservative) liked my jacket from the get go. When I wear my jacket downtown away from campus, invariably someone asks if they can touch it. 20-somethings have said: "You rock that fur!" My favorite was from another 20-something who commented "nice coat" I said I wish my wife liked it. Her response was to use my "coat" as an ice breaker in bars. WOW! pick-up advice from a college student!


I think that the more men who wear fur out and about the more acceptable it will become. It is inching it's way back to collars of overcoats and so forth.


Sorry for the long-winded post. An interesting topic to say the least!

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I think that the more men who wear fur out and about the more acceptable it will become.
I think this quote cuts to the heart of the matter. Fur on men was seldom seen for a few decades in many areas and that can color peoples perceptions of weird or not. In areas where traditionally both sexes wore fur there are very few who would comment negatively and many who will provide positive comments if the fur looks good on the man.
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Interesting area for discussion Kostas. The reality is there is nothing logically wrong with men wearing wearing a well designed fur coat. We've all got preferences as to type and style. And the focus on the feminine aspects of furs is somewhat of a marketing creation, given the longer term history of fur outerwear.


I've only ever heard positive compliments from people on the streets of London. The few who might have negative thoughts have never shared them directly, and to be frank I could care less about those thoughts - they are arbitrary, ineffectual and usually come from narrow minded or poorly versed individuals with there own hang-ups; essentially people who no one is going to get through to by engaging. Leave them to themselves.


Fur can make a wonderful outer-garment. If men or women choose to realise this and wear them, great. Those with only negatives to share contribute little to this world. Just ignore them, make your choices based on good reason, and move on to the more important tasks of life.

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I think that the more men who wear fur out and about the more acceptable it will become. It is inching it's way back to collars of overcoats and so forth.


I couldn't agree more with furlessinCA. I see more fur trim items and fur lined items for men nowadays. Hopefully it'll be more acceptable to wear full on furs for men soon. I would love to wear my furs out in public. The most I feel confident doing is wearing my fur lined hoodies and/or my uggs.

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I wear my little rex jacket downtown and to the university where I teach. Folks would be against fur for different reasons here. Some would think I'm a "girly-boy" while others would think it is cruel to animals. I've worm my jacket often and NEVER been harassed. Wear your furs proudly!

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I have made sure that all my furs are wearable. The first acquired item in

my collection, is a black MINK reversable leather jacket. I purchased it about

1995 (or before- I just can't remember).

I also made a descision to wear fur every day, (which is a fantastic thought

that I will wear fur every day for the rest of my life.) However I mostly wore

my furs with the fur inside, but late last year I decided to come out and wear fur

so that others can see it.


After my MINK jacket I bought a reversable black MINK coat, brown MINK

jacket, and as my wife wasn't too keen on my black MINK coat, I just had to get another

coat. This is an Americal legend grey reversable MINK coat.


And again with a view to replacing my black MINK coat, I have just acquired a

stranded black MINK coat.

I also had a black MINK coat converted to a gilet (ie had the sleeves removed).

In addition to coats and jackets the other wearable furs have been scarves,

gloves, and hats.


My shorter scarves consist of single-sided MINK; double-sided sheared MINK and

CHINCHILLA; and a knitted brown MINK. THe list of my long scarves are 3m

knitted SABLE; 3m FOX boa; mulicoloured (2.7m) FOX; a knitted black and brown MINK.


Hats:- brown MINK cap; black MINK cap; FOX; SABLE ashanta style; and just

purchased a knitted MINK beanie hat with FOX pompom.

In addition I have several ties mostly MINK, although I do borrow my wife's

SABLE tie (which I bought for her) for time to time.


This of course means that I always wear 4 pieces of fur. A typical ensemble

would be grey MINK coat, long FOX scarf; MINK cap; CHINCHILLA gloves.


To increase the fur quantity, I use the MINK gilet as an under coat, the new

MINK coat as a lining to the grey MINK coat, and as an over fur, I loosely tie

my long SABLE scarf outside (total of 8 pieces)

Yesterday as it was warmish, I wore my knitted FOX gilet, and just my black

MINK gilet, MINK cap, and MINK gloves.

In previous years, during the summer time, I have worn my SABLE trimmed

(collar) leather jacket, and I have just had a black MINK collar added to my cashmere


I'll use these this year purely as a bare minimum.

I wear my furs whenever I leave the house, on ALL occasions, shopping,

theatre (of course), just going for a walk. I often get favourable comments,

both from men and women.


Also to note is that as FURs are fairly expensive, the cost per wear is a very

important factor.

After all I didn't accumalate my fur collection for it to stay in the wardrobe

for ever and a day.


I have a few challenges coming up:-

A theatre visit with a friend of my wifes (who has seen me in both MINK

jackets), but not (as yet) one of my MINK coats

A wedding

A holiday in Florence

A funeral

Looking forward to meeting them.

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