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Need Help with a ton of Photos!


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Hello Fellow Fur Lovers!


This past winter, by way of scripts, I downloaded almost 200GB (yes GB) of photos from Instagram. I did this because I am a fur lover and I want to try and find as much real people wearing real fur as I can.


That is a lot of photos! And I need some help sorting through them to find the fur pictures in there (and maybe discover some unknown up to now fur fashion lover).


The pics that are found in these caches of photos will be posted to my Pinterest page that can be found here:


and of course those doing the help of sorting of the images will be have new material to post places like here, or even someplace like flickr!


I make zero money from this, it is just a hobby, so this is strictly volunteer work!


All 200GB is sitting on my DropBox account. If you are interest in helping out, send me a PM or email me at [email protected].


About the images.

I did searches for all the standard stuff like “fur”, fur Coat….” I also scraped up photos that had foreign words for fur. Most of the foreign words were Russian, but there is also photos with tags like pelz, pelliccia, bont and others.


I also chose location tags. I scraped the locations for Red Square in Moscow, Moscow itself, a winter park in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Keiv, and several places in NYC. These locations will have a lot of photos that we have no interest in. But hopefully in those photos there will also be hidden gem’s in fur!


If you have a Mac that should make this process easier with some tips from me. Those of you who only have Tablets or phones, I am sorry but there is too much data here


Please let me know if you have any questions.


Happy Fur (and fur photo) Hunting!


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Sorry, the folders exist on Dropbox. I mentioned Pinterest only as an example of my commitment to hunting down fur photos!


Please email me or pm me for more information.

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Hi Chris,

I was looking in your "Things from the 80s that I miss" and noticed you never heard about Lena Philipsson.


Here you go!

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Thanks for the catch, Marcel. And yes I do very much like the look she is sporting in that photo. Would have better with a little bit of fur (maybe instead of the feathers). But a little bit of fur will add a lot to any woman's looks!

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Damn....200GB of photos alone? I must have like 30,000 pictures on my pc and it still takes up less than 11 gigs of space on my hard drive. Damn you have one beefy computer...

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Damn you have one beefy computer...


My day job is as an IT guy, so it kind of comes with the territory.

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And ten years ago, while packing to move to Italy, I relieved stress by archiving images from the now-defunct Webshots and MySpace public photo search. Many of them are saved in my backup drives. Some of them are really outstanding. A friend here offered to help me post them, but alas, I didn't contact them in time and we lost touch.


It would be great if you could post those photos somewhere. You could use Flickr, as it gives 1TB free disk space to everyone for free.

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It would be great if you could post those photos somewhere. You could use Flickr, as it gives 1TB free disk space to everyone for free.


My only concern is the future of Yahoo as a company and what that will mean to Flickr.

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Does Flickr have a bulk upload option though? Because if not he's going to have to upload them one by one and I can't imagine anyone wanting to do that given the choice.

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I've uploaded over 5000 images over the past day and a half, so yes there is a bulk upload option.

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Just an FYI, with Samurman's help we have just scratched the surface of the number of photos that I have that need to be sorted and researched. So I am still looking for help, just in case anyone was wondering!

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Yeah I don't want to alarm you but people might have had enough of the internet by the time you're finished lol.

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