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What can we do to attract more people


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Honestly I'm annoyed. Maybe this is going to be (ironically) too aggressive and get censored. But I have no fucking idea what anyone could have to be mad about here! Like I really don't understand what issue you could possibly run into with these mods! They are great. They address harassment, and dont mess with anything else! That is a perfect job. I have completely without reservation expressed my opinions on this forum with absolutely no problem, and even moreso, support. So uf you dont have anything nice to say, shut up! Sorry to be so agressive, this unappreciativeness really gets on my nerves. I understand if this is taken down. But just please respect the people who make these forums great. Thank you for the stats, Neo
I'm confident I'm not just speaking for myself when I say your sentiments are appreciated.


I don't see anything wrong with showing a bit of passion without being offensive

It's due to some cultural notions and assumptions.


Fetishes are still treated as perversions. In media it's still more likely for anyone with a fetish to be portrayed as a sick deviant. So saying we get turned on by fur would fall into that stigma.


It's likely also why some women get upset if they find they are on this site. Thanks to that stigma those women would think a bunch of creeps were drooling over them instead of just genuinely admiring how nice they look.

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I feel compelled to chime in. In part because I've been referenced several times in this thread, and in part because someone needs to be the voice of reason.


Getting people to join is only a small part of the situation, the other part is keeping them once you've got them to join.


Then ask how do you keep your member with the harassment problems you are having. You have already lost good members to it that you will not get back and probably not be able to replace with others of a similar calibre.


Harassment is not a new problem, I raised the issue here back in November 2015 ( viewtopic.php?f=1&t=15872 ) Ultimately the IM facility was dropped, the harassment just moved elsewhere. Its an issue you all need to address and challenge when you come across it. It's not just for the management team to deal with, though I think they should be offering more direction.



Indeed, harassment is not a new problem. Trouble is, the perpetrators do not see their actions as transgression. The harassment stems from a perplexing abandonment of common sense. Some in our little community think that plying the occasional woman that crosses our threshold with a laundry list of personal questions, or saying things like "mmmmmmm", or "i bet u look hot in ur fox coat" is a productive way to make friends. Still others get wide eyed and proceed to make sycophantic overtures with staggering naivety. I used naivety advisedly. Most here have no legitimate framework to navigate that social situation. Is that a legitimate excuse? You tell me.


We can create an awsome comunity if we all put just a bit of energy in it... If the topics are 4 pages long it means they are interesting and that will pull people to get involved... We can't just wait for someone to make a 50 pages long theme in adult area...


From a strictly marketing prospective the subject matter is too niche to survive on reprints of the same content. And it is the same content with a different paint job. Fundamentally this site is about male fur fetishists in need of an outlet. Through that lens the lack of "energy" is a forgone conclusion. We must either; A. come to terms with the fact that this community is doomed to obscurity given the subject matter, or B. change the subject matter. There is no unreached customer to be courted. If you have fur fetish you'll find your way here, if you don't you won't.



Where in all this is the incentive for others to help build this site when those that have expended great effort in helping making it what you have today labelled trouble makers and vilified for their actions.

I would say that if you intend to help here you have an umbrella at hand for the shit will fall on you in due course.


I seem to remember discussing incentives at length with you during my time in R&D. You didn't listen. Ironic that you accuse Neo of turning a deaf ear when you had someone who LITERALLY DOES THIS FOR A LIVING IN REAL LIFE, and you didn't hear a word she said. I say that as someone who respects your leadership abilities. We certainly owe you a great deal in how you've helped to innovate. BUT, (here comes the bluntness) you need to be more diplomatic, and listen to the experts you employ.


I don't think there is anyway to force growth. It needs to happen organically.


What was R&D?


Quite right. Growth cannot be forced it must be cultivated. As I said before, be happy with what you've got. It's a niche and it isn't getting bigger any time soon.


R&D was an attempt to turn mud into spring water. It was partially successful before it ran out of wherewithal.


I'm sure I'm not the only one the irony is lost on that there's some not-so-fantastic back and forth going on in an thread discussing how to both attract more people and/or organically grow it. If you want to discuss further aspects with neo, a PM chat might be the better forum


This^. Acrimony for its own sake solves nothing.


During the NTCWEB days in the late 90s, it was one of only a handful of fur sites on the internet. Over the years, sites have come and gone; the clientele has changed in its taste. Looking at things from an adult perspective, nothing is off limits and everything is easy to obtain today. Viewing a hard to find jpeg of a lusty woman in fox over a 56k modem was a treat. Now, you have a whole industry that can custom make whatever you want, whenever you want. People used to scan in magazine clippings of models in furs, today I can connect to a Pinterest page that holds a thousand fur images of higher quality in about twenty seconds via my smartphone or tablet.


I think one day that the site will have to make a choice of keeping adult themed stuff or "going straight".


This (very broadly) speaks to the entire "harassment" issue. This is a site for men. It is not a site for women. All of the iterations of this community have been for men. That isn't a bad thing, but it is the reality of the situation. This point needs to be eminently clear in the minds of everyone. Don't expect women to last long here. I'm talking about actual women. Not pornstars, not the numerous catfish (you know who you are), but ordinary women. The only ladies who survive around here are of the stone clad variety (i.e. myself and my R&D compatriot). Never mind any "we could have more women if only X" arguments.



It's likely also why some women get upset if they find they are on this site. Thanks to that stigma those women would think a bunch of creeps were drooling over them instead of just genuinely admiring how nice they look


Speaking as a woman with a fur fetish (inter alia) the issue isn't stigma, but you are correct that it is an issue of culture. I closed my account because I had grown too defensive when interacting with others here. I stopped posting about fur because every time I did, I would be bombarded with PM's ranging from outright sexual propositions to thinly veiled attempts at courtship. In chat I found myself unwilling to discuss fur or fetish of any kind unless I had gotten to know the person extensively before hand. I admit that my resentful and defensive feelings are my problem, but they grew out of repeated instances of thoughtless behavior from the membership. On a deeper, implicit level, it is clear that most of the people here don't want ordinary women as members. They want to alleviate their sexual frustration. Which is understandable. Sexual frustration is a very human experience and the glue that holds this place together. Don't like it? Tough. It's time to face the facts folks.



@Neojaguar for the love of god close this thread and start banning some people.


Foxy out


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Ok...... so that was quite a verbal drive-by shooting by Foxy there.


I think it's fair to say the topic is now perilously close to spiralling out of control toward Locked-ville. I'd advise anyone wanting to carry on unloading on anything in a negative way, and not trying to genuinely contribute to this thread in the manner intended, will simply expedite the it being locked.


I think we're all abundantly clear now on what's making things bad (one can only hope that those who've chosen to behave in a socially unacceptable manner here might pass by here and take note), time to focus on something positive otherwise I think this thread has run it's course

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If there's one person I'll listen to on this site it is Foxy.


Topic closed.


If anyone has suggestions or the like other than what's been done here shoot it to me.

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