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fur hats

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question for you guys here ?

what do you guys think of wearing ladies fur hats??


Edit by AKcoyote: as this topic is general and not regarding an item for sale, I moved it from the Fur Mall.


The answer to your question, in my opinion, depends on the type of fur hat you are thinking about.


I would not be interested in a "fashion" fur hat, but there are several styles of unisex fur hats that are as appropriate for a man as a woman.


I like em very much but thats wearing them all dressed up in furs as a tv.


Love big thick fox hats with big thick fur coats!


I suffer from alopeacia, and have lost all my hair on my head, so it is absolutely necessary to wear hats. So I have 2 MINK caps, one black, and the other brown, both to match my MINK jackets. The black one also matchs my MINK coat, but I don't have one to match my silver grey MINK coat, as yet.

I also have a round FOX hat with leather top, and my best! hat is a SABLE ushanta style (from Dennis Basso). I also have a full fur FOX bonnet, which is FOX lined.

When I am working outdoors, I wear either my knitted MINK pom-pom, of my MINK fedora style hat.


I own a Russian Sable scarf that was made from a stole I bought in a charity shop for £5.00!! However donated it obviously had no inkling as to its true value as indeed the shop staff didn't either.


It cost about £250 to be remodelled but was totally, TOTALLY worth it! It's been much admired.


sorry your havin trouble with that Bob,


my only thought to this of wearing ladies fur hats was to be diferent but also to keep warm.

my focus is just also being prepared in life as well, thats all..

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