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Those who have dealt with protesters, how did it go?

Guest Paw

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For those wearing beautiful furs who have been met with any form of anti fur sentiment, what did you do?


Any tips on how to deal with antifur people?


Any good stories where you came up on top?


Have you ever changed someone's mind about fur?

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I've only dealt with animal right protesters when it comes to animal research. For me, that's pretty easy to justify. I have epilepsy and I wouldn't be able to function at the level at which I function if it wasn't for animal research. The thing is, none of us would. Think of a medical procedure, thank animal research


But I digress. Wearing fur or eating meat is a choice. The thing that I do remind people if they balk at my fur is that the animal use for fur is less than 1% of all animal use in the U.S. Well over 90% of animal use is for food. Stopping the fur industry would be like taking a cup of water out of the Pacific Ocean. We'll still have the majority of animal use.


Who can tell the next biggest "user" of animals in the U.S.? That is, what is it?

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So far have never really got into conflict with animal right's people when wearing fur. Once there was a women talking with her friend that she could not understand people wearing fur. That was loud enough for me to hear, but as it was not addressed to me directly, I did not see a point to react about it. People have the right to have their own opinion same as I have the right to wear whatever I like no matter other approve it or not. Life is too short not to wear fur. So if somebody ever wants to discuss about it, I would just ignore him and go away, anything else would be a waste of time and nerves. So the best is to do what you want and don't care about others.

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While I have not personally had to deal with anti-fur protesters, I do know of a couple of incidents.

Generally the intimidation antics of the past are not seen these days as vandalism acts such as throwing paint on one's fur are now considered terrorism (at least in the US).


Recently a group of anti-fur types protested outside of Anchorage, Alaska fur shops. The word I got is they protested peacefully outside each shop for about 30 minutes then moved on to the next fur shop. The furrier I spoke with was able to go outside and photograph the protesters while they picketed outside his shop.

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While I haven't had to deal with mobs of protesters, I do know a couple of anti-fur animal lovers and they happen to be some of my best friends. We support & respect each others beliefs 100%. I love that they love animals, they love that I've taken an interest in wearing fur. We do not judge each other and there is no bias. I know it sounds like a utopian dream in today's jaded world, but it all comes down to the fact that I happen to get along with those who accept people for who they are.

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When I lived I Syracuse, NY there was a protest outside a fur shop every year the day after Thanksgiving. The thing is, the people who wore fur got their "protest" permit first and walked right in front of the fur shop wearing their furs and holding signs that said something to the effect of: "It's my right to wear fur." while the anti-fur protesters had to walk back and forth across the street.

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While in Russia of all places I dealt with anti fur protestors. I was wearing my trademark full length golden isle. I was going into a fur store to get a lynx fur coat I had ordered several months earlier. Just as I am about to go in I confront a anti fur protesting women and she starts yelling at me and asking how could I wear fur. I said why don't u just try it on once to see why and then u can understand after arguing for about a couple of minutes she agrees. The look on her face when she firsts tries on my fur and feels how warm and comfy it is. She seemed embrassed that she looked as if she actually enjoyed fur. I think I made a believer out of her. As I always say to any anti fur women protest it all you want more fur for me

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I actually think that the number of people who are against furs is not that high. My wife has worn furs for as long as I have known her - 30 yrs - and during that time she has never once had a negative remark made against her or any coat she has been wearing. It seems that even if people will not wear fur themselves, they have no problem with others doing so if they wish.


It is a possibility is that the anti's, however many there are, certainly have a very loud voice, making it appear that there may be more of them than there actually are.

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It is a possibility is that the anti's, however many there are, certainly have a very loud voice, making it appear that there may be more of them than there actually are.


This is always the case. The vocal minority.

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I also sell pre owned furs at a vintage market once a month. It is interesting as most younger people assume they are faux, and are surprised when I tell them they are all real.


I point out that faux furs are a largely modern invention and should not therefore be on sale at a vintage market, but also that I refuse to sell them anyway as they are so harmful to the environment, with all the chemicals involved in their manufacture, not to say they they are not biodegradable, with more harmful chemicals released if they are in land fill.


I then stress that re-using, I use the word recycling, of real furs is a much greener alternative, and that the furs I have on the rail have already lasted many years and some have actually outlived their original owners. Of course they are much warmer and feel much more beautiful and luxurious too, as evidenced by some who are against fur but who still hang around for a time just stroking them. On occasions I have offered an information leaflet which I have put together detailing a number of myths and misconceptions about the fur trade.


When they actually stop to think, some of the rubbish they have been given by the animal rights movement - who will never let the truth get in the way of enforcing the opinions and prejudices on others - start to dissolve.

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Actually we have never experienced protesters.

Somehow protesters would actually turn me on. It feels good to be on the dark side


What about us makes us the dark side? what do you enjoy about it?

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In 20 years of wearing fur, I've only encountered negativity twice. The first was my ex wife now - blissfully - gone. The second was in Target many years ago. "How can you wear the skin of a dead animal?" I pointed out to the person that he was wearing a real leather jacket. He was not amused.


Mostly, people ask what kind of fur I'm wearing and can they touch it. I also ger the occasional delightful hug.

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I'm so excited about what will happen if I wear my furs out for the first time. Although I'm probably getting too hyped up about and in the end, no one will react in any way, haha

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I'm so excited about what will happen if I wear my furs out for the first time. Although I'm probably getting too hyped up about and in the end, no one will react in any way, haha


What reaction are you hoping for? Praise, or are you looking to start some trouble ?

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What reaction are you hoping for? Praise, or are you looking to start some trouble ?


Haha, no I'm not looking to start trouble. I would probably enjoy getting some jealous looks!

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  • 1 month later...

When I started this post I was wondering what other experiences people have had, but now I have a "protest" tale of my own


I had an experience a few days ago where my girlfriend was wearing some chinchilla trim on her way to work. She came home and told me that a coworker had been pretty hostile to her. Apparently she started out friendly, asking calmly if it was real. When she got the answer, the coworker began ranting that she had chinchilla pets at home and it was disgusting that she wear a defenseless animal. This and that about "do you know how many animals it takes". It was just trim, so not that many probably. My girlfriend was pretty distraught about being basically harassed at her workplace, but I told her to wear her chinchilla stroller (usually reserved for incredibly special occasions, its about the most expensive thing we own) to work the next day. The coworker was so shocked she couldn't muster more than a dirty look!


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I'm sure Human Resources would have something to say too...

Yeah, she didn't want to take a one off conflict to HR, but it would have been nice to see some retribution

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My favourite response would be to smile sweetly and reply ' is it worth calling the vet?'

I don't quit get this joke? Im a bit slow, care to explain?

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That sucks about the coworker, what a jerk. Glad you two got back at her with the stroller Great that your girlfriend can wear furs at her job. And yeah if it keeps up then report her.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've repeated this once before around here or so but:


About 5 years ago, PETA did a little protest here in the city square, near a fur dealer. It was two girls dressed as "sexy PETA cops" who would observe people walking down the street, and write them "faux" tickets if they were spotted wearing fur, wool, etc. At some point, a homeless woman with some sort of bizarre fur shrug was given a ticket by them. All hell broke loose then. She attacked the Peta cop girls and the police had to go down and squash the whole thing. They just looked too stupid.


FWIW, when we go out, my wife gets nothing but positive compliments. I did see a woman once in a restaurant shocked in disbelief that my wife was wearing fur, but then again it was about 10 degrees out and there was snow. What else should she have worn? One of those tacky plastic jackets?

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