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melanie from lady madonna in fur

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Gave up on the site since I can't copy anything.


Too frustrating.




OFF or Old Fur F##t - you're kiddin', right?


open the image in the pop up window (I used firefox), then drag that image to your desktop.


I copied that picture quite easily. Just drag and drop.


However, there are some sites that try to prevent copying. The usual method is to layer a transparent GIF over the top of the image so that somebody trying to drag and drop the image gets nothing but a blank file.


The answer to that is to go into your "View Source" screen and search for ".jpg", or whatever you're looking for. Then just go to the URL bar and paste that information in. Viola! You've got the picture.


The only possible defense against copying is to use a .cgi, .php or a java page that prevents displaying the picture unless certain conditions are met.


Even then... If the picture, movie or sound can be displayed on your computer it CAN be copied.


Remember: Nothing's impossible... Some things just take longer!




Learn something new every day.






She looks hot.


One strictly personal taste matter, though. The exagerated eye makeup doesn't make my boat float. Sometimes eye makeup turns me on. Just for some reason, this doesn't. It reminds me of Endora (Agness Moorehead) from the TV show Bewitched


Everything else about her is pretty hot.


She needs some fur, though. Fur.gif


did you not scroll down worker? she is in fur in two images. then on the site (ref in smoking thread about Lady madonna site) she has one on the back of her chair.


I can remember Agnes morehead lookinh okay in fur actually!

I like the make up myself.


Woops! I am browsing in a Windoze machine.


Down on the bottom, there are some of good ones!


Without the eye makeup she even looks a little bit like Nicolette Sheridin! Only hotter!


There's one shot - Second from the bottom on the left collumn - where she has eye makeup on. I LIKE that one! It's something about the "wings" at the corner of the eyes that distort their shape. I didn't like that. This picture, though, doesn't show that effect.


I can just imagine Agness Moorehead wearing a big fur, whipping up some magick spells! Wind... lightning... the whole works! Serious fire and brimstone magick! Makes my head spin!


Very sexy - very attractive young woman . . . !


yes I agree. As she wears real fur and is beautiful, but I cant find that much stuff, I asked s1m if he could fur her up in a nice fox or something. some more nice shots of her in the smoking section in off topic that would be great with a fox fur added.


too bad she is so far away. i'd shoot her. not to be naughty but... well, i have to say, the inuendo is intended. seriously, she would be great to photograph! the closest i will be is visiting colorado this fall... oh well.

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