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Paris Hilton to Join PETA!?!?!?!

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I heard on the news that Paris Hilton May be ditching her furs and crossing over to the dark side, PETA!!!!!!!!! I hope thta she is just having one of her moments, and doesnt really mean it.


I would even start a poll to vote - but you may expect anything from PH.

I had a few nice images of PH advertising furs - scans from magazines. I can imagine PH wearing mink coat and being a spokesperson of PETA ...


lana, are those pics of miss hilton on your site?


They're so frigging ditsy and superficial PeTA is welcome to them.




PH will be a PETA spokesperson???



Serves them right . . .


Pamela anderson and paris hilton and heather mills mccartney


saggy tits and lack of wits and hissy fits


my thoughts are they are just keeping their names in the headlines and peta is just a vehicle


mind you isnt paris being asked by peta like asking the pope to lead the "right to choose" movement?


mind you you never know she might do a cindy and naomi on them...take the money and run!

PH will be a PETA spokesperson???



Serves them right . . .


What you said. Half the time, I can't even get turned on by her in fur. This is no loss to fur lovers.

Pamela anderson and paris hilton and heather mills mccartney


saggy tits and lack of wits and hissy fits



You don't know how much i giggled when i read that!!


Anywho, I reckon Paris Hilton is a bit of a poor choice by PETA - knowing Ms. Hilton, she would wear mink to a PETA fundraiser. Bu tsince they are both trying to seek attention, they are welcome to each other.


Just my humble opinion




With both Paris Hilton and Pam Anderson as spokespersons, I'm figuring peta is a force to be reckoned with!




Mark Twain said something to the effect when asked to be a member of a certain group:


"I can't belong to any group that would have me as a member."


PeTA I guess is not even that discriminatin.



Mark Twain said something to the effect when asked to be a member of a certain group:

"I can't belong to any group that would have me as a member."



I thought that was a quotation from Groucho Marx. Hence the name for the exclusive media club in London: The Groucho Club.


That said, it's a very 'Twain' observation.


Rapt, where did you get that avatar of the woman in the chinchilla cape?




You're correct about Groch vs Twain.



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