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Our Fearful, or is that Fearless leader hits the big 20'

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Well now folks. Our great and almighty leader. God Almighty here. Has hit the big 20. No, he isn't quite 200 years old yet and I don't think he is 20 either but somewhere inbetween. Indeed FrBrGr has hit the 2000 post mark.


Guys and Gals, this is the guy who fought endlessly to get us this site. It was his dream for years to have this and it finally came through. I have mentioned before how I remember how he came on to mention how proud he was to have created a site that actually hit 1000 posts in total. The original Den. He has been through a lot over the years, all to be able to end up with this fantastic site for us.


We all owe this guy a whole lot! BrGr, you have stayed with us through thick and thin and we apreciate that so very much. We indeed owe this guy a great big hand shake here for the work he has done on these three sites to make this all come true.


FrBrGr, it is so great to have worked with you and I hope to for many years longer. Contratulations on hitting the big 20'!

White Fox


Congratulations FrBrGr (Is it pronounced Fur Burger, as that is what I imagine it to be).


You could well be 200 years of age, because i reckon i will be that age when i reach 2000 posts.

Posted (edited)



Where and how do I start to thank you.


You have not only been an inspirational leader for me; but, you have become a wonderful dear friend.


Your very loyal friend and MOD,


Linda " title="Applause" />

Edited by Guest

Most people here have probably spent a lot of time looking on the internet for a good fur site. I have. The Fur Den is one of the few!



The hardest part is trying to find a site that isn't full of unwanted smut. (Sometimes I want smut but not here. When I want it I'll go somewhere else. It's not hard to find.)


Just Google the words "Fur" and "Fetish"! You'll see what I mean! There are a lot of sites on the internet that are full of ugly, hurtful things. I chose this site because it's not.


I found one site that had a discussion about guys who stole women's fur coats and [rot13]wnpxrq bss[/rot13] on them! GROSS!!

I would NEVER do that to a fur! And I would NEVER even consider doing things like that to a STOLEN fur!


I would never consider participating in a website where there were people who exhibited such antisocial (psychopathic?) behavior!


So, FrBrGr, hats off to you! " title="Applause" />



Congrats FrBrGr and a huge THANK YOU for everything you've done to establish a home for all of us fur lovers!






None of us would be here without you. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your dream!


Good stuff, FrBrGr!!! If only I were that prolific with posts, huh


Btw - where are all these fun new emoticons coming from? (He said realizing there's probably a post explaining all from way back when that he blinked and missed....)


Ah yes, the new emots...

For those of you who have not found them. The place where you find the emoticons is not the same I believe for all styles here. (If you are saying "what does he mean by styles?", go to FAQ and look for that... you are missing one of the best parts of this great site!)


When you are making a post you will see the regular emots that you are familiar with. Just underneath them you will see "View more Emoticons". Just click away on that and away you go. There are something like 200 more of them there!



Cracking emoticon, white...


Is that Gromit???



...I guess it is.



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