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Furfashionguide offline again?


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Meh. If it's down it may be serious. A friend said he tried to visit and got a virus warning!

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Meh. If it's down it may be serious. A friend said he tried to visit and got a virus warning!

I hope you're wrong, and it return soon.

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Guys - no offence, but I really don't care, and really don't need to be FFG's site for is it down or not.


I'll leave this thread up for the sake of discussion, but going forward I will be removing anything that references FFG as far as its status of availability. That is not what the Den is here for.

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The Den isn't a site for fur porn. We have a fur fetish 18+ section, but never has it ever been a site dedicated to that aspect of it. Nor will it ever be.

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Well, as a webmaster I can clarify some things.


NO a virus "cannot" infect a hosting server, which is not a common computer with Windows 10, but rather a Linux overprotected machine.


NO it hasn't been hacked as hackers like to leave traces of their visit rather than letting a blank page. I've known this with real hackers on FourrureCLub several years ago.


What happens really ?


-> The domain Furfashionguide.com is still up for one year from now


-> Is this site broken ? No it isn't as a request to Furfashionguide.com correctly leads to a nederland hosting company, but no website seems to be connected to this domain. So the website is not broken. It is missing.

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fourrureclub has said all that needs to be said about the situation. In my opinion, either the site owner or the hosting service (or both) have failed to keep that site accessible.


As Fox stated earlier, there are several sites that can be used to check if a particular website is up or down.


This discussion has become redundant and severely off-topic, so I am locking the thread.

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