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Whats your reasons for not posting or replying.Just wondering.


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For me its kind of wanting to have a great post or not having just a generic yes or no or great that I think would be boring.I should just post and be done.Theres also laziness by just looking at the posts and not replying.wonder what others peoples reasons are?

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It tends to be because I can't really relate. Many people grew up with certain idols in furs, so I unfortunately can't share in the nostalgia.


On the flip side, it's often because I have nothing constructive to add! That's why I'm glad our forum has "thanks" buttons to signify vigorous wordless nodding.

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Because if you've been in this online community for any decent length of time, you pretty much see the same 10-20 topics reposted over and over again. :/

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Often times not having or taking the time really, also just not always having anything substantive to add.

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