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would you guys hock your furs if you needed cash???

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That is my question.



There were some wonderful gray sheared mink jackets for men on sale on eBay just recently. Unfortunately, eBay removed three of the four listings because the seller stupidly decided to mislabel the titles of those three auctions with fur names other than sheared mink.





Because if i was desperate for cash i would sell them too cheaply and then regret it. There are other things i could sell first, such as my body


Also because they have a sentimental value; how could i get rid of something that i treasure; even if they spend most of their time in the wardrobe.


I'd *never* sell any of my furs, except if I desperately needed the money and they were going to people who would treat them as well as I would.


Interesting comment allfurme:


There are other things i could sell first, such as my body


Does that body your selling come dressed in furs?


You'll have to excuse my weirdness. *laughs* After the night I had my mind has found a new home in the gutter I'm afraid.


I have sold things for the cash before. I have never done it without reservation.

I sold a couple of things to a friend who knew my situation. The agreement was that I could buy the item back later if I ever got back on my feet.


No! It wasn't a Bear! I would NEVER sell a Bear! I would die first!


My bear is 46 years old and I would never sell him either!!


I would sell a fur if we got better ones...thats what gives us the money to "upgrade"




Most probably it would. I don't mean selling my body to medical science, but rather in the 'standing on street corners' manner.


In fact i might do it anyway. Me dressed in stockings, suspenders, high-heels, mini-dress, cheap jewellery, lashings of make-up and a huge soft fox fur coat; sounds like fun! So what if i am a man.


AFM - you wouldn't be the first... or the last for that matter!!!!




i've sold a few smaller things, but would never part with the majority of my furs as they are too important for me.




I wouldn't like to think I would sell my furs just because I needed the money although I have (and am currently) selling some of my furs. This is to part with some of the smaller, older, cheaper or less striking furs to make wardrobe space for bigger, newer and better items.


I know people who have parted with furs just to raise much needed funds but I'm sure they have regretted some of the coats they have sold. If my former friend from Scotland reads this, please get in touch with me!



Mr Mockle


We wouldn't sell any of my wife's furs. But then that leaves the question what to do with them when they just get old and scrappy. Do you just leave them at the bottom of a cupboard getting even older and scrappier until eventually they have to be thrown away anyway?If so, then why dont we get rid of them now? i guess it's sentimental value that creeps in here.


One of her blue fox coats - the fur isn't going bare or anything but it just doesn't look "vibrant " anymore, if you know what I mean. She would probably not wear it outside again as it just doesn't look smart anymore.


And as for her silver fox bolero and stoles from the seventies when they were so much in fashion - they definately have sentimental value as we were courting then!! Whereas now they just hang in the cupboard getting drier, but I could never get rid of them.


I envisage the day that when we die, somone will open the cupboard, and all these old stored furs will come tumbling out


By the way, my teddy bear lost all its fur many years ago, he's got floppy shoulder joints, broken nose, lost his growl, no pads, and looks distinctly sad, but he'll NEVER get chucked out!! I gave him my word.


Spoilt for choice with emoticons now Arrgggh! which to chose? oh well, .............. guess this sums up what society does for us these days!


I know where Mr. Mockle is coming from. Garments that "did it" for me 10, 15, or 20 years ago drop to the pecking order as new ones come in. I think probably Ebay, more than anything, has improved the quality and quantity of the collection. Space isn't a big problem for us, but when, I need money to feed this obession, or one of my other hobbies, the less desirable coats go to the consingment shop or vintage store. This is still only after some long, careful deliberation, however.


The funny thing about Teddy Bears, ravens8, is that they don't usually lose (monetary) value just because they show wear. In fact, Teddies that have been loved are sometimes more valuable than an identical but new one.


As long as they still have their tags, they retain as much as 80% of their value. (Steiff Bears have tags in their ears. DO NOT remove them!!)


I don't collect Bears strictly for their monetary value but it sure makes a Bear sit up and look proud when you tell him that he's worth a couple-few hundred clams!


Just been up to check - nope! - no tags - guess i chewed or ripped them off as a kid!. There is a small tear mark in the ear that looks suspicious though! - only kidding Worker.


I'm pretty sure my bear was pretty bog standard when bought, but his non monetry value is the years of companionship. Even if he has spent most of the last few decades in the attic (he's down now). The fact he's still around, and is suffused with memories is value enough.


Your bears look very well fed and happy Worker. How many do you have?

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