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I think they should have college night classes for private sellers in types of fur and types of fur clothing.


Everytime you look at a "Silver-Fox" - it just isn't silver fox.


"A gorgeous fox fur stole" - turns out to be a fox pelt.


"Beautiful fox fur coat" - you read the descrition and it says "I think it is fox" - No it isn't you fool; it is nothing like fox!


And how many times has "Mink" obviously not been mink - I guess if they say it is mink they think people will pay more for it.


PS what does Boho mean?


I use to email them but it got real old real quick. It rarely had any impact.




"mink" seems to be a generic way people refer to fur coats in general..."there was a lady wearing a mink coat."


"boho" is bohemian...kind of a hippie look.


I wouldn't say they are fools or deliberately trying to mislead. I think in 90% of the cases they just don't know and are going with what they have been told from someone else who doesn't know.


What drives me crazy is polluting the search results...when I search for "fox fur (coat, jacket) -faux" and I get:




The freaking garment bag sellers drive me crazy with their advertizing!




How about those sable-minks. What the heck is that?


... polluting the search results ...


"beaver fur coat for sale, no mink, fox, bla bla"




Let's be honest - the vast majority of those folks have little, if any, interest in furs beyond what they can get for mom or grandmom's old coat... We really can't expect the occasional eBayer - even the mom and pop seller who sometimes happens to have a 'fur' on their hands to know anything about furs.


The 'professional sellers' on eBay (olivefurs, toepick, etc. etc.) generally get them right....




I for one am pleased with a little fur ignorance, it has allowed me to buy sheared beaver at a faux fur price and russian sable for the price of cheap mink. I will admit that it has become less common now that fur is mainstream again but with a litlle investment of time and diligence there are still some bargains to be had. Hooray for the misinformed!


My experience on eBay is that UK sellers are far more ignorant of fur types than those from other countries. It appears to me that fur sellers in the USA and Canada tend to "know their onions". As FurLoverinFL said, with a lot of occasional UK fur sellers it's a case of: "thinks: let's see what we can get for granny's old fur coat on eBay. I don't know what type of fur it is; granny was always pretty classy, so it must be mink" (the default option, in most people's minds). And I speak as someone from the UK. But having said that, people everywhere confuse mouton/beaver lamb with (sheared) beaver!


Hi, Mr. Beaverlamb!!


Nice to see you in your new home!




Thanks, Linda.

I really like it here. The ability to have different Board styles, or "skins" is great - makes it much easier to read.



Some time ago, Mr. Barguzin (Piotr) jokingly wanted to start an organization known as FEFIM, Fur Education For the Ignorant Masses for this very reason.

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