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Article about a sexy young fur designer

Guest Paw

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No matter how much people protest, it wont stop the "fashion industry using fur and leather. Its just how it works. Take it or leave it, it's the reality."

I like her attitude

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No offense to the Online print journal that published this article, but some of the elements in this story feel a little hokey... like some of the facts relevant to the article were either embellished by the interviewee, or someone forgot to do a little fact checking. I mean for starters there is the whole Cinderella/rags to riches story in the beginning that is not really embellished upon beyond the first one and a half paragraphs but it immediately feels too good to be true. In fact even the "unknown billionare" element of this story that she is supposedly engaged to seems a little wafer thin. Then this designer attemps to take credit for the work of producing inexpensive, dyed fox jackets--even though we have seen this kind of thing for decades now. And then they provide about a dozen pictures that identify these jackets that are supposedly all the creations of this designer and yet they were all previously reported to be parts of the Michael Kohrs, Anna Wintour, Dolce and Gabbana and Dennis Basso collections...And then there is the problem of only having one single source in the article and that is just the designer/interviewee herself. Sorry to say it but I think that this article has a serious deficiency in the fact checking department. One of the things that I learned from my journalism classes all those years ago is that a story isn't true unless it can be backed up by separate accounts from multiple sources. So until I see more from this designer, I'm taking this whole article with a grain of salt.

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Then this designer attemps to take credit for the work of producing inexpensive, dyed fox jackets--even though we have seen this kind of thing for decades now. And then they provide about a dozen pictures that identify these jackets that are supposedly all the creations of this designer and yet they were all previously reported to be parts of the Michael Kohrs, Anna Wintour, Dolce and Gabbana and Dennis Basso collections...And then there is the problem of only having one single source in the article and that is just the designer/interviewee herself. Sorry to say it but I think that this article has a serious deficiency in the fact checking department. One of the things that I learned from my journalism classes all those years ago is that a story isn't true unless it can be backed up by separate accounts from multiple sources. So until I see more from this designer, I'm taking this whole article with a grain of salt.

Well put Panther.

And I'd even go further. In the b/w pictures, the jackets seem like white fox jackets and not like dyed fox. And yes, we have seen this for decades.

If you take a look at the website https://www.tzarinabyollia.com/, you see a lot of coats seen on other occasions. Ollia rather seems to act as a reseller.

And she doesn't bother to buy the license of the pictures at Getty to get rid of the watermark https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0900/8176/products/IMG_1204_large.JPG?v=1489145831.


Nevertheless I wish her luck. It would be nice to see her selling fur coats - in a honest way.

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Well put Panther.

And I'd even go further. In the b/w pictures, the jackets seem like white fox jackets and not like dyed fox. And yes, we have seen this for decades.

If you take a look at the website https://www.tzarinabyollia.com/, you see a lot of coats seen on other occasions. Ollia rather seems to act as a reseller.

And she doesn't bother to buy the license of the pictures at Getty to get rid of the watermark https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0900/8176/products/IMG_1204_large.JPG?v=1489145831.


Nevertheless I wish her luck. It would be nice to see her selling fur coats - in a honest way.



I've seen similiar stores set up this way. There's a youtube channel out there (La Foururre, I think....) and the guy who runs that channel actually tried to set up a web shop for custom fur coats but he just used recycled pictures from elsafur and daria to advertise his business. It was a pretty shady setup...the whole thing smelled like a complete scam. So yeah I do not trust this Ollia person one bit. Either she is selling knock off designs or she's scamming people outright by taking credit for the works from other well renowned designers.

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Wow, and here I thought I was just going to post some hot pics of celebs in foxes. This is some impressive investigative journalism, really interesting stuff



I wouldn't call my doubts about this article "investigative journalism" I'm not actually a journalist myself. It's like I said...the story seems a little thin. I need details. I need testimonials from shops and customers that have bought & sold her furs and then lived to tell about it. A few name drops of different celebrities doesn't cut it. Show me a photo of Ollia showcasing her wares at a fashion show, or at Kopenhagen holding hands with Gigi Hadid, I don't care.. If I were the editor of this piece I'd tell the writer that the story would not be printed unless they could provide some actual, provable facts. Put some meat on the bones of this story. The story is no good...

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Wow, and here I thought I was just going to post some hot pics of celebs in foxes. This is some impressive investigative journalism, really interesting stuff



I wouldn't call my doubts about this article "investigative journalism" I'm not actually a journalist myself. It's like I said...the story seems a little thin. I need details. I need testimonials from shops and customers that have bought & sold her furs and then lived to tell about it. A few name drops of different celebrities doesn't cut it. Show me a photo of Ollia showcasing her wares at a fashion show, or at Kopenhagen holding hands with Gigi Hadid, I don't care.. If I were the editor of this piece I'd tell the writer that the story would not be printed unless they could provide some actual, provable facts. Put some meat on the bones of this story. The story is no good...


Daily mail is not known for its journalistic integrity. I would not be surprised if this was a paid ad.

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Hi friends, the whole thing is a scam. Fake interview with perfect emptyness. Facebook page with no more than 300 fans (not 300K, but just 3 hundreds, period) is unbelievable for such a "famous designer". The website is just a disguised dropshipping store selling chinese goods, with quite a good profit by the way.


See here :


-> https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/2016-Fashion-Russian-Style-Real-Fox_60552084380.html


Other photos from "exclusive creations" are taken from Elsafurs... Their Paypal profile is linked to a company named "МЕХА ЦАРИЦЫ". Some photos credited as their creations date from 5 years before brand exists. Absolutly no contact postal address on the website, contact page doesn't exists. In any ways, all this is quite strange and unconventional....

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Hi friends, the whole thing is a scam. Fake interview with perfect emptyness. Facebook page with no more than 300 fans (not 300K, but just 3 hundreds, period) is unbelievable for such a "famous designer". The website is just a disguised dropshipping store selling chinese goods, with quite a good profit by the way.


See here :


-> https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/2016-Fashion-Russian-Style-Real-Fox_60552084380.html


Other photos from "exclusive creations" are taken from Elsafurs... Their Paypal profile is linked to a company named "МЕХА ЦАРИЦЫ". Some photos credited as their creations date from 5 years before brand exists. Absolutly no contact postal address on the website, contact page doesn't exists. In any ways, all this is quite strange and unconventional....



Yeah upon closer inspection it looks like "Ollia's" website also includes stolen pictures from Fur_Outlet as well.


Alright folks looks like we have to call it. The article from the Guardian was just a clever word of mouth viral advertising campaign and the website itself belongs to a knock-off chinese seller. So I guess this is a legitimate scam.. So I guess my best advice to our other members is to avoid websites like this, or at the very least remember the saying "Let the buyer BEWARE"

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