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Fur Addiction

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Thank you sir...much appreciated.




But back to the topic, yes I did try to de-fetish and it did not work. As something you referenced earlier though about climax, I do find it is possible without fur, but not wholly enjoyable at all. While I can survive with fur outside of the bedroom, I find that it is absolutely necessary for me in the bedroom, on a psychological level. Most of us men are visual creatures, and not just the texture, but the physical sight of a woman in a fur stroller is incredibly pleasurable. It's funny how that breaks down to which fur in particular, I knew a chap on here from years ago who cared for only mink and nothing else. Personally? I'm 90% into fox (silver) and about 10% into lynx. While I can tolerate others, I don't care for them a whole lot, but I do have a brand new hooded rabbit bomber I wear and a new sheepskin aviator bomber that is to die for! Sadly, the maker wouldn't line one with fox or even coyote for me.....


Now the image for me of a man in a fur coat is very pleasurable, like the one in your avatar. If I do fantasize at all, it is mostly about being wrapped up in furs by and with a man in such a coat, in a nice cabin in the winter. For me fur is the material manifestation of love. And so, even when I am not in a sexual mood at all, I long to always be wrapped up in layers of fur just for the peace and well being it causes me to feel. I totally understand your points about men being more visual, especially as it pertains to sexual matters, and furs are stunning and visually appealing. I have also found it true that men tend to like long haired furs better, probably due to the visual appeal, whereas many women like the flatter furs to accent their curves so to say. To me a fur isn't really a fur if it doesn't blow in the wind.

Now the image for me of a man in a fur coat is very pleasurable, like the one in your avatar. If I do fantasize at all, it is mostly about being wrapped up in furs by and with a man in such a coat, in a nice cabin in the winter. For me fur is the material manifestation of love. And so, even when I am not in a sexual mood at all, I long to always be wrapped up in layers of fur just for the peace and well being it causes me to feel. I totally understand your points about men being more visual, especially as it pertains to sexual matters, and furs are stunning and visually appealing. I have also found it true that men tend to like long haired furs better, probably due to the visual appeal, whereas many women like the flatter furs to accent their curves so to say. To me a fur isn't really a fur if it doesn't blow in the wind.



Yes, I have heard that before about women desiring a a flatter fur such as a sheared beaver or mink. But, some people also enjoy the feeling. I was in the chat room here the other day and person was simply agog that I didn't care for chinchilla. It has a feeling of almost too much softness for me, if there is such a thing. But, I don't like just a long haired beaver coat as they can be scratchy sometimes. For me fox and to an extent, lynx, have the desired visual, effect, and feeling for me.

Yes, I agree, as I have read the posts..and thank you all for your thoughtful comments, I am using the very strict definition. Perhaps I do not want to have a fetish? I have looked up the word, and there are indeed other definitions that are accurate. I guess my sense of things goes back to my first joining the den, and realizing a predominant interest...and nothing wrong with this...of sex and furs. This was never my primary interest, and it still is not. So my thought of fetish was on the purely sexual side dealing with furs, and since that is not nor has ever been my primary attraction to furs, I always said I did not have a fur fetish.


The term fetish carries quite a stigma in the outside world. It's completely understandable to wish to avoid carrying that label, especially under the strict definition.


I think a lot of us, myself included, have spent years trying to undo fetishes. Unfortunately I have yet to find a way to do so and I have never met someone who managed to "cure" themselves of it on more than a temporary basis that eventually came roaring back in full strength. As I need to analyze those things into the ground, I came up with my own system of gauging "fetish strength" that covers various definitions:

-Strong - you NEED it to be there for sexual gratification.

-Medium - with it you achieve maximum sexual gratification.

-Weak - you don't need it to achieve sexual gratification but if you go too long without it, it will become an obsession until you "get your fix."


Similarly, I downgrade it to a "kink" if something is a turn on that is not related to an instinctual base-brain means of arousal.


I tend to lump the addiction side into the weak fetish category.


My personal fetish is not for fur itself but for a woman in fur. I do greatly enjoy how it feels but if I had to choose between wearing a fur and watching someone else wear it, I would choose the latter. In regards to the idea of curves and flatter fur, I am drawn visually more to thick fur trims with a flatter fur or something like leather that gives a sleeker shape as the base. I have found myself to be in the minority on this one though.


This is definitely an interesting topic


I agree with you regarding the weak category. By your definition, I would fall into that, but within that my need for furs is very strong. I remember when I got my first three fur coats, and when they were stored during the summer it was devastating for me, and I do mean devastating. I was literally depressed until I got them back in the fall. Now I rotate my furs through the furrier for cleaning year round, and I have a climate controlled fur vault, so I am never without lots of furs year round.


That sounds like you have found a perfect system for it.


The depression during their absence definitely sounds like a severe drop in dopamine levels (or related feel good chemicals) that you had been accustomed to maintaining, especially if their return cured it. The brain can be quite interesting in that regard and it's definitely something that should be considered serious as it will behave as an addiction.


Exactly, and this is the core of my case for fur addiction.

Alfred Binet first added a sexuality connotoation to the meaning of "fetish" and Freud was the first to expound on that to describe what we now commonly consider to be the definition of fetish. For reference and very interesting is Freud's 'Fetishism' from 1927. Previously fetish was something like an amulet, a spell, an object that contained magical powers.


"The word fetish derives from the French fétiche, which comes from the Portuguese feitiço ("spell"), which in turn derives from the Latin facticius (“artificial”) and facere ("to make"). A fetish is an object believed to have supernatural powers, or in particular, a man-made object that has power over others. Essentially, fetishism is the attribution of inherent value or powers to an object. Fétichisme was first used in an erotic context by Alfred Binet in 1887."


I think of fetish as in it's original meaning. To me this fits with what you say about what you call your fur addiction Lynxette. But you know, it all depends on how we are using the term fetish. This is a great thread and very interesting.


Interesting. I'll give it a read.


Already read about this definition of the word, but as I'm in more contact with the sexual part of the word I, well... Ended forgetting.

It's interesting that you saw that perhaps you don't want to have a fetish.


At one point years ago, I had an ex-gf try to convince me that it was bad. She asked me to watch some animal rights videos of the foxes being torn apart, clubbed, etc. In a surprising way, I had zero reaction to the videos and still bought a blue fox jacket afterwards. Was kinda like a serial killer watching a video, I just showed no emotion at all. So I did attempt do "de-fetish" myself, and it didn't work.


The "de-fetish" thing is really sad. Tried myself at 13 years old because I found the PETA sites and I had some issues with my sexuality and some of that crap you pull when you're younger, that lasted 2 years until I realized I cannot fight against it, and it wouldn't make me a good person, just more hypocritical, so I bite the bullet and accepted it for what it is. All the girls and women I've been in contact were very keen about the subject - even the antis - so I can call myself lucky in this aspect.


As for the other part, sometimes it gets me through the night, after I hit disillusion, that no matter what happens I still have my coats, so I'm not "alone", and it comforts me. Not only for the sexual part, but I do like collecting them, and never forget that I like them primary as a cloth material, in front of any other possible means.


It's bizarre - and even bigger - than I really comprehend and can explain, but if it works it works I think...

...fur is the material manifestation of love.


Just wanted to say how much I love this quote! " title="Applause" />

It's interesting that you saw that perhaps you don't want to have a fetish.


At one point years ago, I had an ex-gf try to convince me that it was bad. She asked me to watch some animal rights videos of the foxes being torn apart, clubbed, etc. In a surprising way, I had zero reaction to the videos and still bought a blue fox jacket afterwards. Was kinda like a serial killer watching a video, I just showed no emotion at all. So I did attempt do "de-fetish" myself, and it didn't work.


The "de-fetish" thing is really sad. Tried myself at 13 years old because I found the PETA sites and I had some issues with my sexuality and some of that crap you pull when you're younger, that lasted 2 years until I realized I cannot fight against it, and it wouldn't make me a good person, just more hypocritical, so I bite the bullet and accepted it for what it is. All the girls and women I've been in contact were very keen about the subject - even the antis - so I can call myself lucky in this aspect.


As for the other part, sometimes it gets me through the night, after I hit disillusion, that no matter what happens I still have my coats, so I'm not "alone", and it comforts me. Not only for the sexual part, but I do like collecting them, and never forget that I like them primary as a cloth material, in front of any other possible means.


It's bizarre - and even bigger - than I really comprehend and can explain, but if it works it works I think...



Let me clarify that I didn't attempt this de-fetish at my own volition. My ex was very convinced that she could do it and be successful because to her, no normal individual would be able to watch some videos and feel nothing. She was wrong in the end, and I can imagine her and her new man having unbelievably bland sexual encounters. From when I ran across her last week, she looked as if she had died and been reincarnated as a dish rag.

Posted (edited)
Let me clarify that I didn't attempt this de-fetish at my own volition. My ex was very convinced that she could do it and be successful because to her, no normal individual would be able to watch some videos and feel nothing. She was wrong in the end, and I can imagine her and her new man having unbelievably bland sexual encounters. From when I ran across her last week, she looked as if she had died and been reincarnated as a dish rag.


I'm not surprised. The ones who try hard to have the control over everything end losing the control of themselves.

Edited by Guest

Love where this thread has gone, and Fox, thank you for the kind words. It is truly how I have always seen fur deep down.


Real only for me, but I get your point and share the sentiment absolutely.

Posted (edited)

I cannot help but wonder if we over analyze ourselves because fur is unfortunately, controversial and associated with animal cruelty in todays day and age. Many people feel addiction is a disease where one cannot control themselves and will do anything to obtain the substance they need. This is all to complicated for a me but it would seem inaccurate to apply only psychological definitions in a self diagnosis. Real life example: I had a medical concern and I researched it on the internet before seeing my doctor. (Just to get an idea.) BIG MISTAKE. I look back now and get a chuckle but I was quite nervous for awhile. I think it is very simple. You love what you love and don't want to be without it! In another time you could have started "House of Lynxette Furs of the Stars" Turning your love of furs into a profitable company. Not addict but owner of a successful company! To me furs are a warm, luxurious and a natural connection to our environment. I have a feeling you are a nice lady who loves her furs, you go girl! P.S I felt alone with my love of fur until I joined this group. You are a ray of hope for me!

Edited by Guest

No, I am not at all ashamed of my love for and need of furs. I just have always wondered if i did not have a fur fetish in the strict sexual sense, than what defines my intense need and interest in furs. Good thoughts though, and may apply to some.


For me there is something about a fur that touched me deep down . It is hard to put into word but it is actually a soulful experience for me. I never want to be without it. I even enjoy seeing it on others it gives me a warm tender feeling.


I agree...although I still get a bit envious if I see a fur coat that I would like to have...not in a nasty, take it away sense, but itis hard so see something I really like and have no way to get one too. This is because fur is always completely unique, and cannot ever be truly duplicated.

I agree...although I still get a bit envious if I see a fur coat that I would like to have...not in a nasty, take it away sense, but itis hard so see something I really like and have no way to get one too. This is because fur is always completely unique, and cannot ever be truly duplicated.


I feel this too. Strange, isn't?

Hence why my collection is primarly focused in variation now


Variety of furs is definitely the soft spice of life.


Not only variation of furs, but styling too. I'm after the most variety of collars, sleeves, cuffs, closures and details as possible


See, and I am only after the biggest, fluffiest furs possible...two different goals I think perhaps eh?


Hmmmmm sorta. I missed buying a blue fox once because it was a short jacket. If it covered my butt, I'd be a happy member of the fluffy club. The only long haired I have is a racoon fur coat (I think it's a stroller but not sure anymore).


Full length fox and lynx are definetly on my list, as replicating Cruella's coat, both in faux and real fur. If there's something you can never have enough, is full length coats.

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