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How did you tell your significant other about your love of fur?

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How did you tell your significant other about your love of furs? What was the reaction or experience?


For anyone who knows me, it is pretty much obvious right away, as fur is everywhere, including on me pretty much year round. I am sure that this is not the perspective you were looking for, as I am certain that for many men, sharing the intense interest in fur with a woman they are wanting to be with is a whole different thing. And I know many women can react very negatively to fur, as I have had more bad experiences with other women than with men regarding my furs.

For anyone who knows me, it is pretty much obvious right away, as fur is everywhere, including on me pretty much year round. I am sure that this is not the perspective you were looking for, as I am certain that for many men, sharing the intense interest in fur with a woman they are wanting to be with is a whole different thing. And I know many women can react very negatively to fur, as I have had more bad experiences with other women than with men regarding my furs.


You have had a bad experience with other women over furs? Where they antis?


Yes. And quite possibly envious of the furs I was wearing, but it is easier for some to be nasty than to admit it to themselves.


It takes a special kind of woman who will wear furs. Confident, poised and it helps to have a model’s figure also. Other women who don’t have these qualities often feel threatened by such Fur wearing women.


This is my observation and experience from decades of using furs and being around women who wear furs.


Sorry to get off topic.




Not at all. All valid points FurBob


No, excellent point indeed sir. I agree with you, envy is definitely a huge factor, but it is easier to direct it against the object than the person generally, as it feels righteous.


I don’t mind creating envy.


Well, truth be told, neither do I, if I am safe and warm in furs and others aren't.


Furs create a sense of personal safety for you?


Oh yes, very much so. Since I was a little girl, my romantic vision has always been that one who is wrapped up in furs is protected and loved. Probably not always true, but my notion nonetheless. When I have a fur oat on I feel enveloped in warm safety and protection...obviously not living in a hot climate helps with this.


To answer the question most directly, when I was dating and the time was right in the relationship to talk about more intimate topics, I'd make a simple statement. "You know I find furs sexy.." Being now right out there, I waited for the reaction. In all case I could see the wheels spinning inside her head. Usually a smile soon developed and the conversation would continue usually by her asking where or how.. but often they would reply with, I have a fur.. we could bring that out next time.


Bottom line, start early and be direct. You don't want to waste time with someone who just doesn't get it.


Sounds like a good approach to take, direct and honest. If you truly love and want furs as part of your romantic life, finding out early on whether this is compatible is best I should think.


I agree with RonGav. I did something similar with my current girlfriend and she loved it. I was much more shy with my previous partners and I wish I hadn't. It's not such a weird thing to be attracted to. I also stopped dating two girls just because they stated that they didn't like it.


Sounds like you have the idea down pat. Congratulations on finding a woman to share with. That is great.


ive told my fiance that I Love Fur when I first started dating her........ she is either not liking that ..

that I like fur or she just doesnt.....

I know she cant stand reall fur and barely puts up with me having faux fur......

I dont thik she gets it that fur is in my life.....

ive honestly tried to share it with her... but shes not interested...

Yes. ive told her how beautiful she would look in a fur coat....

I suppose shes not interested at all...... thats ok...


That is too bad, but not uncommon from my experience here reading other peopl's posts on simlar topics. It seems for many women, they either love for or not. I being one who loves it cannot of course understand those who don't, but there you go.


So what will you do about your situation, Paul? Will you still marry your fiancée?


That may lead to problems later in life. I am sure you love her, but it may cause heartbreak later on.


I am speaking to a guy who is married to a woman who does not like fur. Now he has met another woman, who loves fur. He is becoming besotted, to the extent he is buying this lady furs.


Every relationship I have ever had has been of the alternative lifestyle variety. These have, for the most part, required absolutely open full-disclosure levels of communication and with the exception of my first, fur was always something I brought up during pre-relationship conversations (the first relationship started rather unexpectedly). Thankfully, all of them enjoyed it as both a standard part of their wardrobe and in the bedroom. It's sort of funny that fur of all the things did tend to give me the most anxiety but it always turned out okay.


That being said, when bringing it up I did feel like a child admitting they broke the cookie jar while trying to sneak a cookie before dinner.


I'm not sure if her rejecting it would have been a deal breaker for me, but it would have required everything else to be that much more perfect. I hope I will never have to make that call and it's looking like the relationship I have looming on the horizon also loves fur.


It sounds as if more should always be open with their partners about such things.


In one way or the other I think that is true. The real question for me is...and I am not a guy, so gentlemen please do not be offended by this, but why do so many of you think there is anything wrong with loving furs? An interesting anecdote is that in ages past, there were laws called Sumptuary Laws about dress codes in society, and as it relates to furs, only men were allowed to wear sable, silver fox, or any of the other nice furs. Women were limited to red fox, squirrel, rabbit, etc. Now of course as a lady this would not be a situation I would want to see again, but my point is that fur was always by and for men until the 20th century. Than you guys gave it up in society quite quickly, and only you can take it back.


Paul, I wonder the same as Elbas. From experience, I know that you will never outgrow or lose your love of fur. It is hard-wired into you. But then to spend the rest of your life (supposedly) with one who doesn't even like it, seems like you're taking on years of frustration and eventual resentment.

Think about it. Much easier now to fix it.


Very good advice RonGav. Hard to take perhaps, but sometimes reality can be hard.


Only learned from 25 years of gradual experience. We started out fine.. but it slowly turned sour. Mine the story of maybe emphasizing furs too much? Anyway -- lesson learned, and my current wife, though not a fur diva, still will wear them when she feels in the mood. And she "mostly" tolerates my fur wearing too.


I have yet to meet a guy that is negative about my furs a nd fur passion, dating or otherwise. Always have gotten much more nastiness from other women. I am sure there are men out there who would be negative, but have yet to experience.

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