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Youtube fur videos

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Youtube isn't adult. Keep these in the den area. Also might want to say when the fur actually shows up - I personally am not going to skim through a hour, and a half to find it.


There are several channels on you tube that specialise in just pulling fur clips from movies and tv shows around the world, so that one does not have to watch anything but the furs.


Thanks for the clips mate!


As a side note, I have spent time in Spain...not my favourite climate, and women there would wear furs outdoors with the temp over 20 degrees C much more than in North America or other places in Europe simply as a part of style. That is really neat I thought.


Hmm I traveled to Greece and Italy and never gave much thought to Spain. You may have change my outlook Lynxette !


The neat thing about all the countries of southern Europe, is that for the most part, they still have the sense of style and ability to show wealth that is not quite as shunned as in northern Europe. I believe this is why furs are more prominent, even though the climate would suggest otherwise.


Remember I'm old. I like Anne Murray "Now and Forever" She wears a full length silver fox and I love her voice. Can be found on you tube.


Beautiful coat; yay Canadian furs.

She finally nabbed that guy from the possessive woman.

It seems to have taken a while as Anne kept changing earrings.

Posted (edited)

Thank You !

A nice lady with a soothing voice wearing a soft fur warms my heart!

Edited by Guest

This is the first time i was ever aware of her wearing furs of any kind...thank you for bringing it to my attention.


What a beautiful song, beautiful lady and a beautiful coat

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