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Notifications from google chrome

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Is there any settings in google chrome with andriod 6.0.1 ?? LG smart phone?? That I can turn notifications on or is this one of those things that I just need to check as often as I do...

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If you are talking about the notifications this site provides, the only way to get them is to log-in and check the Notifications & Private messages items at the top of the index page. Android notifications are NOT triggered by this site's software as the site software has no idea what operating system you are using.

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The only notifications that are sent are emails when you get messages, or subscribe to a thread. This site won’t send notifications any other way as it’s not built for that.

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This was an interesting thread that i Had not really thought about previously, but thank you all for the info, as it was useful.

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Thank you all..

I understand and was curious Because I am herr on the site alot .. Day and night.. Except work..

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