sableman Posted May 29, 2006 Posted May 29, 2006 Some of you on this site know me, but I would guess a lot of members do not. I do consider White Fox and Fur Burger to be good "fur friends" of mine. One of the links on this site is my Yahoo group which hosts fur fetish fiction stories. Most are written by me, but there are some other contributing authors, whose stories I deeply appreciate. It is time to shut down my site. I have thought about this for awhile as there has seemed to be a diminishing interest in my site and my stories. Recently, I have noticed when I post new stories or parts to new stories, I receive very little reaction or comments. I have publically asked for comments (either public or private) and I have recieved very little of either. For those who don't know me, I really am not an egotistical person. However, writing stories takes time and effort and since I do not receive any kind of reward for writing the stories, I at least like to know that members like and appreciate the stories. For awhile, I felt guilty since I was not writing stories very often. (Even though it is sometimes hard to come up with new ideas and put them down on the computer.) So I started to write stories more often, hoping this would generate more interest and comments. It did not. Now I know that a lot of my stories sound similar and I tried to get away from that. There are only so many ways you can write about the joys of fur without getting gross or really graphic which I refuse to do. I did, however, attempt to develop differant scenarios to try to keep interest among the readers. I am not bragging, but I felt confident that I succeeded in that effort. I have said this numerous times, but I am not a professional writer. I started writing the stories because when I visited numerous fur fetish sites, I felt guilty that I was enjoying these sites but I was contributing very little to the fur community. I found that my site and my stories were a way for me to "give something back". As is the case with this site, it takes a lot of time and effort to create, maintain and monitor a site. Alll members here should be grateful to the efforts of those that maintain this site. As I was looking through the messages on my site the other day, I noticed that the very first message was posted in May 2002. That's four years, so maybe it is time that my site should expire. There are over 1700 members and I would venture to guess that over half of them have little or no interest in fur or fur fetishism. Honestly, I don't know why some people join a site if they have no interest in the subject matter. Recently, I viewed the profile of a member who recently joined. This member listed their interests and there was no mention of fur. I thought to myself, "why in the hell did you join my site if you have no interest in fur?" I did not limit the membership nor screen new members but perhaps I should have done so. I never had an anti-fur idiots try to ruin my site so I saw no reason to do that. But perhaps I should have, since numerous people joined without any apparent interest in fur. I have not officially closed down the site yet but I will let the owners of this site know when I do so. For any of you who have visited and or enjoyed any of the stories on my Yahoo site, I thank you for your interest. I thoroughly enjoyed writing the stories and it gave me a way to fantasize about fur fetish scenarios that I wish I could have experienced in real life. Like numerous others on this site, I have loved fur since I was a young boy and I continue to experience this wonderful obsession with fur! If anyone wants to send me a private e-mail regarding this, please do so. For this site and others like it, please remember that those who create and maintain these sites receive little or no appreciation or thanks for what they do. (I know some members do, so this is not an indictment on members in general). They provide an outlet for all of us who love fur. As I said before, it takes a lot of time and effort to provide this for so many to enjoy. In the meantime, we can all enjoy fur on this long weekend! Sableman
White Fox Posted May 29, 2006 Posted May 29, 2006 Sableman... I am running away late and was just leaving the site when I found this. Though time is almost nil I had to reply. Folks Sableman was a mod on this site quite awhile back and has always been a fantastic and contributing member here. He formed his own story site and has done so much work there. I only wish I had more time to go to more of these great places. Time is just so short. #1. Sableman. I am really sorry to hear that you are closing the site, and I am sure many others here will be as well. All of us should "Take lessons" from this and realize just how much work these sites are, and that we need to remember to thank the people involved. #2. I hope that you can find a home for these stories when you close the site down. If you need ideas on that please let me know and I will do my best to help you with that. I am really sad to hear of this. Again, I hope that you folks will let Sableman know how much that you have enjoyed his site. He is a very dedicated fur community member and his site will be badly missed. Again Sable, if I can be of any help please let me know. White Fox P.S. Hopefully some good can come of this. Hopefully you will be able to spend a little more time with us now. W
Guest Posted May 29, 2006 Posted May 29, 2006 Sableman; I'm sorry to hear of your decision. You may know that I too write fur fetish stroies. I posted on Melody until our move here and I worked on helping relocatethe stories from Melody. I have tried to promote others to write and post as well. I did, for a short while, belong to your site but had such a difficult time keeping connected on Yahoo I just quit trying. Don't know if I'm unique in that respect but I have found Yahoo to be a total bust in more ways than one. Some love it?? Go figure. I chose to post on literotica for a variety of reasons. Initially for being able to write "beyond the bounds" of what I could post at Melody. I have a link here as does "Worker11811" who has joined me there. When I first started I was the only furfetish writer there except for a few stories by "Pitor". Got a few nasties at first but, in that respect, I'm left alone now. I get the very occasional comment both public and private but a ton of reads and a fair number of positive "votes". Both I and Worker are doing reasonably well there now. They don't have a "Fur" category but that's why I chose "FurLove" as my monaker there. Why don't you try and post a few of your racier stories there at first to test the waters? I think you might be pleasantly surprised. After about 4 or 5 stories I began to get a lot more interest. I think that's happening with Worker now. Not that it was my goal to Evangelize fur but the responses are getting very interesting from folks who had never considered the idea but I now have dedicated followers. Some of my best critics. I just ran some statistics over this weekend in conversation with Worker and realised that nearly a 100 folks an hour read my stories. One I just posted got 18,000 in the first two days. My ratings as are Worker are well up the curve of red H's [high ratings] for Authors on literotica. With over 610,000 reads for 42 stories in less than 9 months I'm drowning in a sea of riches. Nothing like what I had expected when I started. I had never writen a story in my life before that. A few of my critics remind me of that on occasion. At this point I'm stepping back now to think about what ot do myself but not quite the same as your resopnse. For me initially writing fur fetish stories was a theraputic thing. To get out long repressed feelings and ideas. I'm way beyond that now and reaching for new goals and ideas. Though we don't have a story site here doesn't mean we can't have discussions over it here? Worker and me are doing that privately but who here doesn't harbor their own fantasies and thoughts about furs? We do discuss them in sometimes odd and peculiar [even for here] ways. Sometimes speciallizing is not the best strategy. Possibly split the strategy? Please think about it before totally tossing it all in the bin. OFF
ReFur Posted May 29, 2006 Posted May 29, 2006 Sableman, I too am sorry to hear you are feeling your writings and site are not worth it to you any longer. Have you considered just taking a pause? I like the others, feel it would be a terrible loss to lose these stories. Hope you can at least find a new home for them. I have found when one door closed another opened. I hope it will for you as well. Linda
sableman Posted May 30, 2006 Author Posted May 30, 2006 Some interesting comments, to be sure. First of all, White Fox thank you for your comments, support, and friendship. You know they are appreciated. To OFF, you bring up some interesting points. I did not know that accessing Yahoo was such a problem. I will consider your suggestion about posting my stories elsewhere. Actually, originally I posted my stories on the Fur Twins site. Then, a very nice dominant women with whom I conversed on the Internet, offered to create a site for me. It seemed like a great idea. I owe the creation of the site to her (Mistress Cruella Phrodite). Unfortunately, she has left the scene and I have been unable to establish contact again. That is an interesting comment about you finding that writing the stories is therapeutic. I never thought of it like that but perhaps that may have entered into my subconscious mind as I wrote the stories. But it also allowed me to live out my fantasies by writing the stories. I don't know why, but I wrote many stories from the female prospective. I am a male, and I am not a crossdresser but it seemed more natural for me to write the stories from a womans's point of view or experience. I tried to capture the feelings and power that a woman might have as it related to fur and the love of fur. I may not have been successful, but I tried. I do hope, OFF, that if you received any criticism from non-professional writers, that you took it with a "grain of salt". I received some constructive criticism, but if any non-professional individual critisized my stories, I would be offended. My retort would be, "well if you don't like my stories, write some yourself." I think most people who read our stories appreciate the fact that people like you and I, take the time and effort to try to write fur fictions stories as best we can. I will consider posting some on the site that you suggested. To Refur; thank you so much for your nice comments. I am always interested in a woman's perspective and if you enjoyed the stories then I am very satisfied. It's funny you mentioned taking a break from writing. Another "fur friend" mentioned the same thing. I took it under advisement and was about to do just that, when all of sudden, I was hit with this "wave of writing more". Instead of taking a break, I started two new stories, even writing 10 parts to one of them! Hard to figure huh? I can't explain it and I do not know why I just got the urge and inspiration to start new stories. I really do not know why. I have kind of reached a "lull" now. By the way, I am not going to publish the new stories on the Yahoo site. Perhaps I will post them somewhere else at some other time. But again, Refur, I do thank you for your kind comments. I always take the time to thank people as I feel like I should take the time to thank those who a nice enough to publically, or privately, give me support. Again, thanks for the comments by all of you and for taking the time to "air your comments". Sableman
Worker 11811 Posted May 30, 2006 Posted May 30, 2006 sableman; Do post at We need to fur it up over there! It seems that most people think fur stories should be pigeon holed in the "Fetish" category. I don't like that. There are too many fetish stories that are hurtful. I don't like my stories being labeled as "fetishes". Me and O.F.F. are working to develop a following of "Fur People" so that we can break out of the "Fetish" categores. I agree about not wanting to evangelize fur. I just want to "normalize" fur stories a bit. I've said this before... Just "google" on "Fur" and "Fetish". You'll get a lot of "furries" (People who dress up in animal costumes.) and you'll get a lot of weird prono sites. Many of them have little to do with fur. There are a couple-few good fur fetish sites (Dragon's ) but the vast majority of them are a wasteland of filth. Why is it that "fetish" is associated with hurting people? That bothers me. I think there is a difference between living outside the boundaries of statistical "normalcy" and hurting others. Fur should be nice and soft and sexy and yummy, not harmful. The addition of your stories there might FURther the cause.
Guest Posted May 30, 2006 Posted May 30, 2006 Sableman; I'm sorry I failed to comment that your stories were among the things that inspired me to write. I think we already have a significant concensus here over content and intent. I've also made efforts to write from the feminine point-of-view however successful or not? The act alone is worth the effort in understanding and one I would encourage in general. The other pair of shoes? You don't have to be a crossdresser to do it. My main efforts now are shifting from fur to the increased development of the personalities and broader story plots. Not that I have ignored any of these in my past stories but at first it was so liberating to openly fantasize over furs I must say I got carried away. The literotica "critics" are everywhere from the crude guy at the neighborhood bar to very informed and educated individuals and it's not at all hard to distinguish them appart. I ignore the first and embrace the latter. I never respond [except in my profile] and consider the source. I would suggest you read my publicly posted comments to my stories when you have the time. It's a perfect profile of what I get privately. Only one is missing from the beginning. It wasn't readable. You'll see some bear no resemblance to the story? I leave them anyway. The only thing of real meaning is the story. As they say "let's talk?" OFF
ReFur Posted May 30, 2006 Posted May 30, 2006 Worker, I believe the posts that occurred reinforcing what you are saying were before you joined. I will find the time to go back and resurrect them for you from the Old Den. I could not agree with you more. Find fur stimulating and sensual is not a "fetish." I believe it is a god given gift. But, if you carry this to the level that it is hurtful, illegal and damages relationships, now you have "addiction" in play. Linda
allfurme Posted May 30, 2006 Posted May 30, 2006 I don't particularly like reading the fur fetish stories as it usually involves S & M, bondage etc. I like writing stories that contain a love of fur (only part of the story), but it is only fur as a beautiful thing that people in the story love to wear.
ReFur Posted May 30, 2006 Posted May 30, 2006 You really should read some of their stories. The ones I have read, which are only a few, are not like that at all. Linda
Guest Posted May 30, 2006 Posted May 30, 2006 This is what I meant by a concensus. It seems neither Sableman, Worker nor I like this kind of destructve behavior either. I personally try to make my stories as much good behavior models as anything else. Occasionally "bad" but harmless. My personal favorite [of mine] is "Erotic Furry Tale" and AK's "Leather and Lace". His story had a big impact on how fur stries can be written as "Normal" behavior. OFF
Mr Barguzin Posted May 30, 2006 Posted May 30, 2006 *puting pen to paper* Sorry folks, but couldn't resist that one. Writing stories is indeed a time consuming and mentally draining activity. It is quite easy to start... but then comes the middle and the end... and it all has to sound logical. The basis has to be realistic..... good grief, if only there were as many rich women into fur as their are fantasies *grin* Variations in plotlines are also hard to grasp at times. Sometimes what starts out as a great idea peters out after just three hundred words, because you either lose faith in the project or another subplot overtakes the original theme. Then again, there are those ideas that are just dead in the water and no amount of resuscitation will help. Like sableman, I also have a place at Yahoo... and it is also noticeable that activity there, on my part is somewhat diminished. There are also a couple of stories at Literotica. Now my big secret: I don't actually write for the reader, but for me. Nasty, eh? But if I get a comment I am happy. If not, well, at least I know folks have popped by and read them so my ego is sated in that manner. In a way, I was sorry that we couldn't have a literary section here. However, since Literotica allows for a broader spectrum of stories and subject manner, well, they can carry the can so to speak. Sableman, maybe we should both shutdown our yahoo sites *grin* and move them both, holus bolus to literotica. Just a word of warning.... they have a paragraph size limit (or did when I last uploaded) along with a length threshold. Looks like verbosity is back in style *grin*
sableman Posted May 31, 2006 Author Posted May 31, 2006 WOW, I never expected this amount of response and discussion! I am totally "blown away"! I do appreciate all the comments and thoughts. I find all the posts very interesting. To Worker: Thanks for your comments and I wil consider your suggestion to post on Literotica. I need to go back and view it some more. To OFF: I will read the comments about your stories. I am interested to see some of them. Thanks for saying that I inspired you to write stories! That is very flattering and it certainly gives me a good feeling! I am sorry about your problems with Yahoo. I belong to a number of different Yahoo sites and I have not experienced any problems. Also, none of the members of my site have ever complained. But if you were having problems then it is personal and frustrating for you even if others are not having the same problem. I totally agree with you that I do not like "destructive behavior" either. I know I have written stories where the women have done some harm to a man but never vice versa. I never will. I know I may be a little odd but I adore women and I am so much against violence against women (by a man) that I will never put that in a story. Of course as many of you can surmise, I have an ongoing fantasy about being dominated by a woman in fur. I am afraid I cannot get away from it in my stories. I feel also that when a woman dons a fur coat, that she feels a certain amount of power from the fur. I am not saying all women feel that way but a few have shared that feeling with me via a private e-mail. To me, it is just another facet that excites me greatly along with the wonderful sensual feeling of fur. But I will never write about any severe torture or pain and never where the woman is the recipient. (It's just my particular style.) To allfurme: I am sorry that you do like the S&M and bondage aspect of most of my stories. I realize that many of my stories do follow that type of scenario. I did try to write more of a "love story" once and I think I was somewhat successful. I would agree that fur is a beautiful thing that people love to wear. I hope that some of the control that people exhibit with the fur contributes to some excitement for the reader. Also, perhaps with some readers, and I don't know this for a fact, my stories allow them to step into a fantasy world and feel as if they are living something that they would not in real life. So if it helps them play out this fantasy scenario in their mind, and fantasize about something that they would not experience in real life, or even suggest to their partner, then I think that is a good thing. And if my stories help them to do that, it makes me veel very good. But I am sorry that the BDSM aspect of my stories does not appeal to you. To Mr. Barguzin: I always like to read your comments. (On any subject). You seem to look at things from a different point of view than I. I may not always agree with your point of view, but I thoroughly enjoy reading your words. Your post here is no exception. I agree with your thoughts about writing stories and how difficult it can be. I have experienced the same thing with "subplots" and I fear that sometimes I go off in other "tangents" while my thoughts lead me down another road. Hopefully, it has not been too distracting for the readers. I do kind of write my stories for myself as you suggested. Although on numerous occasions, I have solicited story subjects from the members on my sight with little or no feedback. I have explained that all I want is some scenario and I will do the rest. Maybe you are right Mr B, we should both shut down out Yahoo sites and move our stories to Literotica. LOL though, what do you think we should "charge" for our tremendous contribution of literary masterpieces? (Just kidding by the way) Thanks again for all the feedback and very interesting discussion on this subject. I think we have opened up a lot of good possibilities. Sableman
sableman Posted May 31, 2006 Author Posted May 31, 2006 White Fox: By the way, I know I get carried away with words and write very lengthy responses. I do not mean to take up so much room on the Forum. So feel free to delete this thread or my lengthy responses if you care to do so. I feel guilty taking up all this space. Sableman
Guest Posted May 31, 2006 Posted May 31, 2006 Sableman; Just hope you and ToS never get into a multiple post tit for tat thread.. I will take the rest of us all week to get through that one!! OFF
Fox Posted May 31, 2006 Posted May 31, 2006 I knew ToS was gonna' make it into that conversation somewhere.
sableman Posted June 1, 2006 Author Posted June 1, 2006 OFF: Yeh, you're right! I am "wordy", aren't I? Ha, ha,I guess that's why I like writing stories! Sableman
Guest Posted June 2, 2006 Posted June 2, 2006 Yes sableman (and OFF and worker)and the main thing is you continue to write them. I must confess I only read a story if someone posts it here with a link...same as I only check a site again if someone says theres an update. However there are many people out there who look but are afraid of contributing or giving feedback to anything . In case their partners discover their secret fetish, or it gets found on their computer at work, or just that they feel uncomfortable talking about it. Often these are the people who need to read your stories and visit the den etc most. Just because people are quiet dont mean they dont appreciate. One very quiet member of the den actually introduced himslf to me in person the other day. He said that smoking and furs was his big thing and thanked me for posting. That made about ten of us who like it here. However though 2000 plus people have visted few of us have contributed. Its the same with the literarure sites....people visit ,read but dont give feedback...often because they are afraid of spyware/trojans etc if they interact with a site, or in case the site has taboo elements etc or for the above reasons. All we can do is hope people slowly come out of their shell and start to contribute. My advice to you is to continue writing, and post when you have written a new one so we, and the HUNDREDS of people that visit here quietly, know its there. And if just one other person appreciates your efforts then it will be a start. Keep it up!!!!! Best regards TOS
Guest Posted June 2, 2006 Posted June 2, 2006 ToS; The nice thing about literotca is their voting system [flawed as all are]. You can vote the familiar 5 dots [hopefully #5], post a public feedback [can be annon.] or send a private eMail [annon. or not]. I've gotten a surprising number of identified eMails asking to chat along with a few strange requests. The most important thing for reccognition of the story on literotica is in the first week or so of posting in "New Stories" is the 10 votes [hopefully a 5] to get the red H. The continued reads of that story are significantly enhanced with that. What Worker and I [hopefully Sableman too] will greatly appreciate is when we post here that a new story is posted we get 6 or 7 at least from here that will read it AND vote the little painless button. That ususally is enough for the 10 since most often I get 3 to 6 votes right off. Comments, ofcourse, are welcomed. The magic number combination is 10 votes of 4.5 average or greater. That gets the red H. Right now it's easy to commect to Worker and myself through the Links page here under Stories. We appreciate your support and hope you all enjoy.. OFF
Guest Posted June 2, 2006 Posted June 2, 2006 Hi OFF yes but stupidly and maybe selfisly I have only voted on two of the stories though have read most of them. I will make more of an effort and am sorry. One of yours (you know which) was an off the scale of votes for me!!! So keep it up guys. PS who is the model in your new avavtar OFF? S'nice....
Worker 11811 Posted June 2, 2006 Posted June 2, 2006 (edited) As far as I can tell, the Literotica site doesn't do anything funky to track your whereabouts or load any spyware into your computer. But they do put a cookie on your system when you vote. From what I can determine, the only reason it's put there is to prevent people from voting more than once in a certain period of time. (i.e.: Prevent people from voting for their own stories 1,000 times, thereby artificially inflating their own ratings.) If you don't like cookies on your system you can simply erase them. I go through my computer and delete them on a regular basis. In fact, right there on the front page of the site ( they spell it out: No popups. No spyware. No redirects. If you do read the stories, it would be greatly appreciated if you would vote. Stories with higher votes counts get more readers. Readership and votes really fuel the creative process for me! I don't mind negative criticism if it's well-meant. There are people who read a story and mention a part of it that they didn't like or they mention a part that they liked best. Those comments are what makes my mind "work" on the next installment of the story. The more feedback I get, the faster my mind works to come up with the next one. There are a few people out there who "lowball vote" stories. I haven't figured out 100% of what the reason is. I think it might be people out to boost the ratings of their own stories by voting down their competitors but I also think there are people who are out to "sandbag" stories with elements they don't like. I don't know if it's anti-fur people or not but that last storyI wrote had a strong element of striking back at anti-furs. It was going along, great guns, for about a day and a half. Suddenly I got three lowball votes right in a row. My score went from a perfect 5.0 down to a 4.33 in just a couple hours. (Since then, it has recovered to a respectable 4.54.) O.F.F. had the same thing happen to him just a day later. I'm not a big proponent of conspiracy but, if you like sexy fur stories, I respectfully ask that you come to and help us keep the anti-furs at bay. Thanks! Edited June 3, 2006 by Guest
Guest Posted June 2, 2006 Posted June 2, 2006 Here Here for all Worker said. For my part I have ignored the rare, in my case, anti-fur actions and comments. I have actually gotten many more furry encouragement from folks who admit to never having thought of fur as erotic. They say to give them a lot more and they were very excited by the whole reading experience. Feel free to read the public comments on my stories. Now I like getting encouragement from folks who love fur and find what I do exciting but it's just over the top for me in terms of encouragement when a novice gives exciting feedback. So if you think going there is a "Foriegn Country" don't be turned off by the harsh crap. There's a lot of good stuff there besides our furry tales [tails]. It's cyber space clean as it gets. OFF
sableman Posted June 2, 2006 Author Posted June 2, 2006 touchofsable: Thanks for your kind words. I really do appreciate your words of gratitude, sincerely. I know are right about many people not wanting to come forward and comment on stories. I am sure the reason, as you stated, is that many do not want to reveal their love of fur or they are embarassed by it. Awhile back I received an e-mail from a member thanking me for my stories. He said that the reason he had not come forward before was that he was intimidated by me! I was shocked! I did not think I ever intimidated anyone! (Except maybe an occasional anti-fur idiot!) But I was quite surprised. I know that you are right in your assessment. I guess my thought was that I had over 1700 members on my Yahoo site and even though I was writing more stories, I was receiving less and less feedback. If you have read any of my stories, I tend to write them in kind of small parts. One of the reasons I do that is to try to hold the reader's interest and to somewhat "tease" them with the anticipation of the next part. I always thought it was effective, but maybe not. Anyway, when I used to post parts, I would at least get some feedback commenting on that part and suggesting interest in the next part. That seemed to stop. On numerous occasions, I have mentioned that if someone wanted to send me a private e-mail with either comments or criticism, they could do so. If figured that would help out those who you mentioned are emabarassed by posting publically. I did receive a few very nice comments privately, but still not many. I guess I was feeling fairly unappreciated with my site and again, the fact that there were over 1700 members and there seemed to be a waning interest. These are just my thoughts, by the way. But I do appreciate your comments touchofsable, and your thanks for the stories. Sableman
Guest Posted June 2, 2006 Posted June 2, 2006 Sableman, When it comes down to yahoo groups, only 20 to 30 % of members ever partcipate or some join then move onto another id or whatever. Just check to see how many emails of members are bouncing in your group. That will help explain non participation.
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