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$375 to Condition a Mink? A new leading edge treatment?

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I received this PM from JGalanos a few weeks ago. This question has been raised before. With JGalanos' permission here is is question:



Hi, Linda. Given your background I wondered if you might know something about this. I took my furs in for cleaning/glazing/storage this weekend and the furrier suggested that I have my mink "conditioned" (to the tune of $375). I am aware of the typical cleaning/glazing process - but conditioning was something new to me and I'm not clear if it's necessary or not. He said it was something that should be done periodically to maintain the suppleness of the leather and extend the life of the garment. Basically from what I gathered he would lift up the lining and check all the seams and make any necessary repairs and then "soak" (for lack of better term) the coat in a solution that allegedly would increase the suppleness of the leather and the softness of the fur. I've never heard of this before and it seemed rather expensive. Do you know anything about this? I don't want to proceed if it's something bogus. I took my coats to a new furrier this year (20% or more less expensive than other furriers for their summer "package") and I don't know whether to trust his judgment - Or whether he simply has a boat payment due and wants me to help. ; ) Thanks.




Well, finally talked with the individuals in New York that I trust. They said there is nothing out there that would do this. In fact, anything that could soften the leather would possibly damage the threads and wreck the garment.


My panel of experts say they could not sleep at night if they did this. What the furrier explained is what any good cleaning and glazing would do for the mink.






Think it's a case of seeing him coming a mile away?




It is very hard to know. I have heard of furriers who have been in business for 20 years and highly respected pulling this. That is why I wanted to one more time check my sources.


I have heard of this being pulled by long standing highly respected furriers. They can be very convincing.


I sold a lady a beautiful female mink jacket a few years ago in my shop. She got an incredible very special piece for a great price. She was so happy. It was her first fur.


She took it to her local furrier a year or so later to be cleaned. He had to sadly tell her the fur pelts were dry and he would have to charge her $250 to re-condition the fur. He THOUGHT he could save her ruined fur. Kind of said, "What do you expect when you buy from a used furrier. And, why didn't you come to me?"


He took her joy away, defamed me, and stole $200 from her.


I never actual heard this from her. Needless to say, I never saw her again. One of her friends came in last Summer and told me the story.


If I had tried to convince her of his deceit, l would have just lowered myself to his level. And, I doubt she would have believed me anyway. She herself had done business with this highly respected man for over 20 years.




I just had an idea here. I don't think that we can name individual furriers who do something like this without getting into legal problems likely. However, when wiki comes maybe we can make an area for lines like this.


We need to remember this for then. Hopefully it will be here late this fall.


I just had an idea here. I don't think that we can name individual furriers who do something like this without getting into legal problems likely. However, when wiki comes maybe we can make an area for lines like this.


We need to remember this for then. Hopefully it will be here late this fall.



Sounds like a freedom of speech arguement is about to break out.


I would think that a cautiously worded warning made by an individual, might not get us in too much hot water.


There shouldn't be any reason why I couldn't mention to everyone that I felt I was mistreated and "taken to the cleaners" by such and such a furrier.

If I were going to get my furs stored and cleaned, I would certainly like to know where JGalanos will no longer be taking his furs.


And if that furrier happened to see his post here, I'm sure they would jump at the opportunity to try and hoodwin... I mean explain this miracle "fix_it_all" they have.


That sounds as obvious as the nigerian money scams.

But the right person can make a good scam sound ligit if worded right.


Wallee. It would depend on BrGr as site owner, but I would see no reason for an individual making a post like that. I am just not sure that we could find the name, and then post those names together in a "shame" forum. If J were to post the name though, I think we could make a "Shame file" somewhere in wiki, and link back to his post. That should be ok.


Just a very fine line there. My thoughts anyhow.



If said posts about an honest/dishonest furrier were prefaced by a statement such as:


"The following comments are made by various members related to the fur garment industry who express their opinions, viewpoints and testimonials on various products, services and events based upon speculation, personal knowledge."


we would probably be covered.


Quasi-legalese aside, if we made it clear that the people posting information are doing it for the information and benefit of others, instead of trying to raise or ruin somebody's reputation, I see no problem. Especially if the person or business being commented upon had a chance to make his/her rebuttal. Further, I would also think about making a requirement for posters of negative reviews to reply later on to say whether or not the person/business in question made good on the claim.


I have seen other sites that have "You Suck!" sections. One is even named, "You Suck! / You Rock!"


I think one thing that we could safely do is as members carefully explain what happened and with which vendor. If we keep the personal attacks down and not elaborate with our own opinions, I see there is little someone could do to find us liable.


Real simple. Here is what happened to me. That information could then be used by others to make their own decision.


Just a thought.




We have had some thoughts on this folks. It may well be another area in Wiki. The wheels are turning. But, likely we will need to have more of the site up and running before it actually takes place. Stay tuned.



And it should also be added that not only the baddies but also the Goodies (goody goody gumdrops) should also be bought to the attention of all. Nothing like glowing praise to ensure that folks continue to retain the bit extra that impresses.


Yes, Mr B!! Sometimes having names we recommend can be more effective.


Mr. B & ReFur,


That point has been included in the discussion among the admins.

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