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Ways to get rid of an old coat?

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Suppose you've a fur that you simply do not want any more. How would you dispose of it? I can think of a few ways and would like to hear this forum weigh in:

  1. Sell it on eBay.
  2. Cut it up for crafts and other re-uses.
  3. Donate it to a local animal rescue.
  4. Ship it to another cause.


...Ironically, the most visible example of the last point is PETA. Coats for Cubs (run by the Buffalo Exchange) seems to ask for local drop-off, which is not practical for me.


What is wrong with it? What kind of fur is it? If damaged use for crafts. Don't tear it to bits. PETA would!!


It's a vintage item whose pelts seem to almost be "receding" (or maybe I'm finally noticing that I bought a coat with thin strips of pelts) - no drying as far as I can tell, though. There's nothing wrong with it for me per se, but I would rather be rid of it to justify getting another.


I would have it evaluated by a furrier to determine if it still has plenty of life left in it before making the decision to get rid of it. If they think the coat is beyond saving then maybe you can ask them to put it up on consignment for you. Lots of furriers will do this directly. Especially wholesale shops. And best of all if your local furrier runs an ebay page for consignment goods, then you're coat is bound to sell a lot faster which will give you enough to invest in something new.


It's my loss that I don't live anywhere near a furrier - but I suppose I could talk to a local thrift shop about selling / consigning!


If some one gave me an old mink.. And if it wasnt in the best shape.. Id have a furrier turn it into 1 of several ideas..

1.. Nice fur collar on a cloth coat

2.. Nice big mink pillow cover with buttons/zipper

3.. In inexpensive car head rest cover.

4.. Fur covers for automatic shifters or manaul shift.

5.. Or a soft steering wheel cover

6.... Sleeping bag liner if you had enough fur for those cold winter nights...


This is ideas that i would do to recycle a mink coat..


Sleep in it... if you aren't concerned about anything getting damaged then use it for that!!

What is wrong with it? What kind of fur is it? If damaged use for crafts. Don't tear it to bits. PETA would!!


Tearing it was a good idéa for an old coat .

But taking a bath with it , or get messy in mud with it , or wrestling with someone to destroy it and doing a vidéo are also very good idéas .


I really love fur coats destruction vidéos .


If someone have this kind of vidéo , he can post here or send me by PM .

No answers yet ???



To be blunt, I don't think you are going to get a lot of responses here. The whole "Film yourself destroying something for my pleasure" request sounds kind of like a snuff film to me. And while I can't speak for anyone else here....to me that just sounds like a bridge too far I don't think that sort of thing should be supported in a place like this. I know I should be fair and fetishes come in all shapes and sizes...but that is just a little too dark for me.

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