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Would you knowingly buy a used fur from a fellow fetishist?

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As a female here, I will say this. Women can DEFINATELY be fetishists!!


yes, i would say fur is a fetish for me too. i think many women are not as vocal about their desires due to way too many years of social training to be a good girl... wether or not we believe this ourselves, it is hard to get rid of such a stigma.


i think the assumption at hand is that men may be "messier" with their fur play than women. i am very careful to keep the fur clear of anything potentially moist or messy, but often for me it is more about having the fur close to my face so i can smell it as well as feel the softness... this makes it easier to keep clean (save for makeup!).

Well, one thing is definitely obvious.


EVERYONE is implying that only males can be fur fetishists.


IS this true?


My girlfriend will vote against this.


Fox, your girlfriend votes against what?


Miss Theresa, I agree with your thought that women are more quiet about it do to the social upbringing, be a good girl, thats a hush-hush matter type stuff. Glad that some of us are proud enough to speak about it.


Mink, I am Fox's girlfriend and I vote against the idea that women aren't fetishists. I totally am.

...I agree with your thought that women are more quiet about it do to the social upbringing, be a good girl, thats a hush-hush matter type stuff...


I would counter that, in many cases, it's more socially acceptible for women to admit something like a fur fetish than it is for a man.


Many times, it's a lot more acceptible for a woman to be a lesbian than it is for a man to be homosexual because it's easier for men to fantasize about the potential for sex with multiple partners if they are all women.


I think it may be a similar dynamic that occurs in both situations.

In many cases, white, heterosexual men (as a social group) write the rules about what's acceptible in terms of sex. It's not fair but it's true. If your average white, heterosexual male would think a particualr act has real or imagined potential for getting him laid, one who partakes in such an act would be given more social leeway and, therefore, less likely to be labeled as a deviant.


What man in the above group wouldn't fantasize that a woman, stimulated with fur, would be more likely to have sex with him? Therefore, a woman with a fur fetish might be less likely to be labeled as a deviant.


Such a woman would be less likely to hide her proclivity. Or, if she did hide it and that preference was revealed, would be less likely to be embarrassed.

  • 1 year later...

This was a very interesting thread. Worth bringing back so our newer members can have the opportunity to respond . . .


On two different occasions I have purchased fur coats on E-bay that were obviously played with and had sex stains on the liners and one of those had some "residue" in the fur itself. It was a craft grade full length stone marten that had been worked over pretty well. I know it sounds weird, but somehow the thought that some other man had enjoyed this fur turned me on. I'm a heterosexual and have no interest in my own gender but the mental image of some other guy having his way with this fur was very exciting. Just the same, I discarded them. That said, the answer to the question is no. Furs are the representation of extreme femininity to me and when I acquire a new one I like to think that I'm the first man to enjoy it that way. I would never knowingly buy "used" goods.


well I found a pack of Newport cigarettes in a sable coat belonging to Cher on ebay and that was exciting so whatever rocks your boat. You pay your money... take your chance.


What an interesting thread. I'm doubtful I would ever want to truly know where a used fur had been. However I believe scent is particular is such a lingering presence when captured in fur that one cannot buy a used fur without it containing the scent be it perfume or otherwise of its wearer/ user. I agree with saying it may be a plus or an extreme minus. Cleaning of course takes that completly out of the equation and so renders any erotic fantasy regarding it's former wearer /user non existent. I now think it's naiive in the extreme to think that it is primarily a male thing to be enamoured of fur. Rubbish, women just now how to keep their fur indulgences to themselves. What women have mastered, obviously better than us men, is to keep their mouths shut and their actions more discreet. I've said this before but it bears repeating .Who gets to wear have fur in their closets /life? Primarily women. Some would have you believe that don't have any sensual nature or sense of touch. Hell they just constantly put themselves into these super sensitive garments and feel nothing sensual whatsoever. May as well be wearing a hessian sack. Baloney. Take those very cool, brave women who post here and multiply exponentially and then you may have, in my humble opinion, the beginnings of the amount of female fur fans out there. So..... whilst she may have kept it clean she definitely also may have indulged . I think as many have already said here. Ok thats fine but no guys dna. In the end if you're a purist you save your money and buy new. However even then how do you know?. I once put a fur blanket in for a minor repair and it went on a six month journey. I won't go into details but it seemed my very reputable dealer also had a furs for hire bus for film sets etc. At least it came back and, thank god, cleaned and reglazed.Do I know where it went or with whom ? not a clue . Economics vs desire I guess becomes key to it all because in the end cost tends to rule quality regardless of the past . Softest regards to all furomance


Guys,... what so you think the animal did before it was a fur coat? 8)


Fur can be cleaned. Of course, stains and odors are another issue, no matter what their source.


I have purchased hundreds of furs. And, I am very careful who I buy from. SELDOM have ever had an undisclosed problem. I am more concerned about odors that cannot be eliminated that anything. I am very sensitive to smoke and mold odors. Nothing will remove these odors for long. It just masks them.


The issue is most likely going to be with the fabric portion? I know fur babe just bought a fur that had been a sample and is having the lining re-done. On items that are inexpensive, or older, a good seamstress can use the existing lining and pockets to replace at a reasonable cost.


Another point is price. I am continually amazed at the expectations of buyers here when they believe, and have expectations, that they are buy a $10,000 fur for $500. There is a very good reason it is being sold for this price. The expectations should be adjusted as well. It also may be a leading indicator that the seller is not being honest.




Now, if you are buying a $2000 fur for $500 that is another story.




Being the inveterate optomist of finding the $10,000 fur for $200 I have to agree with Linda.


I have found the $1,000 coat for $25, Even I was


That Mink now resides inside my hooded brown suede jacket which I bought new for $35


It cost me $400 to have assembled but well worth it.


Tobacco smoke and mold smells are the worst











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