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What's going on at tumblr?

Perhaps we won't be getting any more "provocative" material from their postings.

That may be particularly unfortunate for some of our female friends. Tumblr has been a popular site.


Luckily we still have pinterest for stuff like this. But I've relied heavily on tumblr for my daily dose of pics. And you're right, a lot of fur influencers have relied heavily on tumblr and it sucks to know that hundreds of thousands of fur icons are now being kneecapped thanks to a censorship rule that is already showing signs of running amok. I've heard reports of photos of pics being flagged as NSFW just because a woman is wearing makeup. I've never heard of anything so absurd in my life.


Well just so everyone knows... while the site exists we won't have that kind of censorship. Just post it int he appropriate category - Adult vs Non-Adult, and everything will be a-ok.

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