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California Fur Sale Ban Proposed

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Maybe Dumb, but democracy is dead. The vociferous minority ride rough shod over the middle ground, silent majority. They know how to use every rule in the book to distort reality, influence the ignorant, and win the day.


Democracy is not dead. The blue wave of the 2018 midterms shows that democracy is very much alive. Trump is on his way out. Yay!!!




In other words, Republicans can only win by CHEATING.



You are very close to having your posts censored. While I might agree with your sentiments, political discussion is FORBIDDEN on this board.


Actually it is the anti-fur idiots such as pEta who are the problem in this instance.


Well this leaves the door open to China Selling more furs here in the USA. So just how stupid are we going to get? Just look at Ebay. It is loaded with China furs being sold. China is the smart ones here. So next PETA will tell us what we can do with our lives? PETA is a cult and yes I strongly agree idiots!! If they don't like what we do in America then leave. The fur industry has been here for years. I am one that will not be told what I can do by PETA or any other anti-fur idiot. Hope all agree. I live in a country that is the home of the free. Not the home of I must do as PETA says.


I agree with furlover02. BUT, unfortunately our freedom is being chipped away a little at a time as laws are being passed to strip away our right to decide what we can buy and soon to be what we can wear. Sad and alarming.


Oh god, another one. California just keeps slowly chipping away at the right to buy furs. Disgusting, maybe focus on more important issues. Wish I knew which politicians I could vote for to support fur during the latest election, and not for any idiots that are in favor of this. If it happens, living in California, buying fur is gonna be the first illegal thing I do.


Only if they make their voice heard which they are not doing, and will not do, because the antis are able to shout louder giving the impression that their agenda is the status quo.


Some business could file a lawsuit over the SF or LA bans, and thus discredit a statewide one. I surmise this because...


Before I start, I know this is a political thing. I will edit this post if asked. I am bringing this up strictly for comparison.


When the lawsuit against the CA gay marriage ban started, the reasoning for the ban fell apart on the stand, because all the reasons given didn't stand up to the rules of evidence, and even risked putting some under perjury if they repeated those claims under oath. I would say that a lot of reasons given for a fur ban would fall just as much under a court of law.


I think it’s quite comical they are saying getting rid of fur is “greener” for the environment. I like faux fur as much as the next person, but creating those things are absolutely horrible for the environment. Look at the process for creating faux fur. And that’s why I live in Texas and not California

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