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More and a suggestion.........

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Does anyone agree that we have posted that many webshots that we don;t really know what has and hasn't been posted? Ok, I assume that we have all searched under "fur" and "mink coat", etc so (I assume) our searches ar egetting more obscure. For example I searched under "glamerous coat" and "sext bunny" etc. Can we perhaps state what words we searched under to achieve our results? It will save duplication of work I guess (and may also prompt other keywords to search under?)


I searched "glem coat" and got these.........






"new coat" (but haven;t yet finished off going through the results yet)




more to some soon no doubt


Makes Sense, Del_Boy. I know that in the topic on Melody that Joe and others listed at various times the words they had used as search items. Maybe a sticky or announcement of the words used is the way to go. Food for thought.




I'm workin' on it.


The new "front page" sticky at the top of this forum will contain all the requisite page stats, updated by any one of us Mods over time. Webshots picture searches are usually updated once a month in waves of about a thousand photos at a time. For now, I'll send you here:




This is the "old" Webshots page on Melody O'Hair, where this cultural phenomenon found its way into the fur world en masse last year. Thanks for your patience, and I love what y'all have posted thus far.






Oh, by the way...


Webshots has been updated twice so far in 2006, once each month. The March update isn't due for a while, but the January update was huge.



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