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I need help with wearing a fur coat!

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I try to keep as much of my own personality hidden at work, mainly since we're so busy that there's little time for chit-chat.  I once wore my sable scarf to work and regretted it since it just drew too much attention to my outside persona.  



I live in Worcester (UK), and about 4 years ago. I wore my MINK linen leather jacket on a shopping trip. As it was reversable, when I got to the town I reversed it so the black MINK was on the outside. I intended to re-reverse it before I went home. Just as I was about to do so, I thought 'what the heck', I won't and left the jacket as it was, MINK showing.

Well that was an epiphany. Since then I have worn my garments with the FUR showing. Also since that date I have increased my FUR wardrobe, and I now have 6 MINK coats (various designs/colours) and jackets and scarves, and hats.

Now I can't wait until September so that I can be enveloped in fur again.



Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, furrybob said:


I live in Worcester (UK), and about 4 years ago. I wore my MINK linen leather jacket on a shopping trip. As it was reversable, when I got to the town I reversed it so the black MINK was on the outside. I intended to re-reverse it before I went home. Just as I was about to do so, I thought 'what the heck', I won't and left the jacket as it was, MINK showing.

Well that was an epiphany. Since then I have worn my garments with the FUR showing. Also since that date I have increased my FUR wardrobe, and I now have 6 MINK coats (various designs/colours) and jackets and scarves, and hats.

Now I can't wait until September so that I can be enveloped in fur again.



Fantastic, Bob.  Thanks for that.

I know Worcester well since I'm a big Elgar fan!  I've often walked from the town centre to Lower Broadheath to visit The Elgar Birthplace at Crown East Lane. 

Yes, I'm looking forward to the colder weather as well.  If this goes well I'll, hopefully, be increasing my fur collection too. 


Edited by dongleboy

Thanks for an interesting and productive thread. Congratulations on having told your wife and sorting things out. 

As has been mentioned, a good place to start would be events or touristy places. If you are able to (time/money) take a weekend in Edinburgh, London or Prague. Stroll around the castles and crowded sights in your fur and your wife in hers.
You two will have your thing in common. It might just strengthen your love and relationship.

People might think you are a bit eccentric and talk about you when they are back at their Hotel, but thos people will never see you again. For them you will be an interesting observation and story at a party somewhere in Germany or Sweden. 

Racetracks are also an excellent opportunity as previously mentioned. 

  • 2 weeks later...

Apologies for taking so long to reply!

Actually, I live in one of those cities so I've already work out a route and some places to visit.  Winter seems a long way off in this heatwave! 

  • 1 month later...

Well, my coat is ready, cleaned and re-lined!  I was going to pop through to the west to pick it up but, alas, the virus is causing mayhem again so I've asked my furrier to post it go me.  Hoping it'll arrive next week some time.  😃.  

Ive not had any luck yet with finding someone to embroider my initials in said lining but I'll keep looking.  Mind you, if lockdown starts again I'll have nowhere to go in it!! 


That's very exciting to have a renewed mink coat ready for you to wear.  I hope that the relining was not too expensive.  Relining cost about $400 in the US.  One day, I will have enough courage to buy myself my own mink coat and tell my wife. 


In terms of embroidering, I think I suggested getting embroidered initials that the furrier can sew on the lining.  I have seen there labels sewn below the manufacturer label on the back of a coat on some coats on eBay.  These embroidered labels are like patches but with your initials.  

  • 2 weeks later...

Well, the coat arrived last week, resplendent after being cleaned and with a new lining in situ.  Alas, it's not quite cold enough to wear it yet so I reckon it'll be another few weeks before I can justifiably wear it out.  Mind you, that's if anywhere is open! 

Regarding having my initials inserted in the lining, I enquired at a couple of local tailors who would do it, the only problem being that they wouldn't do it 'while you wait'.  They want to hang on to it for a few days which I'm not prepared to do.  I'm afraid  that it could be badly treated, for instance being left too close to a radiator or heat source. 

So, I ordered an embroidered patch from eBay that could be sewn into the lining although now it's arrived I find it could also be ironed in.  Much as I'd like a really fancy embroidered job this'll do until further investigations have yielded an alternative. 

Really happy with job my furrier has done.  

  • Like 1
  • 4 weeks later...

Well, my coat is hanging expectantly in its protective bag on the back of the bedroom door awaiting its first outing but, alas, the temperature is remaining stubbornly high!  I'm really waiting for a cold, crisp day but all I'm getting weather wise is rain and general  gloom. 

I probably could wear it out and almost did last night on a visit to our local art house cinema but it just wasn't cold enough. At least, not without looking a prat as opposed to a sensible man who is taking steps in an attempt to avoid both a cold and the dreaded COVID-19. 



Good news, its finally home.  Were you able to get the monogram or your initials?  I know you wanted it.  How did you wife's reaction?  Did she see it?  Now maybe you can get your wife one?


Been -8C here in mornings, but highs above 0 the last 10 days... so far in the morning drive to work Ive worn full length raccoon, beaver, mink, and beaver jacket.... by the end of the day though, its just to warm... I also think I need snow here for some reason... its just strange going for a walk at -4 in a full length raccoon still... it'll be -24 soon enough

  • 4 weeks later...

Well, I've finally done it!  I've been waiting for the temperature to drop to a point where it wouldn't seem ridiculous to be wearing a mink coat.  Alas, the weather has been unseasonably mild recently so today was the first time the thermometer has been below 9 degrees.

My wife and I went out in the car intending to visit various charity shops, (or thrift shops as I believe they are known as in the US).  The roads were quite busy so it was difficult to get parked close to them so I chickened out of my first attempt!  However, I eventually got parked close to a pair I visit regularly and word the mink in.  There's one shop where we know the manager quite well and we spoke to her for perhaps 5 minutes without her saying a word about me being encased in an ankle length mink! (Actually, I was slightly disappointed she didn't make even a passing reference to it). 

Any, tonight is 'late night shopping' so we're going into the city centre this evening which I suspect will be quiet due to lockdown.  It'll be dark so it'll be less noticeable which will suit me find until I start to gain more confidence. 


  • Like 2

Well, we went late night shopping!  Actually, the city centre was extremely quiet which, bearing up in mind it's the lead up to Christmas, is very worrying.  We went into Marks & Spencer, Waterstones and a jewellery store. By this time it was dark and anybody looking at me would probably have seen a guy in a long black coat. (I should probably mention that I wasn't wearing the coat photographed above, rather my wife's huge ankle length mink!) 

The girl in the jewellery store was extremely impressed and said I looked 'cool!'  I'm starting to feel a LOT more confident about wearing mink in public already. 

  • Like 1

Sounds like things are working out well.  I hope your wife did not mind you wearing her mink?  Did she get a chance to wear a fur during the trip?

9 hours ago, minkme said:

Sounds like things are working out well.  I hope your wife did not mind you wearing her mink?  Did she get a chance to wear a fur during the trip?


No, my wife doesn't want us both to wear fur since she feels it's overdoing it a bit!  I wore it out today again and received a few compliment about it. One young woman said I looked 'cool!'  (First time in my life I've ever been called that!)

  • Like 1

Well, after a hard weekends work, I've been out and about in my mink!  Some more compliments have been forthcoming including a slightly uncomfortable one where a young woman gushed about my coat. She then asked the male shop assistant what he thought. This led to a Q&A where the subject of where I got it, how  much it was and did I want to sell it!  The answers I articulated were different from what was going through my head, (mainly MIND YOUR OWN FU****G BUSINESS!),  however, if it leads to someone else investing in a mink then fantastic. 



I guess you were visiting Worcester. My home town.

After 1st September,  I always a fur coat.

Keep up the good work



Sorry for the incorrect previous text!!



I guess you were visiting Worcester. My home town.

After 1st September,  I always wear a fur coat.

Keep up the good work



Me in my long black mink!  (I was bored while my wife looked at lingerie!)


  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Well, my fur wearing days have come into their own since the weather has really turned cold.  There was snow this morning and the temperature gauge hasn't gone much above 1 degree.  

Yes, I still get a few odd looks but also lots of compliments on my long black mink. Even if I can give a few other people the confidence to wear their furs it'll be a welcome bonus. 

I can't believe how WARM the coat is! I usually just wear a T-shirt underneath it and it keeps me toasty warm. If I have any regrets it's that I didn't start wearing real fur YEARS ago. 

Im waiting for the day when someone challenges me about it, either for wearing real fur or being a MAN wearing real fur. Obviously, I'll report back here when/if it happens. 

Edited by dongleboy
  • Like 1
On 11/26/2020 at 10:25 AM, furrybob said:

Sorry for the incorrect previous text!!



I guess you were visiting Worcester. My home town.

After 1st September,  I always wear a fur coat.

Keep up the good work


Thanks for the message, Bob.



Hello! Now that fall is coming to an end, I hope you get to wear your mink coat soon! I love it when men wear fur coats. However, I'm an African American woman, so that probably factors into my perspective. By the way, there are low-profile Black men who wear fur coats, too. 🙂 

I sometimes feel self conscious wearing my furs out in public, but most people don't pay me much attention. Those that do, are very complimentary.

Here is a video of a man who wears fur with great aplomb, in case you need inspiration:




Hello! Now that fall is coming to an end, I hope you get to wear your mink coat soon! I love it when men wear fur coats. However, I'm an African American woman, so that probably factors into my perspective. By the way, there are low-profile Black men who wear fur coats, too. 🙂 

I sometimes feel self conscious wearing my furs out in public, but most people don't pay me much attention. Those that do, are very complimentary.

Here is a video of a man who wears fur with great aplomb, in case you need inspiration. He shows his fur coats at 18:30.



  • Like 1

Well, today was an acid test. I popped round to see my best friend and wore the mink, fully expecting him to be mocking.  However, he was very supportive and barely mentioned that I was wearing a full length mink coat! Every year I tell him that I feel the cold just a bit more than the previous year and I struggle with it. However, the mink is so unbelievably warm the problems with the cold have disappeared. 



Sounds like everything is working out well.  Congratulations.  Keep on wearing the mink.


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