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where can I find

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Might have to try again with those links Paul.


If I click them I get a page not found, if I copy and paste it just goes to a general picture post page with lots of various images.


The site and all links to it are restricted.

You have to be logged in to see the pictures.

Membership to the site is free, though.



I had no problem opening the links, No member only messages.



Hot, Sexy, Classy, Gorgeous, Lovely..


She's Fiiiiiiiihaihaihainee!!


Absolutely breathtaking!


Whoever knows this girl, tell her hi from me, and that she looks truly awesome (in the original meaning of the word!)

I had no problem opening the links, No member only messages.



This particular site is very subtle in the way it handles its membership.


If you are not a member or, if you are a member who hasn't logged in for a while, you will not get any messages telling you so. You will only get a "404 - Page Not Found Error".


If you are a member and you have logged into the site recently there will be a cookie in your browser that will tell the remote server to let you in. You will sail straight on through to the requested page, no questions asked.


Again, it is not a pay site. If you want to register all you have to do is fill out the form and respond to the registration e-mail. As far as I know, the owner(s) of the site protect their members anonymity with all reasonable means. I have not seen any spam or other unwanted messages that originate from that site.


There are probably other people floating around who can tell you more about that site better than I can. I only tell you what I know from experience.


Isn't this one of Dragon's sites?


It might be the one that Eric is a MOD of.




yes the fabulous incredible amazing fur fashion guide pic post section to be infact!


Since I am asking you more about it Eric, you would not be spamming. Want to tell them about the site and your role there?




Well FFG is Fur fashion Guide and I moderate on the forum there.

Of course The Great Minds of FFG are Dragon & Cookie who have created a giant fur and fur fetish related sections, fur chat rooms, picture post, and also pay sites which Miss T & Maribeth have been on and a lot more.

Dragons been around for a very long time and is very well known to the online fur community.

I was very honoured when they asked me to moderate over there.

Its one wild site and You never know what Dragon & Cookie will come up with next!


Dragon & Cookie are members here also so feel free to say hi when you see them around.

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