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Furbabe's Place RIP

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I have decided to shut down my site, FURBABE


thanks for the work you did. It was a great site. Have furry fun in your new interests but don't stray too far from contributing here.




What can I say, Carol? It's an end of an era! I'm sad! You and Barb were two of the originals in the internet fur community, and your site has always been the epitome of class. That is one site that will be missed by all of us! I do hope, though, that you will continue to be a member of this community. Your presence is an important one, and we will always feel honored by your company! Please don't forget us . . . (!)


Please Carol dont do that.


Your site is a very important archive.


To all of us here I am sure.


Please dont close it.


Sometimes a beautiful thing must be preserved above all other things.


Pleeeeease reconsider. Maybe we arent always as appreciative as we should be...but believe me your site is so appreciated to all of us here.



I hate to see your site go but as they say all good things must come to an end but what you leave behind lives forever.

You and Barb inspired me to build my first fur website "The Wonder of Fur " & that led to the site that has touched a lot of people "Beautiful Furs.com"


Thank you for inspiring me back in 1998 and I wish you the best on your future endevors.

My Best



I too hate to see your site come to an end. THANK YOU for all you've given us fur lovers!!!





Say, that is indeed the end of an era. I can remember one day not long back when it became my duty to write the last messages in the old Den at Melody. Boy, were the tears ever flowing that day! That was so hard.


I know how difficult this will be for you. I know your site was maybe not used quite as much as it once was, there is so much great material there and you and your twin always did such a fantastic job of putting the site together.


Carol we will really miss you. The only good part of this is that I expect to see more of you here now. If I don't, I'll come down and physically hunt you down and stand in front of your computer chair for a week and make sure you post here often! Now then I know how you like to stay in the background. So that should be enough to make you come here often. Without any strings attached!


We will miss that site gal!

White Fox


First there were two and then one.


*Sigh*. the Fur_Twins.


Time moves on... folks change (or get married uuuuumm not Carol, btw to my knowledge anyways) and sites come and go... or just hang there in the ether (HMmmmm must do an update ONE of these days *bllush*)


Hopefully we shall still hear from you in the future here, Carol. BTW, we still on for that Fur Shopping day in New York.... when I can afford to do it justice??*grin*


Edit by White Fox. Piotr I told Carol that she should at least let ME know the first name of the guy who is stealing her away from our fur sites!

Posted (edited)



Goodbyes are hard, even when you are moving to better things.


And, sometime "The End" is saddest when the novel has been a significant one.


In listening to the role you have played in the Internet fur world, I know you will be missed. And, all that you have given will be always be remembered and appreciated.


I hope we will see more of you here. You have so much to add to our site.



Edited by Guest

Carol: Sad, sad news. But I share your feelings. I am about to close my site as well. I have looked on your site as an "institution". Really, I mean that. I enjoyed the relationship I had with you and Barb. I always loved your site and all the wonderful fashion photos. I also will be forever in your gratitude for being so kind to let me use your site as a home for my stories. I will never forget and I hope you do not think that I took that privledge for granted. Your kindness was, and still is, greatly appreciate. I do hope you will reconsider, but if you don't, please know that your site will be missed. Thanks for all you did for the fur community, and me, over the years.




OK folks, there is good news and bad news here. You have already heard the bad news. Carol's and Sable's sites are closing. Unfortunately we do not have a stories area here, so we have no way to save Sableman's site or that area of Carol's.


However... Now the good news!

We are hoping to be able to get a copy of Carol's site and save parts of it somewhere in our library possibly. Now folks, I am not sure how much we can post. If we keep trying to save all old sites we will soon not have room for our own. However, the site that these gals put together was fantastic and it should not be allowed to just fade away! So, although time is very short we are trying to make something work with it. Hopefully we can. Hopefully when we get our new Library going, Parts of Carol's site will be there for you all to enjoy. AK is working double overtime on a little surprise for you coming up shortly. But hopefully he can squeeze in the time for Carol.


Thought you would like to know.


White Fox


I'll add my condolences. It'll be sad to see your site finally go. It was such a cornerstone of the internet fur community as mentioned above. Good luck with your new path Carol.


Hey folks.

Do you think that I could be that other direction that Carol is moving in?

I'm hoping!



Is it possible to copy and paste the stories on literotica until we have a place for them?????






You can always have you fantasies!


By the way, I have heard there are a few ladies here that have fantasies about you, too!




Is it not possible to just let the site go into a state of "hibernation" for the forseeable future?


I have a little site on my corner of the web that I made several years ago but few people ever go there. It's part of the benefits package I get from my ISP so I don't pay any extra to keep it or not. The money I pay to have e-mail and internet covers the site.


I haven't updated that site for 4 or 5 years but I still keep it live because I just can't find it in my heart to "kill" it. There's not much there. I keep it just for memory's sake.


Some day, I'll find time to go there and update and revamp the entire site but until then, it'll just stay in "suspended animation".


Sad day to see the Demise of the Fur Twins site, another Fur Icon bites the dust


Thanks for all the photos & fur Erotica Literature that you shared with us through your site over the years.


Take care of yourself





A little bit late on the reply here. Say, I do hope that all of those gals are fur wearers!


Man, it is a good job they don't know me isn't it! Gals get to know me too easily. One time I told an old girl friend that I was an "Intelligent Bstrd", and she said I had it half right. I was so glad to know she knew I was intelligent.


Anyhow, Carol. Indeed we do all want to thank you for your time you have spent on that site. I know how many hours that one can sit in front of the computer with just keeping up these things. And as others mentioned we realize that this will mean we will see a whole lot more of you here!



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