White Fox Posted June 28, 2006 Posted June 28, 2006 (edited) Well folks. The time has come. Horray! Pictures is here! And it is free! It is absolutely important that you read all of this message. You could land up banished from pictures the first day if you don't. (see end of this post!) Some of you did not read FAQ when we opened the Den and that caused us a whole lot of extra hard work. And if you still have not read FAQ you are missing a major part of the Den (Styles!). So, please read this message! Also, please print out a copy so you have it handy the first time you enter pictures. You will need it. On Sunday you will be able to access that area. To get there you simply click on the link on the line above. You will see the pictures tab there when pictures actually becomes available. To avoid conjestion we are not going to tell you the exact time. Also, AK will be posting a message in the FurDen.com forum about it. Now then the best part is that due to the generosity of a few people there are already over one thousand absolutely beautiful photos on the site! These are available for you to look at immediately after you enter. And it is simple for you to add to that number. ***Entry to post is controlled by Den membership. That membership is upgraded approximately once per month. When a person registers as a new member in the Den he/she will have to wait anywhere from a day to a month to see pictures. (This is part of our security.) All members, please remember that if you change your password on the Den after an update, the password in pictures is not automatically changed. Thus you will have to enter your old password in pictures until the next update. Each time AK is going to update pictures membership he will give approximately two days of notice in the FurDen.com forum. If possible, please make any changes to your password for the Den Forums at that time! ***Pictures posted must be less than 1 MB in size. Please keep all pictures as small as possible though. Remember that one large photo can keep us from posting a number of smaller ones later on when space runs out. ***Do NOT post any XXX or X rated photos. (Please see our Rules page for a definition of these.) ***Do NOT post photos that are copyrighted. These are marked somewhere on the photo with the copyright symbol or a water mark. It is extremely important that you do not post photos with file names like Playboy, Coldfair, FHM, or Private. Just two pictures from one of these could cause not just pictures but our whole site to be shut down! Also, if you post a photo that has had text removed from it we will immediately be into legal trouble. NEVER post a photo under any circumstances where you have removed text from it!! Indeed if we should publish a photo of yours that is copyrighted by mistake we will remove it immediately when told it is there! If you find a photo that you own here please tell us. We take this very, very seriously! It will be removed instantly as soon as you notify us. ***You will only be able to post into one album called "Sort". Once you post your photos there the pictures mods will move your photos to the correct section. If you post a picture that we think could be copyright it might be stored for awhile until mods can look at it. ***We ask that you keep the total numbers of pictures in the sort album to less than 100. Mods here are not paid. They do this work free of charge. So please do not flood them with thousands of photos the first day. ***It is extremely important that you do not post dupicate photos or two photos that are almost exactly the same (only slightly different camera angles.) And post only high quality "Fur" pictures. Not rug shots with a tiny bit of fur in one little corner. Those will be deleted instantly! Pictures is here to stay. As long as we avoid copyright violations and XXX. But if we do not avoid these things it will be very, very short lived indeed. It is up to you to decide if you want to keep this great new area. If you do, you must go by the rules. Your posting all pictures into the sort forum allows mods to check each and everyone for content. If you would like a picture in a certain album simply contact the mods by pm and they will gladly do that. Just tell them the subject matter of the photo and it's file name. For instance some folks might think one photo is a fashion photo but others might think that the same photo is quite erotic. We ask that you avoid duplicates of photos that already exist in the forums. ***You will see a place on the photos area where you can change "Themes". This is exactly the same as changing "Styles" in the Den. When you change the "Theme", the whole look of the site changes before your eyes. Try each of the different Themes and see which one you like best. I for instance use "Eyeball". ***Posting pictures. When posting look for the word "Upload". In most themes it is easily visible. In Eyeball you must find it under the tab marked "Home". In Project VII, Mac, and IGames, you must move your pointer over the symbol @. ***Comments on Pictures. No comments or ratings are allowed for now in the Photos area. All comments should be posted in the Den where replies can be made. You are able to name the photo though, and indeed you can still change the name after mods move it into it's own album. The pictures area has a two strike and out policy. If you break one rule today and one a month later , you may be banned for a week! Possibly from both pictures and the Den. We do mean this! Indeed, if you post a number of copyright or XXX photos the first day you could be banned instantly This new pictures area takes a huge amount of web space folks, so it is important that we are able to have some sponsor money to pay for it. You will see posts on that in the near future. We really hope that you love this new area. It is the first of a number of new features to come over the next few months. Enjoy the New Den folks. White Fox Edited July 18, 2006 by Guest
Mr Barguzin Posted July 6, 2006 Posted July 6, 2006 Gee WF... only eight edits??? Ya's getting good at these announcements, aren't you?? Now, I wonder who will be A) the first poster and B) the first banned??? WEG
PokerAce Posted July 6, 2006 Posted July 6, 2006 Good luck to us all. I have some nice pic' from my ski vacation 3 years ago. Pokerace
ScottInSeattle Posted July 6, 2006 Posted July 6, 2006 With that said: how do we get there - or is that coming up in one of the remaining "countdown" posts? --Scott
Guest Posted July 6, 2006 Posted July 6, 2006 ScottinSeattle; There will be a designated Icon for entry in a few days. OFF
Guest Posted July 6, 2006 Posted July 6, 2006 Can someone do a sorta summary...... jus toooooooo much to read Do's & Don'ts would be Grand Pretty Please
ReFur Posted July 6, 2006 Posted July 6, 2006 Sure, Post pictures under 1MB. No X rated, No copywrite pictures, No pictures with narrative removed, No faux, No pictures on blankets with little fur. Unique pictures that are not from different photo angles Use the upload in the forum and upload to the sort forum where MODs will sort to the proper folder. If you have a special request email pictures MOD. Will be availble from links menu sometime on Sunday. See .com forum for details. Keep the number of pictures in the Sort Folder down to 100 so MODs aren't buried. Two strike rules and banning same as on Den There I believe those are the most important of the rules. Ah, yes!! One more thing: You must a member of den for 30 days before you have access. Memberships data and passwords are updated every 30 days. Linda
Guest Posted July 6, 2006 Posted July 6, 2006 Linda; Almost as good as Robin William's 30 second synopsis of Roots. OFF
ReFur Posted July 6, 2006 Posted July 6, 2006 Now THAT would be something to hear! One important thing I forgot It's FREE!!!
AKcoyote Posted July 6, 2006 Posted July 6, 2006 Ah, yes!! One more thing: You must a member of den for 30 days before you have access. Memberships data and passwords are updated every 30 days.Minor correction:All active memberships as of Saturday afternoon will have access to the Image Gallery on Sunday. Thereafter the username/password data will be re-synced with the main Den approximately every 30 days. Updates will be announced in thefurden.com forum approximately 2 days in advance.
Guest Posted July 6, 2006 Posted July 6, 2006 (edited) Thx all, sorry WF - Bet that took you agessssss to write out as well Will assume that Titavation ie naked when "Wearing" fur will be fine with all? so long as you're not treated to the "Money Shot" Edited July 6, 2006 by Guest
White Fox Posted July 6, 2006 Author Posted July 6, 2006 Also, see the message to see function of sort forum. Photos with text could be held up for 60 days. Reason in message. Themes. You will have to read to find out about that. It is like styles here. No files allowed from the four names mentioned! If someone posts just two photos with those file names you in deep, deep trouble. See message for them. (If you do, you will have to answer to the Pope!) No pictures allowed that have had text removed. (Extremely important!) See message for instructions on how to post, what words to look for and where to find them and on which themes you will need that. . Come on folks. AK has worked for weeks on end on this for you to use and you can't even take 5 minutes to read the instructions? And then you expect him to go right at working on the Library and Chat which be many months more? W
Guest Posted July 6, 2006 Posted July 6, 2006 C'mon Mods, it's jus like when yer get a new game or bit o kit - do you ever read the manual? Like Feck - Yer jus dive right in Will check who the 4 Horsemen are thou'
allfurme Posted July 6, 2006 Posted July 6, 2006 I don't suppose we could have a category solely for vintage fur pics; I guess FurPunk2 would be up for that and i certainly would.
PokerAce Posted July 6, 2006 Posted July 6, 2006 (edited) Sorry furelli, but you act very rude Many hours of work have been spent by the mods and you say "please give me the important lines I don't have the time to read a 7 minutes (and I Edited July 6, 2006 by Guest
Ravens8 Posted July 6, 2006 Posted July 6, 2006 In eager anticipation, many thanks to AK White Fox, Linda, and all involved with this. It sounds as though it's going to be great, cant wait. It really doesn't take that long to read the sticky, in fact it's quite absorbing once you get into it, but thanks Linda also for the synopsis. Oh and Mr B - The first Banned? well without doubt, it always has been and forever always will be - The Beatles !!!
White Fox Posted July 6, 2006 Author Posted July 6, 2006 Folks, I know it looks like there are a lot of rules. However, most all of that post is things that will come quite naturally once you are in and working at it. For instance, when you decide on the theme you want to use and when you find the post tab in there all of that is done. You will likely never change it again. As mentioned in the message, things have changed a lot since pictures disappeared from Melody maybe 3(?) years ago. Copyright is now a big issue as is X rated stuff. Our little site is now just a tiny bit bigger than little! I really think that everyone will enjoy the site. And Allfur and Furpunk, I am trying to remember but I don't think there is an album for those. We can work on that. Probably it will be a little while though before we make any changes now. However, if an album such as that is added later, images posted in other galleries can be moved to it at any time after it is added. W P.S. Ravens... May be but the Mamas and Papas are real close behind!
Guest Posted July 6, 2006 Posted July 6, 2006 Sorry furelli, but you act very rude Many hours of work have been spent by the mods and you say "please give me the important lines I don't have the time to read a 7 minutes (and I
imax-7 Posted July 6, 2006 Posted July 6, 2006 With that being said, I sadly will not post any pics here . In fact I have never posted pics anywhere, just for the same fears mentioned in the rules. While I do appreciate the work done by others, the pics I have are for me privately. I do not go around redistributing them on other sites. The last thing I want to do is get this or any other site shut down for something that I think is trivial. I hope this will last this time, its going to be interesting
White Fox Posted July 6, 2006 Author Posted July 6, 2006 Reallly sorry for multiple posts here but I though it was extremely important to address this issue quickly. You noticed I am sure how long it took to bring this new pictures area into being. We had to figure fool proof ways to keep from having copyright photos on the site. We had to figure what copyright images actually are in the first place! We had to figure how to protect the area completely and 100% from PETA posts. We had to be certain that this would in no way effect the Den here in General. We had to be sure it was very easy to use and that it was a very nice looking site. (It is!) And above all we had to be absolutely certain beyond any doubt that it was using a program that is going to be here for good. That the site will not be going down in 6 months. Hope this answers your question Imax. The site is here to stay. Feel free to post and/or just browse. I am certain that you will love it. I think that you will agree that AK has done his homework extremely well in answer to these questions above in this message. As long as everyone follows the rules, the pictures area will indeed be here to stay. W
ReFur Posted July 6, 2006 Posted July 6, 2006 imax, You can always have one of us take a look for you. I would be happy too. Plus I am certain we would enjoy your pictures as much as you might enjoy sharing them. I believe that we could arrange for a transfer to the clearing site and I would be willing to go in and review them for you. And, the x thing needs to be clarified so we all know what it means. I believe in the pictures area and the CofC it states this. And, as for the work on the pictures site. No credit goes to me. AK, WF and their crew did all the work. All I have done is to post the short version of the rules. WF and AK should we post some acknowledgements on the work done my the MODs and the individuals who spent all their time uploading all these great photos? " title="Applause" /> Or, maybe that will be in one of next days countdowns? Furelli, honestly, I think the way your question was presented probably hurt White's feelings. His is human, too. And, I personally can vouch for you. You are usually not this way. I am certain it was burnout from reading all the football posts. We all make posts that can come across differently then they were intended. I think you guys sometimes forget that you are a sensitive bunch! All of us need to express a big thank you for all the work for MONTHS of work that the crew has put into this. Linda
Fox Posted July 6, 2006 Posted July 6, 2006 Imax, Please don't be so timid about posting pictures. It's not really as hard as it sounds to stay within the confines. Like it was mentioned, we already have over a thousand pictures up there, so it can't be all that hard.
ReFur Posted July 6, 2006 Posted July 6, 2006 Fox, I think IMAX is concerned about posting something wrong. Not the posting process itself. L
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