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Extremely important

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Posted (edited)

Folks, I am sorry for so many sticky messages but they will I promise soon disappear!


A note to all former members of the Old Den at Melody.

Could you please go back to the Old Den at Melody and clear out all messages from your PM boxes there? Please remember to remove the messages from the "Sent" and "Out" boxes as well as the "Inbox" areas. I had not thought of this before, but this will give the folks there so much more room and a much better chance to keep their site from going down again.

This as mentioned is extremely important!





White Fox

Edited by Guest

Done, but bugger it, I read this post 30 secs after I deleted the hyperlink to melody. Had to rack my brain for the URL. One does get lazy with time!!!


(Edit by White... Thanks for the tip. I added the old address in my message. Thanks!)


I have just done it too - the Melody site was the solution to my problem when at first I couldn't get into the Furden here - happily White Fox read my pm on Melody and all was quickly put right. Thanks again White Fox.


Done here

Have a nice day



Thank you for this new site its a breath of fresh air

I have a nic name now its a SA_Mink i used to be sleek_fur but i believe its all relative i live in South Africa so why not :0) hope to be more proactive on this site more than before not much in the way of fur in South africa


Welcome SA_Mink. We would love to see your posts.


One comment about your new name. If you want your old post count from the old den to carry over, you must keep the exact name as you had on Melody. If you do just go in and re-register.


ALso, you might want to read over the FAQ section in our menu. It all kinds of info on our wonderful new "home".




I only had one to delete!


God i feel so lonely and unwanted




You only had one most on the old den? If so, it is nice to see you have settled in so nicely in our new home. I love your posts.




Thanks Folks. If absolutely Everyone here does this it will go a huge amount of the way to helping the folks there keep Melody wool site on the air!



White Fox,


I did it right away! That is the least we can do to thank this wonderful site for all they have done for us!


Hope all members will take the time as well.




Don't forget to clean out your "Sent", "Output" and "Input" boxes as well.


After cleaning out my saved box I found later I had a full "Sentbox".




just saw the message and cleared out the lot.


Hi folks,


many thanks for taking the time to clear the PMs over at Melody!

This helps to lighten our database.


Fuzzy greetings,

Joe Al


Thanks for the sent box tip...I went back and found that mine was 47% full! All packed and moved here.


The boys at Tsarevich



I found by sent box also full like 47% we ought start a 47% club.....................


all my messages at melody are gone........History 8)


Cleared mine all out, not many there though

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