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Stuffed Animal Rights

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You saw that topic and thought, "This cat must be some kind of a joker." Coming from ME, you've probably started to EXPECT stuff like this.


Outwardly, it is silly. But read these links, if you please:


>>> Stuffed Animal Rights <<<


>>> Yorick the Teddy Bear Philosopher <<<


>>> Alfredo the Great's Pilosophy Page <<<


>>> Stuffed Animal Liberation <<<


>>> Escalation of Stuffed Animal Struggle <<<


I read these links and, at first, I thought it was a lot of fluff. (Pun intended. ) But, then, as I read deeper, I realized that the guy(s) who wrote these pages must be some kind of insane geniuses!


There's a lot of relevance to the topic of fur, here. Think about all the pressure groups who claim authority to speak on a certain issue based on some real or imagined "right".


Correct me if I'm wrong but I see this as a humorous, backhanded commentary on all the people who try to gain social/political hegemony using "rights" as a platform.


If PeTA gets to make its claim for animal rights then I have 1,000 screaming Teddy Bears in my house, all raising their paws in the air chanting


Vive la Fur! Vive la revoluci


Cute sites, but not quite PETA parodies. Those would be about humans advocating raiding stuffed animal factories, which are really fake fur farms, throwing red paint on anyone in a fake fur coat, refusing to "enslave" a stuffed animal by giving one as a gift, etc.


No, I'm refering more to the tendancy for groups to form around some real or perceived "right".


Teddy Bear liberation is the rediculous extreme of that tendancy.

No, I'm refering more to the tendancy for groups to form around some real or perceived "right".


Teddy Bear liberation is the rediculous extreme of that tendancy.


You must not read Fuzzy Knights: http://www.fuzzyknights.com/


(Click on the link that reads, "Fuzzy Knights: Table Top Crusaders" to read the comic. You apparently can't direct link to it.)


Take, for instance, Johnathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal".


It is a concise arguement taken to a ludicrous extreme in order to to emphasize a point.


What I'm telling you is that PeTA's arguments for Animal Rights are just as crazy. Just take out the word "Stuffed".


Fuzzy Knights is cute! There are several Bears, here, who could fit right in to one of those stories!

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