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Clair de lune Videos (Moonlighting)

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Well I'm currently watching the Clair de lune TV series (Moonlghting inenglish) and I will post here the scenes with fur.


Here is the first (episode 2 of the first season): Clair de Lune 1x02


the file is 42Mo


Have often wondered how that dialogue would be in Fench... now I know. I hope the actoir/actress received due billing *grin*


And BOY does that bring back memories of shifting in my seat whilst watching that show first time through. Gotta love fox...... fur that is *grin*


Was just wondering if i am the only one havong problems with these Rapidshare links? In case you were wondering, yes i have followed the on-screen instructions, but i still get no joy.


Any suggestions?




Don't use a downloader, but rely on IE/firefox only. Downloaders are allowed if you pay them. *sigh*


I don't use any downloader progs, and i tried BOTH IE and Firefox, but i still get no further.


I'm with you Unclejoe. I used to get through but not any more. The seconds (or minutes) tick away to zero as normal, and then I get no further. A message comes up saying can't do ( or words to that effect).


It's frustrating


Nice to know you are not alone though eh?


Well, it seems some of you can't download with rapidshare. I will try to find another method to share those vids.


I got the file is over the free download limit. I will not pay for something like that. Put the files someplace else, that is a non pay site. UGH!!!!!!!


WOW! Beautiful furs, thanks Tweety!


I was successful in downloading them. Nice furs. But the woman seams to be in a major argument with the guy in both of them. To bad I dont speak french.


Furup, you never watched Moonlighting when it was broadcast in the US?? Shame on you *grin*


Seeing these makes me wish I saw the show back in its heyday.


I'll try to upload them on google

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