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  • BluFoxx9's Post

    What Started Your Love of Fur?

    Thank you robinfur for the welcome. After reading through the other messages I feel better knowing Im not alone. I always thought I was a weirdo. I know now that I am a highly sensuous person. My first encounter that I can remember was when I was about 7 or 8 yrs old sitting on the heater vent looking out our front window and seeing something being blown down the sidewalk by the wind. It looked fluffy and brown so I ran out to see what it was. It was a large fluffy racoon tail. I picked it up and when I felt the fur something came over me right away. I didnt know anything about sex or being turned on or anything I just felt weird. Well that tail became my little friend. I took it to bed with me and it felt good between my legs, and when it rubbed against my genitals that was it. I didnt know it then but I was hooked for life. Everytime from then on I would see fur in anyway shape or form a huge powerfull feeling would come over me. Sometimes my nextdoor neighbors would go on vacation and ask me to feed their cat while they were gone. They had a giant long hair luxurious sheepskin rug in there den. It became mine while they were away. I was probably 9 or 10 then I would strip and run around their house naked rolling around on the fur carry it around drape it over my back. so much sneaky fun. Then one christmas my dad bought my mom a mink stole. I could not believe it. Pure Heaven. I would act sick so I could stay home alone from school. The second the door closed and I was alone I would RUN to my moms closet and remove the mink and play with it all day long. I would orgasam just by smelling the musky mink... I would also always be looking at the sears and macys catologs always looking for fur pictures. I did the at church thing where the women would wear there fur coats and stoles. I would always try and sit as close to them as possible just to hopefully get a brush of the fur against my arm or hand. Once I sat right next to a lady with a gorgeous silver mink stole I will never forget, she placed it on her lap and folded it over so it kind of touched my arm between my wrist and elbow I remembered it as eternity hopeing she would not move at all. I froze and didnt move my arm at all. I was in heaven sitting in church with that hard stiff feeling between my legs...There were many instances like this. When out shopping with my mom I would always try and brush against the furs on display or one being worn by a shopper. Then it happened...I went to stay with my rich aunt and uncle for a week. They put me in the guest room. I could not believe my eyes when I walked into the room there on the floor next to the bed was a giant white longhaired sheepskin. I was in heaven again. As soon as they went to bed and said good night I couldnt get that fur into bed with me fast enough. Naked under the covers all warm and fluffy, I must have had 20 orgasms that first night. I slept with it every night and put it back on the floor in the morning. Around the third day I poking around in the closet in the guest room the closet went in deep and behind some coats there were some bags with zippers hanging on hangers. I zipped down the zipper to see inside and almost died. There were 3 bags. The first one was a white thick fur jacket (probably fox, the only fur name I new was mink). The next zipper revealed a giant full length mink, and behind zipper nr 3 came a giant full length probably fox coat, so thick as I clawed my hand into it. This discovery was during the day, and I remember thinking why didnt I look in here sooner I was only staying there 2 more days... I couldnt wait for bedtime that day. All day long I thought about those furs in the closet, NOTHING in the whole world mattered other than going to bed that night and anticipating those glorious furs waiting for me. Needless to say I had my own orgy that night. I put the luxurious rug into bed and then very quietly pulled the furs. The sound of the zipper slowly revealing my first real fur coats. The smell of the furs intoxicating. I pulled them out and tryed them on one by one. Then I took one and turned it inside out and was completely surrounded by fur for the first time. They all came into bed with me and what a time we had. Pure bliss... needless to say she was my favorite aunt...from then on my life long ambition has been to satisfy my life long love of fur... I have a nice collection now 7 full length blue fox (my favorite fur, although I have yet to feel sable), 3 blue fox jackets, 2 full length minks, 1 mink jacket (I can still orgasam just from smelling mink), 16 giant fluffy sheepskins, 2 full length crystal fox coats, giant fur boas...my giant walkin closet has become my "fur den". Someday hopefully my den will include a sable...I will have more true fur stories to share in the near future.... your obsessed fur friend


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